- Watching: Francis: The Knight of Assisi
- Coloring: This great coloring page
- Reading: The Good Man of Assisi
, Francis Poor Man of Assisi
, Saint Francis
and/or Clare and Francis
(Another one we *love* but will save for Advent is Saint Francis and the Christmas Donkey)
- Eating: Animal Cookies and Amy’s Awesome Pizza (For more inspiration, don’t miss Jenn’s post at Catholic Cuisine with even more great recipes for this feast!)
O God, Who, by the merits of blessed Francis, didst increase Thy Church by bringing forth a new progeny, grant us to imitate him in despising earthly things and ever to rejoice in partaking of heavenly gifts.
We are having pizza and animal crackers too. Not homemade though. Well, the pizza isn’t entirely but the cookies are! And I hope we will be coloring some pictures although I think my kids are getting a little burned out.