I can’t tell you all just much my girls look forward to Little Flowers each month!! They are developing great little friendships with the other girls in our group and having a wonderful time.
Last night we had our January meeting. This month’s theme was: St. Joan of Arc, the virtue of Obedience, the color white, and the Carnation. Here is an overview from our meeting:
Each month I have had coloring pages for the girls to color as we wait for everyone to arrive. Since this month’s lesson focused on St. Joan of Arc, the girls colored a beautiful stained glass picture of her out of Fenestrae Fidei. While they were coloring, they listened to God’s Hero on Horseback: The Story of St. Joan of Arc.
Once all the girls arrived we began our meeting with the prayer to St. Therese and the Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love. We then continued with a review of last month’s virtue and saint. As usual beads went into the jar for all the completed assignments… The jar is starting to fill up!
Next I introduced the virtue we will be working on this month, Obedience, and we read a short biography of the saint for this month, St. Joan of Arc.
After that I continued the lesson by asking the girls questions about Obedience. Like the last couple months, I once again used the book Chat’s With God’s Little Ones. This month I used the lesson on The Fourth Commandment. This book has been a life-saver and I have been thrilled with how great these little lessons are working for our meetings!!!
Following the lesson the girls began making their notebook pages for this month. I had a really hard time finding Carnation embellishments so
I found a couple images online and printed them out in various sizes for the girls. They weren’t quite as cute as the embellishments, but they worked just fine, and they were less expensive! =)
Here is my sample page for the girls. I included the Prayer for Obedience, along with a Bible quote suggested in the Craft Companion and memory verse for this month.
I have been putting off coming up with the pages till the last minute, and my creativity has really been lacking lately. Nevertheless, the girls are always able to take what I give them and come up with the cutest creations to add to their books.
The notebooks are all filling up very nicely and it is so neat to see the girls looking back through their various notebook and coloring pages.
Snack time was next. I have been thrilled that all the moms have been more than willing to help tie in the snack to each month’s theme.
Since the flower for this month was the Carnation and the color was White, one of the girl’s older sisters (who is ALSO a Little Flower!) made White Carnation cupcakes for us!!
Didn’t they turn out cute?! The girls loved them!!
I had brought along a couple books
about St. Joan but by the time the girls finished playing Saint Memory it was time to head home.
I’ll end once again with the group photo for the month. We had 8 of our 11 girls in attendance! You may recognize some of the cute little faces from here, here, and here.
What a delight, you are so creative and generous!!!
Mary loves coming every month, she really looks forward to it! She also loves her teacher! 🙂
what age would you recommend ‘chat’s with God’s little ones? Is it substantially different to “leading Little ones to Mary”? that is if you have seen it.
Erin ~ I would say from age 3-7. (Pre-School through 2nd Grade) Yes, I do think it is substantially different than Leading Little Ones to Mary (though I haven’t used that book near as much as Chat’s With God’s Little Ones.).
Love to learn has a review about it which you can read here: http://www.love2learn.net/node/1090
I hope that helps!
ALWAYS sooo much fun!!!! AND… Punky even colored this month. We ARE making progress~ Thank you so much for ALL you do~
I love Little Flowers! I hosted my group, and we had so much fun. But, I must admit your craft looks WAY more organized than mine did!!
Where did you find that wonderful jean skirt for your daughter??!! I want one!
Twinkle Toes skirt is from Old Navy. I bought it (online) about a year ago, but they usually have them. I checked, and they are on sale right now for $15.00 (I think that’s what I paid.). Here is the link:
That looks like a lot of work! Good for you doing that for your girls and the other cuties.
I have been using your notebooking pages for my dd’s notebooking pages but I don’t see your page for February. Did you not meet? IF you have a picture of your sheet I would really appreciate it. Please just email me.
Thank you so much for all the wonderful Little Flower posts. They really help me with ideas since we are 4 months behind you:)
Mimi ~ No, we haven’t met yet. We did have a February meeting scheduled, but with hubby being sick, and then myself, it ended up needing to be canceled for the month. I’ve put together our page for the meeting, but I haven’t scanned it in yet. I’ll post it after this months meeting. I am glad that you have been able to use them with your daughter! =)
I am missing your LF posts. I check each month. I usually look before our meetings to get ideas. We had 2 meetings in February and 2 in March, so we are already on Industry!! Hope your family is feeling better and sorry to hear about your grandfather. God Bless.
Hello, I just wanted to take a moment to say a giant THANK YOU for your beautiful site! I am a new LF leader, and I would be completely lost without you, so thank you thank you thank you! You are inspirational to me. 🙂 God Bless, Anna in Virginia.