Speaking of Stuff, Colleen has a very thought provoking post on the need to declutter:
“From the day’s First Reading:”
“Tend the flock of God in your midst, overseeing not by constraint, but willingly…Do not lord it over those assigned to you, but be an example to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd is revealed, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.”
“It doesn’t get much clearer than that, does it? There is no question for those of us who live in families which flock of God we’re to tend. The question needing to be answered is a matter of the heart. What keeps us from tending our flock willingly? What makes us irritable, short-tempered, and overwhelmed? What makes us want to run away from it all for a few hours or day or….What prevents us from being an example to our flock? In my experience, when I find myself fussing, pointing my finger, and honing in on my family’s shortcomings, it’s usually because I’m feeling the sting of my own faults rather acutely. What brings on those episodes in your life? Lent is a time to remove the blocks in our lives that keep us from following God with our whole hearts. God’s will for us and our path to heaven are to tend the flock of our family willingly and eagerly. What is in our way? There’s still enough Lent left to get rid of it.”
“For me right now, the answer is STUFF. We’ve got to get a handle on the things in this home that are crowding our time, our space, our thoughts, and our hearts.”
Read the rest here.
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