The feast of St. Clare is celebrated on August 11th (The anniversary of her death) on the new calendar, and on August 12th on the calendar of 1962 (which is the calendar followed by the FSSP).
Our week has been so super busy, that I decided to spread our celebration of her feast over both days! For those of you that know us, you know why St. Clare is such a special saint to our family! 😉
Yesterday afternoon, after swimming, the children listened to the audio story, A Sparrow in God’s Hand: The Story of St. Clare, while they colored the beautiful picture of her provided in Fenestrae Fidei.
My children never tire of coloring, and they just love the pictures in Fenestrae Fidei. (Thank you to the publisher for allowing reproducing rights for the family/classroom!)
Last night, for dinner, we had an Italian meal including spaghetti and garlic bread… And, this morning, the children woke up to chocolate éclairs. Yum!!!
After the children wake up from their naps (swimming really wears them out!), we will be reading Clare and Francis, which is suggested in Catholic Mosaic
, and then do a bit of copywork to add to our liturgical notebooks along with the colored pictures.
What you hold may you always hold.
What you do, may you always do and never abandon.
But with swift pace, light step and unswerving feet,
so that even your steps stir up no dust,
Go forward, the spirit of our God has called you.~ Blessing from St. Clare’s second letter to Blessed Agnes of Prague
I hope you all are having a wonderful week! God Bless!
Saint Clare of Assisi, mistress of poverty, pray for us!
You are so awesome! And why didn’t I get an eclair??
I printed off the pictures for the kids to color and we have been so busy, you know where they are? Still in the printer tray! YIKES!
Don’t feel bad Amy, I didn’t get an éclair either! I am pretty sure they contain dairy and sugar… Oh well! :o)
they look yummy though!
St. Clare is special in our family, too, as we have a niece who was named after her. Each year for our parish’s saints parade, she dresses as Clare and carries a monstrance. What a beautiful woman to emulate!
I love what you did with this special day!!! We did not do anything except go to Mass for the feast day!!!! (I know bad mommy!)
I see I am slipping, at least I am still in the top 10 commentors!!!
Jamie ~ I would have loved to have been able to go to Mass! That is the perfect way to celebrate the day!