Outside my window… there is still some snow on the trees and ground from yesterday! It was a nice surprise for the forecasted rain to turn to snow and my children immediately headed outside to play.
I am thinking… about how hard it is to find time to blog with a new little baby in the house! It has been a week since I got online for a minute to post our Christmas picture. Between Christmas, visiting family, Mass on Sunday, and the baby’s baptism on Monday, I haven’t had any extra time (or motivation!) to sit down in front of this computer. I do have a ton of pictures to share though, so I’m thinking this daybook is going to include quite a few! 😉
I am thankful for… Hubby’s brothers, who are always willing to fly out to administer the sacrament of Baptism to our children. This particular brother-in-law has baptized all three of our daughters! (In fact, Twinkle Toes was his first baptism ever as a newly ordained deacon at the time.) Thank you “Uncle Father!”
Living the Liturgical Year at Home… I have so many pictures to share from Christmas Day… It was wonderful! I also have a newly blessed bottle of wine from the feast of St. John. (Another benefit to having a priest visiting right after Christmas this year!) Our Christ Candle replaced our Advent candles for the Christmas season, and the Advent Mantle was updated with the word “REJOICE” in gold as well! I am still trying to decide what we will be doing to celebrate the Solemnity Feast of Mary the Mother of God/Circumcision of Our Lord, but I still have a couple days, right? Other than attending Mass, what will you be doing with your family?
I am going… to town this afternoon. Rose has her 2 week check-up and then I have an appointment with a Physical Therapist due to my sacroiliac joint. (Now you know the real reason I haven’t been motivated to sit and blog! 😉 ) Hopefully they will be able to re-align everything and give me some exercises to do at home to help recover! In the meantime, it is giving me a little something extra to offer up…
I am reading… The Mission of Motherhood: Touching Your Child’s Heart for Eternity which was recently given to me by a friend. I have only just started, but so far it is wonderful!
I am hoping… that it won’t be nearly 5 years before Father is able to come out for another visit… We miss him already!
Noticing that… our little Snuggles is not a baby anymore! When did he grow up???? He sure loves his new little sister and will spend every opportunity he can get snuggling with her.
Around the house… lots of evidence that we have a new little one living in our home. Baby Blankets, a Boppy pillow, burp rags, bouncy chairs, and a darling moses basket can be found scattered all around. Not to mention all the new Christmas and Baby gifts… Time to start decluttering again to make room for it all!
A few plans for the rest of the week:
- 2 week check-up for Rose and PT appt for me
- Attend Mass on January 1st, a Holy Day of Obligation
- Finish Mailing out Christmas Cards
- Start Planning our Back to School “Schedule”
- Make plans for celebrating Epiphany
A Picture thought I am sharing:

Taken by Captain as I was leaving to go to my scheduled OB appointment on December 15th at 4:00 pm… The very last photo of “Rose” in my tummy! Little did I know I would be holding our sweet little girl later that very night!
Here's to hoping I look half as beautiful with you when I am blessed with a pregnancy 🙂
I also haven't been consistent about blogging during the Advent/Christmas madness – but I don't have such a great excuse as 6 kids and a medical condition!
Will be praying for you and your sweet little baby girl especially this Christmas season!
Thank you for sharing so much of your life! I am sure this blog is really for your children as well as friends and family… a scrapbook of sorts. But, I certainly enjoy visiting and love the pictures. My children do as well. Enjoy this special time… I just love having a newborn in the house! And, how awesome to have priests in the family! Peace and prayers
Thank you Cita! Funny thing is, one of my boys just pointed out last night that I have "a double chin just like the baby now!" Children are too honest sometimes… lol!
It's also funny seeing "6 kids" in writing! It is still hard to believe that we have THAT MANY! =)
Annita ~ Yes, I do think of this blog as our family scrapbook, and did start blogging for that very reason. I never realized I would also gain so many blessings, prayers and new friendships as well! Thank you for visiting and a Blessed New Year to you and your family!!!
I really enjoy your blog. Your family is such an inspiration to me.
Your brother-in-law/priest pictured in this blog was our priest for awhile in KC – we love him and miss him, though get to see him once in awhile when we go west.
As for the lower spine issue, do you know any good chiropractors? If you can find one who has a good reputation, that would probably do you more good than a physical therapist. Just throwing in my 2 cents. I have been going to chiropractors for years, both for temporary problems and for preventive health. They have worked wonders for me.
You have a beautiful family. Congratulations on your 6th! We are due with #3 around Easter.
God bless you all!
What a beautiful post! I'm so happy for your family, to welcome Rose so close to Christmas. What a blessing, too, that Father was able to come out and baptize her! 🙂
Chrism is also my favorite smell after baptism. Can't get enough!
Congratulations again!
Such a beautiful cake! Take as much time off blogging as you need. We'll be right here waiting for you to come back. I think a lot of blog for the scrapbook aspect of it. I know I do too 🙂
I don't have all of my cards out either … But I don't have a good excuse, like just having a baby, like you do =) The Christmas season isn't over, though, right?!
Wishing you much joy and peace during these days of transition for your family … And happy new year, too!
Merry Christmas Jessica,
It's good to see you holding baby Rose. There is nothing sweeter than a new baby…burp rags and all.
A friend had some issues after delivering her almost 11 lb baby boy last May. Her physical therapists and then a chiropractor did wonders for her. I'm praying you'll feel better soon too.
Our family has gone through some of its own changes recently, but it has brought some saddness and hurt with it. If I may ask for your prayers as well Jessica it would be so appreciated.
On that note we are looking ahead into the Feast of Epiphany. Our kids will be making a cake for Our King and have a little gift tucked under their bed (my mom use to do this when we were kids). We'll bless our home and add our wisemen to our nativity.
God bless,
Elizabeth C.
mmmm,,,baby heads with chrism. I think they should give you a little extra to take home. 🙂