This is what DS2 drew yesterday, in an attempt to find "something to do."Includes: 1 Lion, 1 Tiger, 1 Flamingo, 1 Turtle, 1 Monkey, and 7 Bees.
Elizabeth Foss Article
I really love reading anything by Elizabeth Foss. She constantly gives encouragement, inspiration and awesome ideas to help in both daily life and homeschooling. Yesterday, Catholic Exchange posted an article by her titled Taking Note of Change. In it she says:As a...
One More Reason
After a rather crazy morning, I sent my boys down to get the mail. They returned with a couple bunches of flowers for their mama. I just LOVE my boys. They know just how to make my day!
40 Reasons to Have Kids
Check out this GREAT post by Karen Edmisten called: 40 Reasons to Have KidsIt is quite inspiring! Karen wrote the post to combat a horrible article by a woman titled "40 Reasons Not to Have Kids." How sad that anyone could possibly regret having children. Thank you...
Animal Sightings
In the fall we always have quite the assortment of animals to watch in the yard. Usually I am not quick enough to get pictures of them before one of our little darlings scares them off! But I got lucky today and was able to get these pictures to share.This is just...
**Note to self**
NEVER make brownies thinking "Oh... It won't affect my diet I will just have 1 or 2!" Yeah right! I might have been able to control myself had I not had ANY, but after that first taste... YUM! But with 100 calories each... YIKES! Well, I am off to make myself a mocha...
Building with Lincoln Logs
My oldest was so excited about his Lincoln Log creation that he asked if I would post pictures so that Grandma could see them! 🙂 This is one of the activities that keeps my boys busy during these rainy afternoons that we have been having.Actually, since I am posting...
S’More Fun
Yesterday we made these brownies that were SO delicious!! (Yes I ate two!) I thought I would share the recipe in case any of you want to try them. The kids had a blast making and eating them.S'more Brownie BitesFrom Pampered Chef's Lets Eat! cookbook for...
Anyone up for a coloring contest?
Illuminated Ink is hosting another Coloring Contest! The theme is "The Communion of Saints" in honor of the upcoming Feast of All Saints on Nov 1st. I just LOVE the picture they have chosen! Click here to print the page, and GOOD LUCK!
Here’s looking at me…
Amy has tagged me for this meme! This is the first time that I have ever been tagged with one of these... I am suppose to list 7 things that I like about myself. Hum.. This could be hard. Ok... Here goes:1. I like, no...I LOVE being Catholic!2. I love that I am...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.