Big “C” and little “c” out of Modeling Wax
We also formed letters using HWT wooden pieces, practiced writing “C,”
and did another Hidden Letter Worksheet. (We ended up having the flu during the beginning of this week, so I didn’t get quite as many pictures as before.)
~ Columbine Fairy Coloring Pages ~
From this Coloring Book (while listening to this CD
We didn’t read that many books this week, but the ones we did we really enjoyed. In fact, we read them all outside on the front porch sofa since the weather was so beautiful. The books we read were:
Crinkleroots Guide to Knowing Animal Habitats, Box Turtle at Long Pond
, and (our favorite) Paddle-to-the-Sea
Princess by the Pond Coloring Page
Joseph Interpreting the Dreams of His Fellow Prisoners ~
Lots of delicious Chai Tea! (Particularly for me, and not that I ever need a reason!)
The girls also made St. Gregory’s Cherries (a Cherry Crisp!) to Celebrate the feast of St. Gregory and the arrival home of their daddy!
Twinkle Toes’ new Calico Critters of Cloverleaf Lawn (the Cat Family
) really enjoyed their visit to the Castle
this week!
We’re already on our third day of “D” week and having just as much fun as usual! I am so glad it has worked out this year to finally follow the Alphabet Path with my girls!!
Have a blessed 'D' week.
Pax – Lena
Hi, love your posts. I would like to try the candle craft what and where did you get the materials? God bless you and your family!!
Dessi ~ I used some of what I had on hand since the Beeswax Candle Rolling Kit I had ordered didn't arrive on time. (We'll use it later this fall!)
The candles, decorating wax, and the star cookie cutters are from Magic Cabin. The little tin of cookie cutters (we used the leaf) are from Pampered Chef. And the Candle Decorating Pens are from HearthSong.
It was a really fun activity for "C" week!! =)
LOL! I was just thinking about trying to get y hands on stuff to decorate candles this week!
Looks great Jessica.
I am so sorry that you all were sick this week. But some how you still managed to fit so much into the week. The kitty cat that Twinkle Toes made is SOOOO adorable. I think you may have a little artist on your hands 🙂
Roxaline ~ It wasn't too bad, other wise I am sure we wouldn't have gotten done what we were still able to do… Chiquita & I were the only ones to actually throw up, and I did have many diapers to change on Snuggles as well as bathrooms to clean after lots of use over a two day period… But by Thursday (when hubby arrived home from the fire) everyone was feeling better! I don't know why it is, but everytime he goes out on a fire somebody seems to get sick here. lol!
Is that an American history timeline I see a peek of on the wall in your "canoes" picture? Do you have a link to the printables?
Glin ~ Unfortunatley it isn't a download, but a kit you can purchase from Beautiful Feet. I posted a few more pictures as well as the link to where I purchased it in my School Room Photos Post.
Oh — actually the link is in the comments of that post. =)
Hi Jessica,
I really love your blog. We are starting the Alphabet Path next week with my 5 1/2 yo boy, 3 1/2 yo girl, and 2 yo boy. It's so nice that you are a few weeks ahead – you're giving me lots of good ideas. Anyway, I was wondering if you could elaborate on how you do it – do you read the story only on Monday or each day throughout the week? Do you spread the activities like coloring and forming letters and doing a craft throughout the week or do you have one day designated to the alphabet path? If you have any time to comment I'd appreciate it. I've read Elizabeth's tutorial but I was just wondering how you do it. Thanks so much. Blessings, Aubrey
Aubrey ~ A few weeks back I posted our schedule which lays out my daily goals for the Alphabet Path (as well as the rest of our day):
Monday:Presentation; Letter Formation using Modeling Beeswax and HWT Wooden Pieces; Flower Fairy Coloring Page
Tuesday : Science themed Picture Books and Coloring Page and/or Worksheets
Wednesday: Picture Study (ABC Museum)
Thursday: Saint Story (Alphabet of Saints and various picture books) and Craft
Friday: Serendipi-Tea Time Recipe
We also read the books we aren't able to get to during the day at Bedtime each night and the crafts are sometimes finished up on the weekends! =)
This schedule seems to work well for us, though I am sure every family is different.
Anyhow, I hope that helps! Your going to LOVE the Alphabet Path!! =)
C is for congratulations! You're doing a great job with this. Gets the creative juices flowing every week, doesn't it?!
As always this was a fantastic post! Thanks so much for sharing your walk down the Alphabet Path with us.
God bless!
Jessica….really—how do you do it?? You amaze me.
I love reading your blog and hearing about all the wonderful things you do with your children! I'm so excited to see you putting "into practice" the Alphabet Path as it's something I would like to do with my own children and it helps SO much to "see" it done.
You said in your post today that you're so glad you are able to do the Alphabet Path "this year"– my question is were you waiting for both girls to be at a good age to use it (I'm thinking here of when we should begin…) and also are you still doing some of the Little Saints program along with it? I apologize if you've already written about these thing- if so, perhaps you could point me to those posts. Many thanks!
Your children are so beautiful and so blessed to have a wonderful mom!
Jenny ~
When I posted the pictures of my painted saints last September (2008) I said I was going to start the Alphabet Path the following week… God had other plans.
The next day my husband was sent out on a fire assignment (and was gone for weeks), I sprained all of my fingers trying to turn over a little pool of water, and things just kept going wrong… By Monday I was super stressed (if you want to laugh you can read my Daybook from that day! In fact, another funny thing — a few days after posting that image at the top of my daybook my washer actually DID flood my whole laundry room! Ugh!! September of last year was TOUGH!)
The Alphabet Path was postponed and I just continued using Little Saints with the younger children since I have so many of the books and most of the activities were already prepped from when the boys were using the program… My daughters were also still young enough that it wasn't too big of a deal to start later.
The next month I found out I was expecting and was sick/tired and didn't have the energy to pull it together and then in the end of November I miscarried our little one (at approx 12 weeks – the same day my first was born too prematurely — November was another really hard month…). At that point I didn't have any motivation left and decided to try again this year.
Thankfully I still had a wonderful tutor that was working with my oldest son (who had auditory processing challenges) coming 3 mornings per week for phonics/language arts, which was such a blessing, but really cut into the time that I could work with the children anyways. At that point she also started working with my second two taking the pressure off of me.
So far this year everything has just fallen into place (With lots of planning and organizing throughout the summer! Could I be nesting already, lol?!?) and it is working wonderfully for the girls. Although that may all change when this new baby is born in December… =) However, by then we should have made fairly good progress anyways so it won't be a big deal if we need to spread out the letters to every 2 weeks. We'll see!! =)
So cute as always! Your energy is amazing!
How are you printing the Museum prints at full page? I can't seem to figure it out!
Aimee ~ I've been thinking the same thing about YOU lately!!! =)
When I open the saved images on my computer to print them, I set my printer to "Fit to Page" which increases the size of the picture before printing. Every printer is probably different, but perhaps you can figure out how to do the same on yours?
That's just awesome!!!!!
If you have a link, I'd love to know the recipe for the sugarless coconut milk ice cream. And the candle supply links are great – I think I will refer to those for Candlemas in 2010!
Erin ~ I don't have a link for the Coconut Milk Ice Cream… I started making it last year after finding out that I was allergic to dairy and spending way too much money on Coconut Bliss. (I've been bad about staying off of dairy lately and need to try harder — it really makes such a difference!). I'll try and post the recipe soon. =)
Hi! I love your ideas. We're on letter B right now and loving it! Just wondering where you get your prints for the picture study. Thanks. God Bless!
The candles came out great, very colorful and pretty!