Jesse Tree Readings and Coloring Pages for Advent 2008

by | Nov 30, 2008 | Advent and Christmas, Jesse Tree | 7 comments

You can find an updated version of this post for 2010 here: Jesse Tree Readings and Coloring Pages for 2010

Last year I compiled the following list of coloring pages, activities and bible passages (used in addition to the stories in our Children’s Bible), to go along with our Jesse Tree.

I adjusted the dates for this advent, and I have checked most of the links to make sure they still work, but please let me know if you run across one that doesn’t. (I have a file of all the coloring pages already, so I didn’t need to print them out again this year.)

You’ll also notice that many days we will be reading more than one bible story and hanging more than one ornament on our tree. The number of days in advent changes each year, and so I tend to just double up some days so we have the opportunity to read all the stories and use all of our ornaments each year.

For those of you that do not already have a Jesse Tree, and are looking for something simple, here is a link to a pdf file of some Jesse Tree Symbol and Shape Patterns that could be colored by your children. Another version is also available from Domestic-Church. Oh, and here is one more… Hopefully you can find one that will work well for your family!

November 30
Readings & Ornaments:
Creation: Gen .1:1-31; 2:1-4 Symbols: Earth
Coloring Activities:
Creation or God Created the World

December 1

Adam & Eve: Gen. 2:7-9, 18-24 Symbol: Man & Woman
Fall of Man: Gen. 3:1-7 and 23-24 Symbol: Serpent
Coloring Activities:
Adam & Eve
Adam & Eve Expelled from the Garden

December 2
Noah: Gen. 6:5-8, 13-22; 7:17, 23, 24; 8:1, 6-22 Symbol: Ark
Noah’s Ark (we will make a collage with these pictures)
and maybe one of these for the girls

December 3
Readings & Ornaments:
Abraham: Gen. 12:1-3 Symbol: Stars
Melchisidek: Gen. 14:17-20; Ps. 110:4; Heb.20 Symbol: Bread & Wine
Coloring Activities:
Abraham or Abraham with his son Isaac
High Priest for Melchisidek

December 4
Readings & Ornaments:
Isaac: Gen. 22:1-14 Symbols: Bundle of wood
Jacob: Gen. 25:1-34; 28:10-15 Symbols: Ladder
Coloring Activities:
Jacob wrestling with Angel
Star of Jacob from Eucharistic Adoration Coloring Book.

December 5
Readings & Ornaments:
Joseph: Gen. 37:23-28; 45:3-15 Symbol: Multi-Colored Coat
Moses: Ex. 2:1-10 Symbol: Stone Tablets/Ten Commandments
Coloring Activities:
Moses receiving Ten Commandments

December 6
Readings & Ornaments:
Joshua: Joshua 6:2-5; Jos. 1,3,6-11) Symbol: Sword & Trumpet
Ruth: Ruth 2:15-17 Symbol: Sheaths of Grain
Coloring Activities:
Ruth gathering wheat

December 7
Readings & Ornaments:
Samuel: 1 Sam. 3:1-18 Symbols: Oil lamp
Jesse: 1 Sam. 16:1-13 Symbols: Shepherd’s staff
Coloring Activities:
Hannah prays for a Son and Samuel
For Jesse we will color this Shepherd with Staff

December 8
Readings & Ornaments:
David: 1 Sam. 17:12-51 Symbol: Harp
Solomon: 1 Kings 3:5-14, 16-28 Symbol: Scales of justice
Coloring Activities:
David & the King
David & Goliath
King Solomon

December 9
Readings & Ornaments:
Elijah: 2 Kings 17:2-4, 6; 2 Kings 17-18:21-39 Symbol: Raven
Hezekiah: 2 Kings 20:1-6; 2 Kings 18-20 Symbol: Teardrops
Coloring Activities:
Elijah Praying

December 10
Readings & Ornaments:
Nehemiah: Neh. 2:17; Neh. 1-7 Symbol” Walls of Jerusalem
Raphael: Tobit 11:7-8 Symbol: Fish
Coloring Activities:
Here is a fun maze for the wall of Nehemiah.

December 11
Readings & Ornaments:
Judith: Judith 13:7-10 Symbol: Sword
Esther: Esther 2:17 Symbol: Queens Crown
Coloring Activities:
Esther or this one of Esther meeting the King
December 12
Readings & Ornaments:
Isaiah: Isaiah 7:14 or Ecclesiastes 48:25 Symbol: Scroll
Jeremiah: Jeremiah 30:21-22 Symbol: Stone
Coloring Activities:
Bible & Scroll

December 13
Readings & Ornaments:
Daniel: Daniel 6:12-23 Symbol: Lions
Jonah: Jonah 2:1-2, 11 Symbol: Whale
Coloring Activities:
Daniel in the Lions Den
A Couple other options for Daniel can be found here and here.
here and here.
Jonah & the Whale

December 14
Readings & Ornaments:
Zachary and Elizabeth: Luke 1:11-13 Symbol: Angel
Joseph: Matt. 1:18-25 Symbols: Carpenter’s Saw
Coloring Activities:
I couldn’t find a color page of Zachary & Elizabeth, so we will color a picture of The Visitation.
Here is one of St. Joseph

December 15
Readings & Ornaments:
Mary: Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38 Symbols: Lily
Gabriel: Luke 1:26-38 Symbol: Angel with lily
Coloring Activities:
Picture of Mary out of our Mother of God Coloring Book.
As an option, here is a coloring page with a lily.
Angel Gabriel appears to Mary

December 16
John the Baptist: Mark 1:1-8 Symbols: Shell with water
Coloring Activities:
St. John Baptizing

On December 17, the Church begins to intensify the preparation for Christmas with the use of the “O” Antiphons during the Liturgy of the Hours. The symbols for the Jesse Tree from December 17 to 23 are based on the “O” Antiphons.

I plan on doing an extra activity or gift instead of a coloring page each day this week based on the selections in Celebrating the Faith in the Home Series. I have quoted the ideas under each date.

**Actually, here is my “O Antiphons” post from last year that shows exactly what we did for each of these days!

December 17
Reading & Ornament:
O Wisdom (Jesus is Wisdom): Sirach 24:2; Symbol: Open book

“Since the symbol for wisdom is a book, one could give a special book, perhaps a family catechism. Or each individual could receive a small, inexpensive prayer book.”

December 18
Reading & Ornament:
O Lord (Jesus is Lord): Ex. 3:2; 20:1 Symbol: Burning bush

Tonight, a fire could be started in the fireplace. The family could gather together and roast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate. Or maybe a flaming dessert could be served.”

December 19
Reading & Ornament:
O Flower (Jesus is Flower of Jesse): Isaiah 11:1-3 Symbol: Flower

An obvious choice for this evening is a floral gift. Maybe the family could receive their first poinsettia for the holiday season. Since some translations read, “O root of Jesse,” a special fruit or vegetable could be served–a carrot cake, for example.”

December 20
Reading & Ornament:
O Key (Jesus is Key of David): Isaiah 22:22 Symbol: Key

In the monasteries the monk in charge of the wine cellar would bring forth a special bottle of wine to serve that night. Similarly, you could allow some special treat or priviledge that is normally off limits.”

December 21
O Radiant Dawn (Jesus is the Radiant Dawn): Isaiah 41:25-26 Symbol: Sun rising

Tonight you could have a candlelit dinner… You might also consider taking time this evening fo a walk or a ride to view the Christmas light displays in your community. If your unable to wait until Christmas eve to decorate and light your home, you could do it this night.”

December 22
Reading & Ornament:
O King (Jesus is King of the Gentiles): Psalm 2:7-8; Ephesians 2:14-20 Symbol: Crown

Most little ones love crowns and would be delighted to wear a crown made out of gold or silver for this meal.”

December 23
Reading & Ornament:
O Emmanuel (Jesus is Emmanuel): Isaiah 7:14; 33:22 Symbol: Holy Eucharist.

Emmanuel means “God is with us.” Since Christ is present to us in the Blessed Sacrament, the gift tonight could have the Holy Eucharist as its theme. For example, each member of the family could receive a Holy card with a picture of the Holy Eucharist or a prayer book with prayers to the Blessed Sacrament.”

December 24
Reading & Ornament:
Jesus is Light of the World: John 1:1-14 Symbol:Infant Messiah

Attend Mass in honor of the Birth of Christ!


  1. Angela

    Jessica, I just posted about my Jesse Tree today too. It will be the first time for us as it has taken me a long time to get my act together on it! Thanks for the coloring pages, we will try to add some of those too!

  2. Aimee Landreneau

    Thanks so much for all of these links! My mom and I crafted ornaments a few weeks ago. My kids are thrilled!!!


  3. Allison

    Well this is just BEYOND helpful. You’ve got a daily visitor to this post during advent. Thanks you so much!!

    This is JUST what I needed for our first Jesse tree!

  4. Sarah

    This is fantastic, thank you!!!

    I’ll be linking this post as a favorite on my blog – and I’m sure checking back frequently for ideas! Thank you especially for the Jesse Tree pdf; I haven’t had time to coordinate ANYTHING involved with a Jesse Tree (thought I’d just wait till next year) but as Lloyd is starting to love coloring, these may be just the right first step for both of us!

    You are such a blessing!


  5. EC Gefroh

    This is terrific Jessica. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Jamie Jo

    This is so great!! I ordered some books for our Jesse tree, but they haven’t come in yet!

    Now, to get that ink in our printer…might have to wait for daddy tonight!

    Thank you so much for your hard work!

  7. Kathleen Miller

    Thanks for the links. I tagged you for a meme.


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