40 Bags of Stuff ~ Update

by | Mar 19, 2009 | Organization | 6 comments

Speaking of weight, I wonder just how many pounds my home has shed this past week?! Here’s the breakdown so far:

12 Bags of Stuff to St. Vincents
1 Bag of Stuff to a friend
5 Bags of Stuff thrown away
Large Items (which count as 1 bag each):
1 Doll Cradle
1 Television Set
1 Microwave (Do you think I can live without one?!)

Only 19 “Bags of Stuff” left to go to accomplish the 40 Bags of Stuff Challenge!!

This has really been a nice addition to my Lenten Cleaning schedule. I have found it quite helpful to have a preset goal for the quantity of stuff I need to get out of our home, especially since I have a tendency to hang on to things that we really don’t need, and definitely *don’t* have the room for! As I tackle each daily project, I am trying to set a goal of how many bags to fill, and it has been working. I’m going to have a little catch up to do next week, but that’s ok… We’re making progress!

So, how is your Lenten (or Spring) Cleaning going?


  1. Lena

    Not so good. 🙁 I have one junk drawer clean. I’ve accomplished about 10 bags of trash. Don’t ask me where it all came from but I’m counting them in my 40 bag challenge. Rose gave away a bag of shoes. We gave away a baby play pin and seat. I think that brings me to….13 bags. Unfortunately, the house looks worse and barley touched. It doesn’t help that the my DH, GFG and sis packed during our move a year ago while I was on bed rest. It was nice then but I’m overwhelmed now.

    I like your idea of storing your bags together for removal. I’m not sure that would work here. Sparkles and Sweetie like to find treasures. That’s been the other struggle, finding time to clean w/o neglecting the little ones who are still sick.

    Nonetheless, I’ll keep preserving with much prayer.


  2. Aimee Landreneau

    Are you really doing away with a microwave altogether?!

  3. Kristyn Hall

    Well, it’s coming along… slowly…
    I have had a little help by offering to pay the older kids by the bag. The going rate is $5.00/large trash bag or $2.50/kitchen bag. They have to be FULL. So far one of my children has made $10! We have trouble with saving stuff we don’t have room for, too. I have a couple of boxes for St. VdeP (as we call it) and it’s going okay.

  4. Anonymous

    I think we got our 40 bags of stuff donated and tossed. Cool idea.

  5. Sarah

    I think you can live without your microwave! As soon as we unpack, I’m thinking of storing mine in my garage to see if we can live without ours as well . . . 🙂

    Great job with getting rid of stuff!


  6. Jessica Gordon

    I’m back! =) Shortly after posting, we had to leave for our trip… I’ve enjoyed catching up on all of your comments!

    Lena ~ I know exactly what you are going through!! We moved into our current home 9 years ago, when I was on bedrest with “Captain. It takes lots of time to sort through things. It sounds like you have made a good start!! I am sure as you get closer to 40, you will start to feel the difference.

    Aimee ~ Yes, I was thinking about getting rid of it altogether! =) I’ve wanted to for a long time, but have never been able to actually do it! I mainly just use it for heating up Chai tea, and occasionally for leftovers. It broke last week, and that made the final decision for me! 😉 We’ll see how it goes! I have lived with very few other kitchen appliances, so it shouldn’t be too hard!

    Kristyn ~ That is a great idea! I haven’t offered to pay my children, but I *do* owe a treat to TT for letting me pass on the doll cradle. =)

    Sarah ~ Thanks for the encouragement! =)


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