Photo Credit: InciWeb

Photo Credit: InciWeb
It's amazing how much more school work we can get done when I set up a table away from the computer on the front porch! Even Snuggles had a blast crawling around on the deck...
I just listened to a wonderful (12 minute) sermon on "Carrying our cross daily" which was just given on Sunday, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross."There are things that God gives us to, in a way, bring more sanctification into our day to day life......
FOR TODAYOutside my Window... there is lots of smoke. A constant reminder that hubby won't be home for awhile.I am thinking... that we will postpone beginning the Alphabet Path till next week.From the learning room... just the basics. That's it.I am thankful... for...
It was so nice to be able to see hubby today. He has been working the 3pm to 7am shift, and was able to meet us for Mass this morning after he got off. I had packed along our feast and so after Mass we headed up to the lake near fire camp for a picnic lunch.We found a...
For some reason, I keep hurting myself today!!This morning, as we were headed out the driveway for Mass followed by a picnic lunch with hubby, I realized that I forgot the cookies on the coffee table. I turned the car around and ran back into the house knocking my...
Saint Helena and the Most Holy CrossTomorrow is the feast of the Exaltation (or Triumph) of the Holy Cross. The church has celebrated this feast ever since September 14, 326, the day that Saint Helena, mother of Constantine, miraculously discovered the cross while she...
...till daddy's return. My hubby was dispatched to a wildfire assignment earlier this afternoon, just as we were getting ready for a relaxing weekend!! He just arrived at the fire and it looks like they have him scheduled on the night shift for the next couple weeks....
Some days I have great plans, but something comes up to prevent me from achieving them... Today was one of those days. I had hoped to attend Mass with my family and then bake a beautiful cake in honor of the feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary, but it just didn't...
This week, our Little Saints theme was Alphabet Fun. It was a very fun week and a great kickoff for our journey along the alphabet path starting next week.Here is a glimpse at a few of the things we did:We read:ABC of BirdsA is for Altar, B is for BibleChicka Chicka...
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.