(Rascal was so excited that the tooth fairy remembered his tooth on only the second night this time!!! The tooth fairy has yet to arrive “on time” for this poor little guy. At least he/she usually makes up for it by leaving something extra special… This time it was a Dot-to-dot book AND a Revolutionary War coloring book. You can’t beat that! Right?)
looks like all boys (except babe of course) went for haircuts. looks like fun!!
LOL 😉 Yep… Hubby cut all their hair (including his own) tonight. Snuggles won’t be needing his cut for awhile still it seems. Poor baby!
Backyard campouts are the best, especially when Mom (that would be me!) makes pancakes in the morning. Plus, you’ve got clean, indoor plumbing a few feet away!
Oh, I am so glad that the tooth fairy comes late to other people’s houses too.
What an adorable photo of your dear hubby with the children…too cute!
Looks like fun! Can’t wait to get our own children into a tent for an overnight! Must be nice to have Daddy/your husband home! God bless!
I noticed the haircuts too! He looks so happy to be home! As I am sure you all are.
Luckily, my oldest two now know about the tooth fairy. I think my son’s first clue might have been me forgetting four nights in a row!
Those pictures are terrific! What beautiful eyes your children have!
This is great! Definitely much CLEANER than our recent camping trip and still lots of fun.
Hey, we miss you!