It is going to be SUCH a busy week! I can’t remember ever going anywhere and leaving hubby with almost all the kids, so I have a lot to do to prepare! I am really looking forward to everything but packing it, especially since I have never been to a Homeschool Conference before. I can’t wait!
Anyhow — my mind is too tired to post much of anything, but here is a fun quiz I just saw over at Amy’s blog. I didn’t realize I had changed so much since 1998!
You’ve Changed 80% in 10 Years |
![]() Compared to who you were ten years ago, you’ve changed a great deal. In fact, you’re probably in a completely different phase of your life – and very happy about it! |
While I was there, I thought I would try this one out too:
You Belong in 1951 |
![]() You’re fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in! |
Oooohh! I miss our drive in — we use to go when I was a teenager. It was always such fun!
If you have a second to waste play along, I’d love to hear how much you have changed, and what year you belong in! See you soon!
You know, it’s wierd, I will miss you when you’re gone!!
I have changed 52% in 10 years and the year is 1950!!
That was kind of fun! What pet issue did you put? I put hygene, I am washing and cleaning things all the time…
Your so sweet Jamie!! I was talking to Michele on the phone last night, and was telling her how weird it would be to not be able to get online for 4 days! It will be good prep for our big trip in May/June. Oh, that will be so hard!!! I wish we had a laptop! :o)
As for my “pet issue” I put hygiene as well. Although I am not washing and cleaning all the time, I have to take 2 showers a day (morning & night) and it drives me crazy when my kids are dirty!
Speaking of cleaning.. I had better get to it, so we can get started with school today! God Bless!
I changed 24% and belong in 1988.
I changed 20% and belonged to the 1960’s. It mentioned something about drugs! Crazy!
I really haven’t changed much because I have been married so long and with 4 kids have done the same thing the last 12 years of my life! Fun reading those!
I will miss you too!!!!!
I changed a lot more that 52%, but that is what I got, lol. I got 1959! Gotta love te 50s, sigh.
I hope you have a great time! It will take you a few days before the shock of not being around your whole family wares off. I was gone for 2 1/2 days. By the time I finally settled from feeling weird without my family, it was time to go home….lol
My year is 1953, says the same thing as your’s….no wonder we get along!
It said I changed 20% I have been married almost 11 years so not much has changed in regards to marital status…lol It better not ever change for that matter!!
Haha ive changed 64% over the last ten years…THATS IT!? I was only 6! haha. And my year is 1989 lol.