The contractor we hired earlier this week, after months of trying to come up with a plan and bid that fits our budget, is HERE and just started working!I just had to tell someone, or I might be tempted to join our children as they run from room to...

Highlights from “U/V” Week
Learning Along the Alphabet PathLooking back a couple weeks, here are some pictures from "U/V" week. I can't seem to find any of the girls completed coloring pages and worksheets for this week. I set them aside to photograph, and now I can't find them. . . It...

Celebrating Pentecost, the Birthday of the Church! :: 2010 Edition
~ Completed Garden of the Good Shepherd Calendar~I still need to take a picture of the homemade Garden of the Good Shepherd Posters, which a couple of the children made this Easter season using Charlotte's printables! Our Windsock also made a nice decoration...

On the Feast of St. Rita
Today was the feast of St. Rita and one of my brother-in-law's 6th Anniversary to the Priesthood! Happy Anniversary Father! Another one of my husband's brothers will celebrate the 2nd Anniversary of his ordination on May 30th, and yet another brother will...

Young Hunters Day ~ 2010
Today we attended another annual Young Hunters Day. What a perfect field trip as we get ready to start "X/Y" week on Monday!!Young Hunters Day is a free fun filled day, sponsored by our local Hunters Association. The children could participate in archery,...

Our Seventh Good Shepherd’s Garden Party :: The Heavenly Zoo
Last night we had the last of our weekly Good Shepherd Garden Parties based on the theme "The Heavenly Zoo." To be honest, I found this party to be the hardest to prepare for, since a few of the menu items just didn't want to come together for me! ;)It did all...

A Windsock for Pentecost
I've been wanting to make a Windsock for Pentecost with my children for a few years now, ever since seeing the idea over at By Sun and Candlelight. This year, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity since it tied so perfectly into our Alphabet Path as we work...
Almost Crawling

My Daybook :: May 20, 2010
Outside my window... it is sunny at the moment, even though the forecast is predicting rain all the way through next Wednesday. I'm hoping the sun will stick around for a little while. I am thinking... about my little "tall,...

Ideas for Celebrating Pentecost, the Birthday of the Church!
* Since this is such a special feast, I thought I would re-post my planning post from the past two years, updating it with a couple more book and menu suggestions, as well as a few of our pictures from past years... Here is the updated version! The feast of Pentecost,...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.