The Great O Antiphons, The Golden Nights + Giveaway

The Great O Antiphons, The Golden Nights + Giveaway

Ever since our oldest children were very little, we have been implementing an old monastic custom in our home by providing special treats, representing each of the “O Antiphons” on the days leading up to Christmas. The O Antiphon prayers begin on December 17th and end on the 23rd, which is the last Vespers of Advent, since the evening prayer on the 24th is the Vigil of Christmas.

The Benedictine monks arranged these antiphons with a definite purpose. If one starts with the last title and takes the first letter of each one – Emmanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai, Sapientia – the Latin words ero cras are formed, meaning, “Tomorrow, I will come.” Therefore, the Lord Jesus, whose coming we have prepared for in Advent and whom we have addressed in these seven Messianic titles, now speaks to us, “Tomorrow, I will come.” So the “O Antiphons” not only bring intensity to our Advent preparation, but bring it to a joyful conclusion.

Each night, following our family rosary, we pray the O Antiphon for the day, sing O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, which was inspired by this ancient tradition, and then give the children a special treat.

The “treats” have varied from year to year. Some years it has been little gifts or activities for the family, some years it is all food related, and some years it is a mix of both, depending on our schedule and budget. It doesn’t need to cost much or even anything at all! Be creative!

Sometimes the treats are a bit of a stretch, but my goal is try and find gifts that will either help increase our faith (Catechism books, holy family, saints, prayer, etc) or encourage family time (games, puzzles, going to look at Christmas lights, etc). You can find some of our past O Antiphon treats by scrolling through the archives and visiting Catholic Cuisine.

Our family loves this tradition. It is such a fun way to teach the children about these beautiful prayers of the church and also increase their excitement as Christmas gets closer.

Here are more details on our O Antiphon House and Blocks

In case you are looking for some inspiration, I’ve listed some of the treats I’ve given my family over the years (along with my picks for this year)… Special food ideas, activities and gifts (or you can simply decorate chocolate coins!) for each of the O Antiphons can be found below.

Once again I am hosting an O ANTIPHON GIVEAWAY! Seven lucky visitors here at Shower of Roses will receive gifts this year!  Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post for the details and to enter.

O Sapientia (O Wisdom) – December 17th

Since the symbol for wisdom is a book, I usually choose a new Catholic book for our family. This year it is The Holy Bible Adapted for Young Readers for the kids and Building a Wholesome Family in a Broken World: Habsburg Lessons from the Centuries for Sean and I both new releases from Sophia Institute Press (and available on Amazon as well here and here). *SAVE 30% with code XMAS30 at Sophia on orders of $25+

O Wisdom Ideas from Over the Years:

O Wisdom that comest out of the mouth of the Most High, that reachest from one end to another, and orderest all things mightily and sweetly, come to teach us the way of prudence!

December 18th – O Adonai (O Lord)

One last new Christmas puzzle to start!

(Update: I ordered this puzzle from Puzzledy during a Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale. I had run across it and another one I really wanted elsewhere but it was out of stock and I had to hunt them down. Looks like they still have 5 or 6 in stock.)

In the past we would always emphasize the word “house” in this Antiphon, and have made our Gingerbread Houses or Gingerbread Cookies on this night.  Now that we have two birthdays this week (and two birthday cakes to bake and decorate!) we usually wait until New Year’s Eve to decorated Gingerbread Houses. 

O Adonai Ideas from Over the Years:

O Adonai, and Ruler of the house of Israel, Who didst appear unto Moses in the burning bush, and gavest him the law in Sinai, come to redeem us with an outstretched arm!

December 19th – O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse)

Our 2024 Family Ornament will be wrapped up for the 19th! I also got the LEGO Poinsettia Set for the little kids to build today. A sweet friend gifted us with a beautiful live poinsettia already this year!

O Root of Jesse Ideas from Over the Years:

O Root of Jesse, which standest for an ensign of the people, at Whom the kings shall shut their mouths, Whom the Gentiles shall seek, come to deliver us, do not tarry.

December 20th – O Clavis David (O Key of David)

As St. Padre Pio, said: “Prayer is the best weapon we have. It is a key opening God’s Heart.”  

Once again we are planning to take our children to Mass or Adoration. I’ll probably wrap up this “Trimming the Tree” candle since our college girl will be flying home and we’ll decorate our tree this upcoming weekend.

O Key of David Ideas from Over the Years:

O Key of David, and Sceptre of the house of Israel, that openeth and no man shutteth, and shutteth and no man openeth, come to liberate the prisoner from the prison, and them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death.

December 21st – O Oriens (O Dayspring)

We’ll once again make hot cocoa and pile in the car to go look at Christmas lights downtown weather permitting!

O Dayspring Ideas from Over the Years:

O Dayspring, Brightness of the everlasting light, Son of justice, come to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death!

December 22nd – O Rex Gentium (O King of the Gentiles)

Seek and Find Books from Ignatius Press… We already have the first in the series. So fun! (Also available from Amazon here.)

O King Ideas from Over the Years: (many are perfect for Epiphany too)

O King of the Gentiles, yea, and desire thereof!  O Corner-stone, that makest of two one, come to save man, whom Thou hast made out of the dust of the earth!

December 23rd – O Emmanuel (O With Us is God)

My True Love Gave to Me: A Catechism for the Twelve Days of Christmas

(Currently out of stock at TAN Books)

O Emmanuel Ideas from Over the Years:

O Emmanuel, our King and our Law-giver, Longing of the Gentiles, yea, and salvation thereof, come to save us, O Lord our God!

Scroll through all the past “O Antiphon” posts here.

If you are looking for gift ideas, you can find my lists of Christmas Gift Ideas & Stocking Stuffers here (2015)here (2016)here (2017)here (2018)here (2019)here (2020), here (2022) and here (2023).

O Antiphons Giveaway

And finally here is the 4th and final of my blog giveaways for this year! This will be a quick one! Enter by 12/19/2024. I’ll draw names on Friday!

Prize #1 – Set of Cookie Stamps

Win a Set of 7 Cookie Stamps with recipe booklet to go along with each of the O Antiphons: Wisdom: #460 – Triune God, House: #214 – Home Sweet Home, Root of Jesse: #520 – Willow Tree, Key of David: #543 – Key to My Heart, Dayspring: #291 – Moravian Star, King: #448 – Norwegian Wedding Crown, and Emmanuel: #368 – Nativity sponsored by Rycraft Cookie Stamps ($90.93 Value)

Congratulations, Angela S!

Prize #2 – Deluxe Christmas Nativity Wooden Playset

Includes: Deluxe Christmas Nativity Wooden Playset sponsored by Shining Light Dolls ($84.99 Value)

Congratulations, Dee!

Prize #3 – Set of all four Seek & Find Books from Ignatius Press

Includes: Seek and Find Books – The Life of Jesus (Books 1), The Lives of Saints (Book 2), On the Way to Santiago de Compostela (Book 3), The Twelve Apostles (Book 4) sponsored by Ignatius Press ($59.96 Value)

Congratulations, Agnes!

Prize #4 – Two New Books from Sophia Institute Press

Includes: The Holy Bible Adapted for Young Readers and Building a Wholesome Family in a Broken World: Habsburg Lessons from the Centuries sponsored by Sophia Institute Press ($43.90 Value)

Congratulations, Rachel B!

Enter the Giveaway using the Rafflecopter Box below: 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Read more about our family’s traditions here:

The Advent Season In Our Catholic Home

A Letter to Baby Jesus

A Letter to Baby Jesus on the Eve of the Feast of St. Nicholas

Incorporating the Christkindl Tradition into Advent

Back in 2012, I shared about a beautiful Austrian custom I first read about in Maria von Trapp’s Around the Year with the Trapp Family. (At the time, I had the out-of-print 1955 version—how wonderful that it has since been reprinted! Affiliate links to the book at Amazon and Sophia Institute Press.)

Maria describes how her family prepared for Advent, including a tradition involving letters to the Holy Child:

…And there is still one very important thing to do for Advent. According to Austrian custom, every member of the family writes a letter to the Holy Child mentioning his resolutions for the weeks of Advent and listing all his wishes for gifts. This “Christkindl Brief” (letter to the Holy Child) is put on the window sill, from whence the Guardian Angel will take it up to heaven to read it aloud to the Holy Child…

Inspired by this tradition, we decided to incorporate it into our own family’s Advent traditions.

Our Family’s Christkindl Tradition

Each year during Advent, our children write letters to Baby Jesus. In the past we have used various templates or they have handwritten their own. In their letters, they include:

  • What they are thankful for,
  • Special intentions they are praying for,
  • Ways they want to grow closer to Jesus,
  • and Christmas gift wishes.

Instead of placing the letters on the windowsill, our children just tuck their “Christkindl Briefs” into their shoes or slippers on the eve of St. Nicholas’ feast day. The next morning, St. Nicholas has “picked up” the letters to deliver them to the Christ Child!

This has become a meaningful way to tie in St. Nicholas’ feast day and deepen the connection between Advent and Christmas. Plus, it helps our children reflect on both spiritual preparation and the joy of giving and receiving.

Dec 5th: Our littlest ones with their “Christkindl Briefs” (Letters to the Holy Child) all ready to go—they tucked them into their slippers before heading to bed, for St. Nicholas to pick up tonight and deliver to Baby Jesus. (They wrote letters to St. Nicholas too!) 💌

Write Your Own Christkindl Brief

This year I created a new template for our younger children. Even though we write our letter’s on December 5th, it really can be done anytime during Advent leading up to Christmas.

If you’d like to use it too you can download the printable letter pdf here or simply save the image below to print at home.

If you decide to try this tradition in your home, I pray it brings your family closer to the heart of the season—preparing not just your homes, but also your hearts, to welcome the Christ Child.

Wishing you a joyful and blessed Advent season!

A Book Lover’s Christmas 1,000 Piece Puzzle

A Book Lover’s Christmas A 1000-piece Jigsaw Puzzle — Includes Beautiful Illustrations of Christmas Scenes from Literature, find Your Favorite Characters!

I mentioned earlier that our family really loves puzzles. I included this Book Lover’s Christmas puzzle in this year’s New Finds for Christmas and pulled it out to get started on the First Sunday of Advent. Everyone loved it!

I love that, when there is a puzzle in progress, there is always someone working on it late at night before bed…

… and even early in the morning before anyone else is up!

They started this one on the December 1st and had it finished on the 4th, despite school, chores and extra curricular activities. It turned out beautiful and we all loved pointing out and discussing the scenes from so many great books!

Features Classic Festive Scenes From Favorite Books Including:

Little Miss Bronte: Wuthering Heights

Jane Eyre (We have many versions… Our 15 year old just finished the Ignatius Critical Editionmy review here – for her high school literature course this year, older sister has it in her Bronte collection, and I have a very old copy and a newer copy pictured above!)

The Gift of the Magi

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (our 12 year old’s edition is from Barnes & Noble)

The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen, Illustrated by P.J. Lynch

Anne of Green Gables (Included in the Puffin in Bloom Collection)

Emma (Also included in this new Jane Austen Gift Set!)

Little Women (Also included in the Puffin in Bloom Collection)

The Nutcracker (also from Barnes & Noble)

A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Writings

The Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore

“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

A Book Lover’s 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle

Scroll through other favorite puzzles here.

Christmas Market Search & Find Puzzle

Christmas Market Search & Find Puzzle – Amazon Affiliate Link

Winter in our house means puzzles! Right after Thanksgiving, the folding card table and puzzles come out. There’s something so relaxing about gathering around the table and working on puzzles together.

Years ago, I started the tradition of getting one new puzzle each Advent. It was perfect—slow and steady, just like the season. But as the kids have gotten older, they have also gotten much faster. And with all the feast days this week, and two birthdays next week, Advent seems to fly by as well… This year I picked up a couple new puzzles at a local bookstore but then stocked up on even more during the black Friday sales. We should have enough to keep them busy for a little while anyway! 😉

On the first Sunday of Advent I set out two new puzzles. One for the whole family (pictures coming next – it’s already been completed, as well as the following one for the second week of Advent!) and also this one for the little girls. They’ve completed it at least four times already and it’s kept them occupied (and happily working together) for hours!

Christmas Market Search & Find Puzzle by Mudpuppy

Advent is such a busy season, but making time for simple traditions like unwrapping books to read each night after our family rosary and assembling puzzles helps us slow down and spend time together.

Have you put together any puzzles lately? I’d love to hear about your favorites!

Advent Devotional: The Road to Bethlehem

The Road to Bethlehem: Daily Meditations for Advent and Christmas by St. Alphonsus Liguori

TAN Books has been publishing some beautiful books, and this one is no exception! Yesterday, for the First Sunday of Advent, I gave each of our older kids their own copy. I had one shipped direct to our oldest son in Arizona, but it (and the one I still have here for our current college student) hasn’t arrived yet, so I also sent them the Audible Audiobook so they can still get started while they wait for their physical copies to arrive.

There are only about 3-4 pages for each day so it’s very easy to implement into your Advent prayers and devotions. Following the 18 Meditations for Advent there are 9 Meditations for the Christmas Novena (Dec 16-24), then 12 Meditations for Christmas (Dec 25-Jan 5) and 8 Epiphany Meditations (Jan 6-13).

“This Advent Season, let the great and prolific Doctor of the Church, St. Alphonsus Liguori, guide you on a daily prayerful pilgrimage from the start of Advent through the birth of our Lord to the Epiphany. Drawing on Sacred Scripture and his profound saintly counsel, St. Alphonsus takes you into the details of Christ’s birth for prayerful reflection that will have your imagination placing you at the feet of our infant Lord. With meditations on the poverty of our Lord becoming man to Jesus weeping as a baby and lying on straw, St. Alphonsus will bring a humble intensity to your Advent prayer life. The contents of these meditations are marked by both joy for the birth of our Lord and sorrow for what we know He will suffer for our salvation.”Read more here.

I highly recommended it if you are still looking for an Advent and Christmas devotional! You can order The Road to Bethlehem from TAN Books or over at Amazon. I also included it in this year’s New Picture Books for the Feast of St. Nicholas!

P.S. TAN Books has 35% off sitewide today for Cyber Monday!

Annual Advent Book Basket, Free Labels and Giveaway

The Advent Season in our home includes so many lovely traditions that have slowly grown over the years including our Advent Wreath, Advent Calendars and Jesse Tree, but one of our favorites is counting down the days with our annual Advent Book Basket. Over the years, we’ve built an incredible home library, including many books in Christmas Mosaic and from our children’s ever-growing list of favorite Christmas picture books. Each year, we add new treasures, especially on the feast of St. Nicholas. (Check out this year’s St. Nick books here!)  

The length of Advent ranges from 22 to 28 days, beginning on the Sunday closest to the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle (November 30th) and embracing four Sundays. The first day of Advent can fall as early as November 27th to as late as December 3rd. This year Advent begins on Sunday, December 1st- I really love it when that happens!

Some new carefully chosen additions to our collection!

I love mixing old favorites with new finds as I decide which books to wrap up each year for our Advent Book Basket. The kids get just as excited as I do, especially when they unwrap their favorites or discover a carefully chosen addition!

As for those “carefully chosen additions” (we’ll just call it that because it sounds better than my inability to resist beautiful books!), I can’t help myself! Advent is a perfect excuse to stock up on rich, faith-filled, and heartwarming stories. You can never have too many books to help prepare our hearts for Christmas!

Here’s what made the cut for this year’s Advent Book Basket:

2024 Advent Book Basket

Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

To use all season: All About Advent & Christmas: Sharing the Seasons of Hope & Wonder with Children

December 25 – Christmas – (NEW) My True Love Gave to Me: A Children’s Catechism for the Twelve Days of Christmas (A new release available directly from TAN Books – I’m planning to wrap this up as an O Antiphon Treat this year.)

Years ago, I traded our original purple and pink wrapping paper for brown paper decorated with reusable purple and pink ribbons (saved annually). I occasionally repurpose brown paper bags or opt for a roll of brown craft paper from the craft store, pairing it with the ribbon and homemade labels.

We’ll unwrap and read one book each night during Advent, following our family rosary. The rest of our book collection will be placed in additional baskets, ready to be enjoyed throughout the seasons of Advent and Christmas.

Let me know if you want to hear more about any specific book on this year’s list! I’m hoping to blog a few reviews and share some inside pictures soon. It’s always fun to give you a closer look at the stories and illustrations that make these books so special. Stay tuned!

If you’d like to use my little labels too, you can download my Advent Book Basket Labels for 2024 over at Dropbox.

I took the picture above before updating and moving the Immaculate Conception. As Our Lady Immaculately Conceived is the patroness of the United States of America, this is a holy day of obligation in the United States. The Solemnity was transferred from the 8th because of the Sunday Liturgy of Advent.

This year I also made it to where they could be printed on Avery 5294 High Visibility Round Labels if you’d rather not have to cut them out! Planning to get them wrapped this afternoon!

Advent Book Basket Giveaway

And now for our annual Advent Book Basket Giveaway! I’m have four prize packages this year featuring books and music from four generous Catholic businesses. Enter below for a chance to win!

St. Paul Center

Prize #1 – Saints Around the World for Little Ones Collection sponsored by St. Paul Center ($52.95 Value) – Also available at Amazon here

Congratulations, Carol Alber!

Sophia Institute Press

Prize #2 – Includes Christmas in Heaven and Already There sponsored by Sophia Institute Press ($35.90 Value) – Also on Amazon here and here.

(You can see pictures from inside Christmas in Heaven here.)

Congratulations, Jeramie Dean!

Shining Light Dolls

Prize # 3 – Includes Three Shaped Books: The Interior Castle of St. Teresa of Avila: A Mini Catholic Primer, The Canticle of the Sun: Of St. Francis of Assisi and The Little Flower – A Spring Stroll inspired by St. Therese of Lisieux sponsored by Shining Light Dolls ($26.97 Value)

Save 10% at Shining Light Dolls with Coupon Code: SHOWEROFROSESBLOG

Congratulations, Sarah Halas!

Ignatius Press

Prize #4 – Includes: Bambinelli Sunday: The Most Wonderful Surprise of All sponsored by Ignatius Press ($14.99 Value)

Congratulations, Kristina!


Please leave a comment on this post and then enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter Box below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note: If you have any trouble with Rafflecopter just send me an email or message with your name/email address (and required comment for the blog post if you are unable to add it yourself) and I can add you manually. 
I haven’t been able to figure out why it doesn’t work for some of you, nor have I found another free alternative to hosting the multi-prize giveaways.

Over the years, our annual Advent Book Basket has included titles from Christmas Mosaic and a collection of our children’s 35 Favorite Christmas Picture Books—at least those were their picks back in 2014! One year, I selected twenty-six favorites (with that personal favorite list growing every year), while another time, I handed over the reins to my husband and our oldest daughter for a delightful surprise. For additional inspiration, you can explore more curated lists from previous years: 2017201820192020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 or scroll through all past Advent Book Basket posts.

More From the Archives:

The Advent Season in Our Catholic Home

Feasts & Seasons :: Advent & Christmas Collection

Feasts & Seasons :: Our December Book Basket

35 Favorite Christmas Picture Books for Children

December :: Month Dedicated to the Divine Infancy

Christmas Mosaic :: A Review & Featured Book List

You can find the rest of our booklists here.

P.S. Enter this year’s Christmas Giveaway here! (Ends 12/2/24)

Click here if you are on the home page to get to comment box: Leave a Comment

Black Friday Sales and Coupon Codes

Hello there! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Check out this list of great Black Friday Sales and a few exclusive Shower of Roses coupon codes I’ve rounded up for you. Plus, don’t forget to enter my Christmas Gift Guide Giveaway (with two more giveaways coming soon)! 🎁

(Note: Shower of Roses affiliate links – as an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you!!)

AMAZON – Black Friday Deals (So many great deals: 3 for the Price of 2 Items, 50% off Beats (including Noise-Canceling Pros), PairPear Wooden Kitchen Toys, Adidas shoes, Dr. Squatch Star Wars Soap Box, Grandpa Beck’s Card Games, Gel Pens, Amazon Exclusive Hey Dudes, and other Hey Dudes to list just a few I have purchased in the past…)

TAN Books – 40% off Sitewide (BLACK FRIDAY ONLY!)

St. Augustine Academy Press – Save 20% with coupon code THANKS2025 – Good now through midnight, Monday December 2, 2024 –

Sophia Institute Press – now through Cyber Monday – when you spend $25, you’ll receive 35% off all in-stock products and FREE shipping* (excludes subscriptions) with code BlackFriday35 – UPDATE: Now through Cyber Monday use code: BF35 (same deal as above plus get entered into a drawing!)

Sock Religious – 20% off EVERYTHING! –

Tiny Saints – 30% off Everything + free Nativity Charm with every order –

Shining Light Dolls – Up to 50% Off, use SHOWEROFROSESBLOG for an additional 10% off –

Chews Life – 20% off Sitewide (no code needed) –

Telos Art Shop – Free Gift with Qualifying Purchase, Also save 10% with coupon code ROSES

Holy Heroes – 40+ DEALS including Complete Glory Story Set PLUS SAVE 10% off your order with coupon code GORDON (Check out the Black Friday Goodie Bag! – When you spend $50, get a FREE goodie bag with over $45+ of fun resources!)

Ignatius Press – 20% OFF* OR MORE Storewide, Up to 50% OFF Select Titles, 40% OFF Children’s Titles, FREE Shipping on US orders of $70 & up – Discount will be reflected in cart.

Saintly Heart – Save up to 40% off sitewide until 11/29! (Discounts taken at checkout) –


All About Learning Press – Free shipping on orders over $50, plus receive a FREE Snug as a Bug Review Book with your order! (No coupon code required) –

Catholic Company – FREE ROSARY with Every Order + SAVE 15% on $35+ (no code needed)

Check out the Shower of Roses Gift Guide and enter the Giveaway! This year I’m giving away 25 PRIZES with a combined value of over $4,000! Enter by 11:59 PM on 12/2/24.

Also the Shower of Roses Advent Book Basket – 4 More Prizes, enter by 11:59 PST on 11/26/23. (Coming soon)

Celebrating St. Catherine of Alexandria with Heart-Shaped Cakes

There’s a charming French tradition where heart-shaped cakes are given to single women on St. Catherine’s Day once they turn 25, as a little “encouragement in their search for love.” While our heart cake tradition started long before our oldest daughter was even thinking about turning 25 (or 21 for that matter), it’s been a fun way to celebrate her nameday over the years!

This year we made little heart shaped chocolate cakes, pulled out favorite picture books…

A Story of Saint Catherine of Alexandria (or paperback from TAN) • Saint Catherine (gift from Dad years ago)

… and even had a surprise show up in the mail from Shining Light Dolls— their brand new St. Catherine of Alexandria doll!

Glorious Saint Catherine, virgin and martyr,
Help me to imitate your love of purity.

Give me strength and courage
In fighting off the temptations of the world and evil desires.
Help me to love God with my whole heart
And serve Him faithfully.

O Saint Catherine,
Through your glorious martyrdom for the love of Christ,
Help me to be loyal to my faith and my God
As long as I live.

Another Soldier of Christ!

Another Soldier of Christ! ❤️

Conferral of the Sacrament of Confirmation on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

On September 14th, our sweet “Rose” received the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Joan of Arc. Our pastor, Fr. Rapoport, FSSP, administered the sacrament, as he had been given faculties by the diocesan bishop. Unfortunately her dad was out of state on wildfire assignments (he was gone for a couple months this past summer..) and two of her siblings down south working and off at college couldn’t make it either, but the rest of us were able to be there for her special day!

Her dad and I gave her a beautiful missal cover and her own Latin Mass missal. She ended up choosing the 1962 Daily Roman Missal (like mine) instead of the New Roman Missal: Father Lasance (that her dad and some of her siblings have – I watch for sales at Sophia Institute Press for this one). We love both of them! The Daily Roman Missal is a little smaller and easier to hold for smaller hands.

Aunt JoAnn flew in from Oregon to be her confirmation sponsor and surprised her with a pair of stunning crucifix hoop earrings to wear for her Confirmation. She choose St. Scholastica as her patron who happens to be a twin, just like her sponsor!

We weren’t able to find a dress she loved as much as the one her older sister picked out, so she borrowed the dress! (She also borrowed it for her My Fair Lady birthday party last December. It’s such a fun dress!)

I loved getting to hold my little niece/goddaughter during the Mass. It was so special having JoAnn and baby Lucy here to celebrate with us.

Since I was still recovering from my second leg surgery (one of my first times wearing dress shoes/flats instead of a boot or flip-flops!), we kept things simple for the celebration. A Costco cheesecake topped with fresh strawberries made for the perfect dessert.

She was also gifted this beautiful rose bead rosary handmade by her Great Uncle Tom, with beads from my grandmother’s (her great-grandmother’s) rosary making supplies. ❤️ 😭 🌹 So incredibly special!

(Find the pictures from our oldest three, number four, and number five’s Confirmations in the archives.)

O Heavenly Spirit! Third Person of the adorable Trinity! Whom I have received and most fervently adore, deign to take eternal possession of my soul; create and maintain therein the purity and sanctity which become Thy temple. O Spirit of Wisdom: preside over all my thoughts, words, and actions, from this hour to the moment of my death. Spirit of Understanding! Enlighten and teach me. Spirit of Counsel! Direct my youth and inexperience. Spirit of Fortitude! Strengthen my weakness. Spirit of Knowledge! Instruct my ignorance. Spirit of Piety! Make me fervent in good works. Spirit of Fear! Restrain me from all evil. Amen.

– Jesus, Make Me Worthy

St. Scholastica, ora pro nobis!

Veni Sancte Spiritus

Veni, Sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium, et tui amoris in eis ignem accende. 

Looking through my drafts folder for the post I had started about Rose’s Confirmation this fall, I realized I had never shared this one either!

Life got extra hard at the beginning of 2023. (Seems to be a trend at the start of each year!) The following week we had to cancel our trip to Fatima, Portugal for my baby brother’s “destination wedding.” (It was going to be my first time traveling overseas- maybe someday I’ll still get the chance to go.) During that same time, I experienced an early miscarriage, in addition other health issues. We had talked about traveling to Colorado for Easter (with all three of my BIL’s there for Holy Week and Easter) but most of the kids came down with hand-foot-mouth during Lent and were sick up until Holy Week. Then came the devastating news while we were in North Dakota, the night before our oldest two sons’ graduation at UMary…

At this Confirmation Mass, we didn’t realize how little time we had left with Father D. Gordon as our pastor. We sure miss him, but it was such an incredible blessing for our family to have those years with him nearby.

Conferral of the Sacrament of Confirmation

On January 21, 2023 our 15 year old son (along with many other teens from our parish) was Confirmed in the Extraordinary Form by his uncle who had been delegated and given facilities by the bishop!

That makes four sacraments now (Baptism, First Confession, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation) that he has received from his uncles. He was baptized by Fr. Terrence Gordon and then First Confession, First Holy Communion (he was so little!) and now Confirmation from Fr. Dennis Gordon.

He asked his older brother to be his sponsor and choose St. Francis of Assisi. He didn’t know it at the time, but St. Francis is also the saint that two of his grandparents (both my dad and my mom) choose as their confirmation saint! Francis was also his great grandfather’s first name (my mom’s dad – Francis Aloysius) and we had named him after him when he was born, giving him my grandpa’s middle name as a second middle name since he was born on the feast of St. Aloysius.

Just missing our oldest son since he was still in college at UMary… and at the March for Life in DC that day!
Our second son had completed his degree in December, a semester early, and went back for graduations that spring.

He requested a taco dinner and I ordered a cake from Costco to celebrate afterwards.

Veni, Sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium, et tui amoris in eis ignem accende. V. Emitte Spiritum tuum et creabuntur; R. Et renovabis faciem terrae.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Amen.

St. Francis of Assisi, ora pro nobis!

A Letter to Baby Jesus

A Letter to Baby Jesus

A Letter to Baby Jesus on the Eve of the Feast of St. Nicholas Incorporating the Christkindl Tradition into Advent Back in 2012, I shared about a beautiful Austrian custom I first read about in Maria von Trapp’s Around the Year with the Trapp Family. (At the time, I...

Christmas Market Search & Find Puzzle

Christmas Market Search & Find Puzzle

Christmas Market Search & Find Puzzle - Amazon Affiliate Link Winter in our house means puzzles! Right after Thanksgiving, the folding card table and puzzles come out. There’s something so relaxing about gathering around the table and working on puzzles together....

Black Friday Sales and Coupon Codes

Black Friday Sales and Coupon Codes

Hello there! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Check out this list of great Black Friday Sales and a few exclusive Shower of Roses coupon codes I've rounded up for you. Plus, don't forget to enter my Christmas Gift Guide Giveaway (with two more giveaways coming...

Another Soldier of Christ!

Another Soldier of Christ!

Another Soldier of Christ! ❤️ Conferral of the Sacrament of Confirmation on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross On September 14th, our sweet "Rose" received the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Joan of Arc. Our pastor, Fr. Rapoport, FSSP, administered the...

Veni Sancte Spiritus

Veni Sancte Spiritus

Veni, Sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium, et tui amoris in eis ignem accende.  Looking through my drafts folder for the post I had started about Rose’s Confirmation this fall, I realized I had never shared this one either! Life got extra hard at the...

Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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