First Birthday Highlights

by | Jun 24, 2008 | Birthday Parties, Cake Decorating, Happy Birthday | 9 comments

Snuggles turned one on Saturday! We were going to have some friends and family over for a BBQ, but due to a couple of our kids still being sick, we had to cancel. We still had a nice little birthday party just the same. Here are a few pictures from his big day.

The Birthday Boy:

A Turtle Shaped Cake:

Or rather, a whole bunch of cupcakes decorated to look like a cake! 😉

All 5 of our children:

What IS that?

Snuggles needed help blowing out that candle:

Did you notice that concerned look on his face in the last picture? Was it just too much attention on him? Or maybe my awful attempt at cake decorating scared him… He wasn’t too happy about getting the frosting on his fingers! Whatever it was, he did NOT like it. It took about 20 minutes for him to calm down and taste his cake!

He did however love his presents, especially the tissue paper:

Happy Birthday my little one year old!


  1. Anonymous

    Sorry if I commented your blog, but you have a nice idea.

  2. queen of the castle

    Happy Birthday Snuggles! He’s a cutie!

    We have yet another thing in common – I too have baked a turtle birthday cake! It was requested by Sunshine for her 4th birthday. She has wanted a pet turtle for two years now.

    The fish (3rd fish) just died so maybe we should give a turtle a try this time!

  3. JoAnn

    Aw he’s such a cutie! I love his outfit lol. And the cake!! Yumm!
    P.S you should put the pictures up from Sunday..that is, if yu have time lol you still need to finish your trip stories right? lol

  4. JoAnn

    Aw he’s such a cutie! I love his outfit lol. And the cake!! Yumm!
    P.S you should put the pictures up from Sunday..that is, if yu have time lol you still need to finish your trip stories right? lol

  5. Regina

    wish there could have been a party. he sure is a cutie.

  6. Renee

    CUTE cake idea, beautiful baby boy and lovely family. Happy Birthday and congratulations to all.

  7. The Wades

    I think your “cake” is awesome! If you are putting that down, I think I’ll never, ever post a cake I decorate. Oh wait, I don’t decorate cakes.

    Happy Birthday, adorable Snuggles!


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