The Fire

by | Sep 17, 2008 | Nature, Wildfire | 10 comments

Photo Credit: InciWeb


  1. Aubrey

    WOW. Is this close to you?

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Close enough for us to be breathing smoke all of the time! 😉

    It is just over an hour away, and it is the fire that my hubby is working at right now.

  3. Amy

    It is just about 12 miles our of Prospect, isn’t it? Those poor people! I hope that it doesn’t get any closer!

  4. Christie@tisbutaseason

    Praying your hubby stays safe…be careful having class outside since you’re breathing in smoke! 🙂

    Our weather has been pretty nice here (mid to upper 80’s – quite unusually cool) so I can understand the desire to be outside.

  5. Jessica Gordon

    The mornings haven’t been too bad at all… So that is our outside time. I am also running our air purifier to keep the house air clean. Thankfully we had quite a bit of wind last night which seems to have pushed the smoke a different direction. I hope it lasts!

  6. The Wades

    those sure are beautiful pictures of a scary thing.

    are they making progress on it? continued prayers for your hubby’s safety and the safety of his fellow fire fighters.

  7. Jessica Gordon

    At this point it is still getting worse. I believe it is only 15% contained and about 8000 acres. I spoke with hubby earlier today and I guess there was lightning last night that started a few more fires. Our forests are super dry since we haven’t had rain in over 3 months.

  8. Kirsten

    Wow, that is scary. Continued prayers for your husband and family.


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