It seems as though there have been so very many birthdays the last couple weeks. In fact, today is actually my youngest brother’s 12th birthday. He is also my godson, and will hopefully be giving us a pipe gun demo soon! Happy Birthday!
For me however, today is a sad day of sorts… It is the last day of my 20’s. Tomorrow is my 30th birthday.
I remember not so long ago, when I was 21, giving a dear friend of mine SUCH A HARD TIME on her 25th birthday! I kept teasing her about how OLD she had gotten. Now 25 seems so very young to me!
When I turned 29 last year, I started to stress out about the big 3-0, right around the corner. However, I think I might actually have had a harder time turning 29, and dealing with the anxiety of turning 30 up ahead, than I will turning 30. I guess we will see tomorrow! 😉
Anyhow, I thought it might be fun to list out a few of my accomplishments these past 10 years, as well as a few of the goals for my 30’s!
Accomplishments of My 20’s
- Spent a wonderful year at Christendom College.
- Won a $1,000 bet I made, at age 13, with my dad, for not drinking ANY alcohol until my 21st birthday! (Had my first drink, a strawberry Margarita, on that 21st birthday. YUM!)
- Fell in love, and got married.
- Hubby & I bought our first home.
- Gave birth to Captain.
- Started my own phone directory business, so I could work part time.
- Became an Auntie.
- Gave birth to Rascal.
- Diligently dieted and got down to my wedding day weight of 125! (3 kids later, I REALLY need to do this again… Yikes!)
- Sold my directory business for more than I expected, so I could be a stay-at-home-mom. Yeah!
- Gave birth to Twinkle Toes.
- We added on to our home, to make room for our growing family.
- Started “officially” home educating our children.
- Bought a mini-van… (I consider this an accomplishment, because I had previously said, “I will NEVER drive a van!” LOL! Now, I LOVE my mini-van, it’s so convenient.)
- Gave birth to Chiquita.
- Gave birth to Snuggles.
- Potty trained 4 of those children. (Totally an accomplishment! Don’t you think?)
- Traveled to Mexico (on our honeymoon cruise), Washington DC (for my sis-in-law’s wedding) and many other states on our various road trips.
- Was blessed with 5 more Godchildren, as well as honored to be a Confirmation sponsor for one of my dear twin sisters.
- Became Debt Free, other than our house, and have stayed that way, inspite of how difficult it is on a single income.
- Celebrated our 8th Anniversary.
Started my blog to document it all. 🙂
Goals For My 30’s
(In no particular order…)
- Celebrate our 10 and 15-year wedding anniversaries.
- Work on becoming a better wife and mother.
- Declutter our home and try to become more organized.
- Enjoy our children as they grow, I only have these next 10 years till Captain will be a senior, and then off to college… (sniffle, sniffle)
- As far as more children, I’m not going to set any goals, and NO, I’m not trying to catch up to my mom… It is completely up to God!
- Lose
20 poundsa little bit of weight and get in better shape. - Remodel our kitchen and add on a dinning & family room.
- Remain debt free. (other than the house… and work hard to pay it down/off as well)
- Learn how to sew and crochet.
- Start Scrapbooking… It looks like such fun.
- Travel… of course!
- Grow in my faith and become a better Catholic.
It really has been a busy 10 years! So much has happened and I have been so very blessed. I wonder what God has in store for me, and just what I will be reflecting back on 10 years from now! It will be an exciting journey I’m sure.
Don’t forget to check back tomorrow… For a bit of fun, I have a “birthday gift” to give away to a lucky visitor!
Happy Birthday to my dear sweet cousin! Funny cause my 30th birthday wasn’t as hard as 31. 31 is thirty something. Not the endcap to my 20’s. That was the hardest birthday so far. Great idea for a birthday post…I’ll have to remember that! Also, I swore I would never buy a minivan either. Three kids and three car seats muted that pretty fast. I can relate SO well! Hope you have a happy day!
I hope you have a MOST Happy Birthday.
We’ll be calling you tomorrow (if we can get you between celebrating).
30? It’s just another day, another number. You’re as young as you feel.
Heck, my life began at 30. That’s when I met and married your father-in-law (my wonderful DH)
God Bless you on this special day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSY! I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH! You can’t be 30….i dont beleive it! Your definetely one of the best role model moms i could look up to! Love ya sis!<3
Knowing you, you will accomplish those goals and more! You are a go-getter!