A few snapshots from our day:
Here is Twinkle Toes, being treated like a princess after Mass.
Home again, and the sun has come back out, at least for the moment!
A couple of our visitors… I wish I could have gotten a shot of all of them, there are at least 12 deer in our yard right now, they are just spread out.
Lots of excitement over our crawling baby.
And, BOARD GAMES–a favorite Sunday afternoon activity… Or anytime for that matter. The boys had been begging to learn how to play The Hobbit. Personally, I love playing Sequence
or Lionheart
. What is your favorite board game?
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!
Your kids look so peaceful playing. My kids prefer to bicker through most games. Well, sometimes they can finish one but they need a referee and arm pads. (kidding). We like Settlers of Catan and Carcassone around here. Lots of fun!
Our current favorite is Blockus!! We ALL love it, in fact, we played tonight! 🙂
Sequence is fun too, even the Jr version is fun for the littles!
Oh that is hard! Mainly because of the range in ages. With the big kids we love playing Monopoly and the like. Thorn’s favorite is Hi-Ho Cherry-o!
Yahtzee and Scrabble are ones all three of us can play, Chess puts me to sleep, but our current favorite is an old National Geographic game we picked up at Salvation Army for $1 called Global Pursuit.
Hi, Jessica~
Last night I was browsing the Net for interesting Catholic blogs, and I came across yours. It’s very well put together. Thanks for sharing!
We like “Pente” — not a board game but fun. I have memories of my dad playing that with me. I like chess also. Fun times!
Your place is beautiful! I am glad we dont have deer hanging around. We dont fence our garden!
Wow, great pics!! We love Settles of Catan and Clue, always fun!
I loved reading all your favorite board games!! Some of you have some that I have never heard of before…
I have heard of Settlers of Catan, and have been wanting to add it to our collection!
We have the Junior version of Sequence as well as the States & Capitals version! I love, love, love SEQUENCE!
Monopoly is another favorite of mine, but I can never get ANYONE to play it with me… Maybe when my boys are older.
Global Pursuit sounds GREAT!! I love ALL games that double as a teaching tool.
OH! Christine–we can’t have ANYTHING in our yard, the deer eat it all… Someday I hope to put up a fence so that we can have a garden. It is definitely a draw back to the deer. 🙂