I’m Cinderella… Which Disney Princess are you?
by Jessica | Aug 13, 2007 | Quizzes | 0 comments
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Our Family

A Little About Me
Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.
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- What a week!
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- Good Shepherd's Garden Party :: Plans for Week Seven
- Wordless Wednesday . . .
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- Comparing Baby Pictures #2
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- On Good Friday
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- Wordless Wednesday ~ At the Rink
- A Birthday Celebration
- The Good Shepherd's Garden Party :: Week Two
- An Update on Rose
- A Simple Craft for Holy Week and Easter
- Palm Sunday 2010
- The Good Shepherd's Garden Party :: Week One
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- Good Shepherd's Garden Printables
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- The Garden of the Good Shepherd ~ A Give-Away!
- Celebrating the Easter Season :: The Garden of the Good Shepherd
- Picture Books for Easter
- In Honor of St. Joseph
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- S is for Saints, Shamrocks and Six Smiling Sweeties!
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- ▼February (25)
- State-by-State Scrapbook :: Maryland
- Highlights from "Q" Week
- A couple pictures...
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- Young Hunters
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- On St. Valentine's Day
- Pictures from Last Weekend...
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- Craft Basket Wednesday :: A Calendar for Lent
- Q is for Quilt
- Highlights from "P" Week
- Happy 8th Birthday...
- 40 Bags in 40 Days
- Small Successes :: February 4, 2010
- Wordless Wednesday ~ Our Little Rose
- An Afternoon Tea on Candlemas Day
- My Daybook ~ February 2nd
- In Honor of St. Brigid of Ireland...
- ▼January (31)
- New Testament Lap Book
- Amy's hosting an auction...
- Planet Cookies
- Craft Basket Wednesday
- Wordless Wednesday ~ Hip Hip Hooray!
- My Daybook ~ January 25th
- Highlights from "O" Week
- My Daybook ~ January 20th
- State-by-State Scrapbook :: Massachusetts
- Wordless Wednesday
- 32 GB of FUN on my 32nd Birthday!!!
- One Month Old Today!
- Extraordinary Measures :: The Inspirational Quilt
- Hadley Hope
- Catholic Artworks
- Highlights from "N" Week
- Highlights from "M" Week
- Back to Reality...
- On the 12th Day of Christmas...
- Amazon Prime ~ Free Trial!
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- Scenes from Christmas Day :: Battle for the Bouncer
- Scenes from Christmas Day :: Baby's 1st Christmas
- Scenes from Christmas Day :: Christmas Brunch
- Scenes from Christmas Day :: Around Our Home
- Comparing Baby Pictures
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- On the Solemnity Feast of Mary the Mother of God...
- Handmade Treasures
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- Well, I tried...
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- I know, I know...
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- Garden of the Good Shepherd ~ Week 1
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- Coloring the Stations of the Cross
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- And this year's winner is...
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- My Daybook ~ Holy Week Edition
- Little Flowers Girls' Club ~ Humility
- Shower of Photos 2009 :: Day 6
- Healthy Families: Safe Children - On Parenting
- Shower of Photos 2009 :: Day 5 (Palm Sunday)
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- Easter Hope Challenge 2009 ~ Update
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- Healthy Families: Safe Children - The Power of Relationships
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- Mystery Solved
- Shower of Photos 2009 :: Day 1
- April's Shower of Photos ~ 2009
- Gotcha!
- ▼March (40)
- Wild Life!
- In like a Lion, Out like a Lamb
- Resurrection Eggs
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- A Springtime Quiz
- Northwest Catholic Family Education Conference
- Lætare Sunday
- Our Very First St. Joseph Altar
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- Lá breithe mhaith agat!
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- A wee bit o' Irish art...
- St. Patrick's Day Lap Book
- Plans for the Feast of St. Patrick
- WoW ~ Week 9
- Mixed Emotions
- Lenten Daybook ~ March 10, 2009
- Lenten Cleaning
- Spring Blog-Cleaning
- Ten Commandments Lap Book
- WoW ~ Week 8
- A Boy and his Tricycle
- A Lenten Daybook ~ March 3, 2009
- Book Review: Saints at the Dinner Table
- ▼February (30)
- The Passion for Children
- Spreading a Little Love :: Pay it Forward
- Could you please...
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- Garden of the Good Shepherd
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- WoW ~ Week 7
- Shrove Tuesday
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- “My son, your sins are forgiven.”
- Getting Ready for Lent
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- The Holy Sacrifice
- A Quick Update
- Celebrating St. Valentine
- On St. Valentine's Day
- Valentine's Day Treats
- In Honor of Our Lady of Lourdes
- WoW ~ Week 5
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- Has it really been 7 years???
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- Peek-a-Boo
- WoW ~ Week 4
- Winter Fun
- My Daybook ~ February 3rd, 2009
- ▼January (50)
- Our Godson's Baptism
- Baptism Pictures
- Prayer to St. John Bosco
- In Honor of St. Thomas Aquinas
- Wordless Wednesday ~ Lovin' our new books!
- WoW ~ Week 3
- For St. Thomas Aquinas
- My Daybook ~ January 26, 2009
- It's Official
- Little Flowers Girls' Club ~ January Meeting
- Friends
- Fun at the Zoo
- What was I thinking?
- March for Life ~ 2009
- WoW ~ Week 2
- Fun Music For Kids
- Inauguration Day Prayer
- My Daybook ~ January 19, 2009
- Drumroll please...
- 7 Quick Takes ~ 31st Birthday Edition
- A Cake Catastrophe
- Who will stand up for the little ones?
- Another Giveaway
- Ideas for the Feast of St. Anthony the Abbot
- Real Quick...
- Walking at the Track
- Positively Hopeful
- WoW ~ Week 1
- The Jesus Tree ~ A Lenten Bible Study
- My Daybook ~ January 12, 2009
- Please Pray
- Inauguration Day Mass Intentions
- Plans for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
- Cheap Toys
- Amazing Deals on Father Lovasik Books and Coloring Books for Children
- Some Exciting News
- Weight on Wednesday
- Celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany
- Flapper Hat Girls
- Marie Antoinette Award
- The Octamom Award
- My Daybook ~ January 6, 2009
- Here's the link...
- Looking Back at 2008
- Advent Lap Book
- Chiquita's First Time...
- My little Snuggle Bug...
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- ▼2008 (564)
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- A Spiritual Bouquet...
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- Bargain Books
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- Jesse Tree Readings and Coloring Pages for Advent 2008
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- Celebrating the Feast of St. Catherine
- Meeting Godparents
- So very much to be thankful for...
- Thank you ♥
- Heartbroken
- Painting Leaves...
- Remembering...
- "Now is the time for Saints!"
- A Favorite Dessert
- My Daybook ~ November 17th
- Thanksgiving Stories
- I ♥ Games
- My Daybook ~ Nov 14th
- Video Highlights: Mass for the Holy Souls
- Little Flowers Girls' Club ~ November Meeting
- Decorating Sugar Skulls
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Nov 5th
- Just what I needed to hear this morning...
- A Mass at the Cemetery
- I Am My Brother's Keeper
- All Saints' Party
- Our Cast of Saints ~ 2008
- Another Saint-O-Lantern
- Making Cookies
- Congratulations to the Foss Family...
- ▼October (49)
- Ascension-O-Lantern
- Please join us in praying...
- Learning to Sew
- Pictures from the Pumpkin Patch
- Watch "Come What May" Tonight!!!
- Money well spent...
- Hallowed Days: All Saints and All Souls Fair
- Any Guesses...
- Fasting and Feasting for All Hallows' Eve, All Saints' Day and All Souls Day
- Six Months Later...
- St. Francis of Assisi Costume
- Right Start Math ~ Yellow is the Sun
- The Answers
- Movie Line Meme
- Today's Craving: Hot Apple Crisp
- Newscast of the Future?
- Saintly Costumes
- America Decides: Culture of Life or Culture of Death?
- Catholic Cuisine From Thy Bounty Fair Reminder ~ Hallowed Days: All Saints and All Souls
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Oct 20th
- Louis and Zelie Martin will be beatified...
- Little Flowers Girls' Club ~ October Meeting
- For St. Therese ♥
- Blue Knights vs. Little Flowers
- Do you ever have one of those days...
- Wordless Wednesday ~ Oh Baby!
- Plans for the Feast of St. Teresa of Avila
- Go Vote!!!
- Columbus Day 2008
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Oct 13th
- Columbus Day
- And the winner is...
- Gymbucks!!
- Catching Up...
- Saintly Games
- In Honor of the Most Holy Rosary
- Today it was...
- Tagged Again...
- Christmas Tree Advent Calendar: Review and Giveaway
- The Feast of the Most Holy Rosary
- My little snuggly baby...
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Oct 6th
- A Shower of Roses
- It's raining, It's pouring...
- Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
- Thank You!!
- Wedding Memories on our Anniversary
- Chocolate Roses for St. Thérèse
- A Week of Celebrating
- ▼September (58)
- Plans for the Feast of St. Therese
- Novena to Saint Thérèse ~ Day Nine
- Celebrating Michaelmas
- Artwork on Michaelmas
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Sep 29th
- Novena to Saint Thérèse ~ Day Eight
- Plans for the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
- Plans for Michaelmas
- Looking Back
- Novena to Saint Thérèse ~ Day Seven
- Roses and Blessings
- Novena to Saint Thérèse ~ Day Six
- Novena to Saint Thérèse ~ Day Five
- Who, Me???
- Novena to Saint Thérèse ~ Day Four
- Please pray...
- Playing with Little People
- Novena to Saint Thérèse ~ Day Three
- My little Artists
- A is for Art
- Novena to Saint Thérèse ~ Day Two
- Novena to Saint Thérèse
- Learning about the Five Senses
- Clothing Clutter
- For my Boys
- A (way too short) Visit
- Little Flowers for St. Therese
- Frustrated...
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- A New Bouncy Chair
- The Fire
- A Good Day
- Carrying Our Cross Daily
- The Stressed Out Momma's Daybook ~ September 15th
- Smoky Mountain Picnic
- Ouch!
- Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- The countdown begins...
- The Most Holy Name of Mary
- Having Fun with the Alphabet
- From Thy Bounty Fairs - Autumn Edition
- An Alphabet of Saints
- Fresh Plum Cobbler
- WoW ~ Starting Over!
- The Nativity of Mary
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Sep 8th
- The Feast of Blessed Mother Teresa
- Picking Plums
- Wooden Saint Dolls
- "I Belong to God"
- Memory Lane Tag
- Making Lunch Time Fun
- Morning Inspiration
- First Day of School 2008-2009
- Music Preferences
- Deo Grátias!
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Sep 1st
- Birthday Highlights
- ▼August (40)
- Happy Birthday Twinkle Toes!
- In Honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- Super Commenter
- Graduation Day
- The First Shall be Last . . .
- The Rest of our Plans
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Aug 25th
- Our Plan: Religion
- Our Cookie Crown Cake
- Feast of St. Pius X
- Happy 20th Birthday...
- The Prodigal Son
- "Serving My First Tridentine Mass"
- Learning to Sacrifice
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Aug 18th
- Our Plan: American History
- Humanae Vitae: 40 Years Later
- Our Plan: Math
- The Feast of the Assumption
- Celebrating the Feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe
- Scenes from a Summer's Day ~ Aug 14th
- Scenes from a Summer's Day ~ Aug 13th #2
- Scenes from a Summer's Day ~ Aug 13th
- The Four Temperaments
- Feast of St. Clare
- Scenes from a Summer's Day ~ Aug 10th
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Aug 12th
- Our Plan: World History
- Roses for St. Thérèse
- Scenes from a Summer's Day ~ Aug 7th
- Scenes from a Summer's Day ~ Aug 6th
- Scenes from a Summer's Day ~ Aug 5th
- A Very First Swimming Lesson
- Scenes from a Summer's Day ~ Aug 4th
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Aug 4th
- Scenes from a Summer's Day ~ Aug 3rd
- Scenes from a Summer's Day ~ Aug 2nd
- Scenes from a Summer's Day ~ Aug 1st
- St. Ignatius of Loyola
- New Again
- ▼July (41)
- Please Pray
- Scenes from a Summer's Day, 7
- Quick Question...
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ July 28
- *Almost* Excommunicated
- I tried!
- Happy Feast of St. James!
- Scenes from a Summer's Day, 6
- Christmas in July!
- A quick look at my plans for next year...
- Scenes from a Summer's Day, 5
- Tempermental
- Mosaic Meme
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ July 21
- Military Birthday Party
- The Saint Song
- The First Mass and First Holy Communion
- Scenes from a Summer's Day, 4
- Heavenly Fun!
- Sidewalk Art
- Celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel
- Scenes from a Summer's Day, 3
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel ~ July 16th
- Scenes from a Summer's Day, 2
- First Blessings
- Scenes from a Summer's Day
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ July 14
- Louis and Zélie Martin's Beatification
- An Update on our Snuggle Bug
- The Ordination in Pictures
- The Ordination
- A Summertime Plan
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ July 7th
- Beatification ceremony of St. Therese's parents is imminent!
- Wishing you all a very Happy...
- Plans for the Feast of St. Thomas
- Wordless Wednesday ~ Graduation Day!
- Pass the Chicken
- Life-saving Day
- At the Hotel
- Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo
- ▼June (18)
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ June 30th
- Sisters
- The Strategic Air & Space Museum
- First Birthday Highlights
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ June 23rd
- No Room at the Inn
- Our Baby Boy Is ONE Today!
- Next Stop: Cabela's
- What happened to Weight on Wednesday??
- Going Bananas
- The Natural History Museum
- On the Road
- Summer Time = Popsicle Time
- The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ June 16th
- Happy Father's Day!
- Be it ever so humble...
- Wordless Wednesday ~ Daddy training his "Altar Boys"
- Another Anniversary...
- ▼May (44)
- Today...
- Don't forget to tune in...
- Wordless Wednesday ~ My Girls
- Altar-ation
- NFP vs. Contraception VII
- "My Trip Journal"
- 13 things I am looking forward to this month!
- Happy Anniversary!
- Deo Grátias!
- WoW ~ Week 12
- "School Time" Toys
- Mitten Srings for God: Chapter Nine
- Mitten Strings for God: Catching Up!
- The Simple Woman's Daybook~May 19th
- First Holy Communions
- Since you asked...
- They totally spoiled me!!!
- Non-Important Facts about Today...
- From Thy Bounty Fair - First Communion Celebration
- In anticipation...
- Preparing for First Holy Communion
- The Little Flower's First Communion
- Wow ~ Week 11
- Prayer Request
- It's been one year...
- Pentecost Sunday & Mother's Day!
- Thank you Mom!
- Speaking of Setting Goals...
- Making Music
- On Setting Goals
- A First Holy Communion Fair
- On Modesty
- Trip Pictures!!
- Just for fun...
- Just Swingin'
- WoW ~ Week 10
- Plans for Pentecost Sunday
- Another Loss...
- How did he do it???
- Safe and Sound...
- Garden of the Good Shepherd ~ Week 7
- April Shower of Photos :: Day 30
- WoW ~ Week 9
- Defending the Unborn
- ►April (77)
- ▼March (73)
- Our Divine Mercy Sunday ~ A Lovely Day!
- Divine Mercy Sunday
- Easter Candy + Cookies
- Chocolate, OF COURSE!
- On Lap Books
- Speaking of Peace...
- Mittenstrings: Chapter 3
- SNOW!!!
- A Butterfly Lap Book
- This is seriously getting ridiculous...
- In case you were wondering...
- Kindness and Flowers
- WoW...
- Vote Pro-Life
- How appropriate!
- Our Holy Week and Easter
- Last year...
- Happy Birthday...
- On Easter Day
- He Is Risen!
- The Easter Vigil
- The Easter Story ~ Resurrection Cookies
- Love's Wordless Response:
- Good Friday
- Hot Cross Buns!
- The Divine Mercy Novena Begins Today
- The Easter Triduum
- Spring is here!!
- Spring Cleaning ~ Reality Check
- Spring Cleaning ~ The Laundry Room
- Wednesday of Holy Week
- Spring Cleaning ~ The Nursery
- And the winner is...
- Spring Cleaning ~ Master Bedroom & Bath
- WoW ~ Week 3
- Need: More Hiding Places
- Tuesday of Holy Week
- Spring Cleaning ~ The Goal
- Our Irish Baby's...
- When Irish eyes are smiling...
- In honor of:
- Monday of Holy Week
- The Jesus Tree ~ Week Seven
- Palm Sunday
- Egg-cellent!!!
- Irish Names
- Solemnity Feast of St. Joseph
- How can you NOT love Country???
- "MOM! They are BACK!!!"
- Good Morning!
- I'm going!!! Are you?
- Spelling Time
- It's Wednesday!
- One in, One out
- In the Garage
- Seven Things Meme
- Ice Skating
- Not Very Becoming
- Peace, dailiness and simplicity...
- I know...
- Birth Verse
- Sweet Sixteen
- The First Saint of Ireland
- WOW!
- Easter Hope Challenge
- A Love of {audio} Books
- Many Happy Returns of the Day...
- Catholic Children's Magazine
- The Jesus Tree ~ Week Six
- Expensive Balloons
- St. Therese
- Mothering Sunday
- Ring around the rosy
- ►February (51)
- ►January (42)
- ▼December (42)
- ▼2007 (148)