Outside my Window… it is quiet and peaceful after the rain we had last night. According to the forecast, it won’t be long till the rain is back.
I am thinking… I can’t believe it is already March! Where did January and February go??
I am thankful… that we all seem to be on the mend, other than a couple runny noses.
From the kitchen… lots of lean protein, no-sugar, whole grains, and fiber filled foods for me… It seems to be working: I am losing weight and feeling healthier. I’ve been hoping to post a few meatless recipes over at Catholic Cuisine for Lent, but I just haven’t had a chance. If any of you have a favorite Lenten recipe, and would like to submit a guest post, please let me know!!
From the school room… lots of Lenten projects!! We are also finally settling into a nice routine, now that everyone (mainly hubby and I) is starting to feel better. Hopefully we can keep it up…
Living the Liturgical year at Home… Since today is the optional feast of St. Katherine Drexel, we will listen to Treasure in Heaven: The Story of St. Katherine Drexel. Since St. Katharine Drexel was a missionary to the Native American and African-American poor, I am trying to find a simple native American recipe to make with my kiddos this afternoon… Perhaps some Native America Fry Bread?
I am creating… the rest of our notebook pages for Little Flowers. I spent most of Saturday working on finding clip art and quotes. It will be so nice not to be scrambling at the last second (like is usually the case) to pull them together for our last four meetings!
I am going… to pull out all of our Lenten and Easter books. I gathered most of them last week, and placed them in a basket in our schoolroom so they are easily assessable, but I know I still have a few more around here somewhere.
I am wearing… warm clothes and slippers. It is freezing in our house… I really should go and try to start a fire.
I am reading… The New Catholic Picture Bible to my children each day (for our Jesus Tree Bible Study) and the corresponding Bible passages myself. I also just received The Living Wood: Saint Helena and the Emperor Constantine
which I can’t wait to read… Hopefully I will have a chance to start it tonight!
I am hoping… to start our “Spring Cleaning” soon!
I am listening… to the sermon Lent: Our Spiritual Tithe (for the second time) and Let Us Make Ourselves Altars of Sacrifice. I am always so very inspired by the sermons posted at Audio Sancto.
Around the house… we finally hung curtains over the sliding glass door in our bedroom! I’ve been meaning to do this since we added the room on, oh, almost 4 years ago.
One of my favorite things… is being able to actually sleep again!! I am so thankful that the Vitamin D supplements seem to be working!
Hubby and I may attend a baby-shower for our friends who are expecting twins in June. I may just go, if we can’t find a babysitter… We are also considering driving (3 hrs one way) to a new “once a month, trail based” Latin Mass that is being offered on Sunday. We’ll see! I also have 3 siblings that are having birthdays, as well as a couple friends!
A picture thought I am sharing:
You baby is getting big! Look at how cute he is!
Were is the Latin Mass being said at?
Enjoyed your daybook! Your son is adorable – I love his hat & sweater.
I'm wondering what you think a 3-year-old (just turned 3 in December) can understand about Lent. Her teacher at a Catholic Mother's Day Out said they don't do much with Lent because the kids are just too little to understand. What would you recommend for this age (and especially anything that would also work for her younger sister – 18 mo.)? Thanks!
Jenny ~ I would have to disagree with your daughters teacher. 🙂 Are you familiar with the book Guiding your Catholic Preschooler? In it the author suggests making a Lenten Calendar with your children, encouraging them to “Pray, Fast, and Give Alms”. I posted the details last year: Our Lenten Calendar. I hope that helps!
Jessica – Where are you driving 3 hours to go to a Latin Mass?!?!!! (or considering it anyway!)
Anonymous ~ It is being said at one of our diocesan parishes. Sorry to be so vague! =)
You can find a complete listing of Latin Masses in Canada and USAhere.
Well, you know {R} will babysit! Oh, a Latin mass! That would be so cool!
So glad you’re feeling better. Your little Snuggles is such a doll. It’s amazing how fast they grow up. Our little one (not yet 8 mos.) pulled himself to a standing position and I thought, “Here we go!” Where does the time fly to?
BTW I thought your comment about what little ones can participate in for Lent was good. I too disagree that a three year old cannot understand anything about Lent. Three year olds can do lots of great stuff, particularly in the giving department! They love to give at that age. 🙂
I read “The Living Wood” and I have to caution everyone regarding gratuitous impurity in a few places, especially in the Roman court and early on in the “courtship” of Constanius and Helena. It kinda sneaks up on the reader. Not for teens!!! 🙁
The overall story-line was not what I expected based on the title. So, one still can’t judge a book by it’s cover!
I would be interested to hear what others think.
Hi there,
i just listened to the recordings you had posted and I was wondering where you found them? I especially love the Spiritual Tithe sermon!
Hello Jennifer,
I had meant to link them, but it looks like I forgot. I’ll update the post now.
The site is Audio Sancto: