Mittenstrings: Chapter 4

by | Apr 5, 2008 | Mitten Strings | 7 comments

It has been a busy day. This morning we (our whole family) attended Mass & Benediction, followed by lunch with Father and a few other families, then we dropped by another friends home to drop of a few things and visited awhile before heading home. I was home for just a few brief moments this afternoon, then I headed out once again to grocery shop while hubby did some lessons with the boys. On to dinner, dishes and getting the children ready for bed. Which leaves me so ready for some peace and quiet!!!

It just so happens that this weeks chapter of Mitten Strings For God is on that very thing,


Well, our home is not exactly quiet…ever. Like the author, “Our home is filled with music and laughter and, yes, noise.” Lots of noise… Especially with 5 young children! “But it is noise of our own making, or noise of our own choosing–we are very choosy!”

Hubby and I try to be “conscious of all the different kinds of noise “ we allow into our life, since it is noisy enough as it is! Our children do not have battery-operated toys (other than their Leap Pads/GeoSafari that they use on occasion). We do not have TV reception, although they do watch occasional videos. Not having these things cuts out quite a bit of the unwanted noise.

Even still, I sometimes find it necessary to get out of the house for a little more quiet time.

During these times, I enjoy:

  • Going to Mass & Benediction
  • Making a visit to the Adoration Chapel
  • Going for a drive
  • Going to the library or bookstore
  • Exercising, especially walks
  • Sitting near the river reading

Tonight, during dinner, we all discussed our favorite activities to do at home, during quiet time. Hands down it was reading, or looking at books for the younger children. I would have to agree. Reading is such a peaceful way to enjoy and create quiet!

I ran across a website that has quite a few suggestions for quiet time activities for children. My favorite was:

Outdoor Silence

Help children be better listeners and observers. This simple activity will develop listening, imaging, describing, and drawing skills. Find a place where everyone can sit down outdoors. Once all are seated, ask the group for 5 minutes of silence. Explain that animals and birds won’t resume their activities unless all are quiet. Once the time is up, have each student tell the group about something he/she has never heard before. You’ll be surprised at the answers you get-sometimes the quiet itself is something many kids have never encountered!

“I am convinced that the simplest, most effective way to enrich family life is to return quiet to our homes.”

Dawn asks, “What does life sound like in your home right this very minute? Is the noise drowning out the sounds?”

Let’s see, right now I can hear:
  • The hum of the dryer
  • Hubby reading a book to the children
  • Snuggles gently breathing as he sleeps on my lap
  • The creaking of my chair each time I shift
  • And last, the tapping of the keys as I type
Though our home is not totally quiet, the sounds are peaceful. They are sounds I enjoy! 🙂

“When I clear a quiet space for my family,
I make room for our souls to grow.”


  1. Jamie Jo

    Did you mispell quiet on purpose? It should be called quite time, “it’s quite time for quiet time!” That is hard to type both of those words!!!

    Nice post, I’m going to try that outside thing with the kids tomorrow!

    We tried a few weeks ago, a quiet time in the afternoon when Babycakes was asleep. I had all the children find a place in the living room to lay down and I played classical music and told them they did not have to sleep, but had to rest their eyes and keep still for only 15 minutes. You’d think it was an hour…they had such a hard time with the lying still thing, they ended up laughing and giggling!!

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Um… Yeah… I meant to do that! 😉 Just kidding. I am a horrible speller! My hope is that I will improve as I teach my children… Thanks!!! 🙂

  3. Margaret

    Amen! Loved that chapter.

  4. Cheryl

    Nice post. I had a similar day yesterday, although I didn’t grocery shop, thank goodness.

  5. Christine

    We need quiet time to hear our Lord. Beautiful beautiful little girl. I also mix up my words, can’t remember peoples names…..I just hid my chocolate and cant find it. My brain is gone!

  6. Amy

    Can you believe I had to return my copy!! I checked it out, never got a chance to get past chapter one, which I LOVED. I went to the library to return some other books and thought to renew it… and the library changed their hours and were closed! Since I already owned them money I had to return it!!
    So, now I have to go check it out again. By the time I catch up you all will be done with the book, lol.

  7. Anonymous

    I love the quote-

    “When I clear a quiet space for my family,
    I make room for our souls to grow.”

    Made me think and ponder that today, thanks!


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