Even though I call our second son “Rascal” here on my blog (he can be a little stinker at times), he is such a sweet sensitive little guy. I remember back when he had just turned two and hubby and I had put our 3 children (at the time) to bed, Rascal would usually talk or sing himself to sleep. Well, I heard him talking in his room, so I peeked inside and then called hubby over look. He was kneeling beside his little toddler bed talking to Jesus, on the cross above his bed, and telling him “I’m two!” while holding up two of his little fingers. I let out a little giggle, which Rascal heard, and he jumped back into his bed.
Yes, ever since he was baby he has loved Our Lord dearly. When he turned five he began serving Mass on Fridays with his older brother, in addition to “playing Mass” at home. He has been anxiously awaiting being able to receive his First Holy Communion, and more recently has had a great desire to make his First Confession.
Back to November… We knew that Rascal was ready to make his First Confession, but we weren’t sure what we could do. We had tried to put him in a First Communion class last September, but since he had not been in the program the year before as well, the DRE placed him in the younger class, and said that he would have to wait until next year. It’s a long story which I would rather not go into, but I’ll just leave it with the fact that we didn’t have very many options, and had been considering taking a trip to visit one of my brother-in-laws! 😉
Well, I had the opportunity to speak with a new priest in our area, whom I was able to meet with right before and after my miscarriage. I brought up Rascal and his desire to make his First Confession, and he said he would see what he could do. To make a long story short shorter, I received a call from him on Friday afternoon saying he could do the First Confession and First Communion Sunday morning!!!
OH!!!! WOW!!!! Even though Rascal was ready, I wasn’t! 😉 I would need to invite our family and his God-parents, find a suit, find the First Communion tie (which would take until right before we had to leave on Sunday), order a cake, buy a gift, and so on, and I would only have Saturday to do so (which was already filled with other plans!)! But, how could we say no?!?! Rascal was SO excited! And I had a panic attack! 😉
So, yesterday morning, bright and early, Rascal made his First Confession and then received Our Lord for the very first time! He has just been glowing ever since!
I do have a few pictures to share, but right now I need to take care of Captain and Twinkle Toes who both came down with a fever last night. Hum, my children all got sick right after our last First Communion too… Hopefully this time won’t be as bad, and I will be back soon!
This is wonderful news! God is so good!
Congratualtions Rascal!
In some ways, such short notice would be good for me. The focus would be on the Sacrament and not the periphery.
God bless your Rascal…next to their brith, it’s the next most incredible day, I think.
Thank you both!
+JMJ+ ~ Your right!! I did think about that, and it WAS good for me! =)
Congratulations Rascal!
How exciting! Congratulations, Rascal!
This story brought tears to my eyes. God bless you all. Love, Teresa
I can’t believe you didn’t call me! Grrr!
I hope it was wonderful and am just sorry we weren’t there to share thatr special day with such a wonderful boy.
Congrats Rascal, we are so happy for you!!
Hi! I just found your blog and I love it! I have decided that for Lent I will be reading only Catholic/Christian blogs … so glad I found you!
That is so wonderful!
What a wonderful story. Sounds like you have a saint in training! Blessings to Rascal.
What an amazing series of events all culminating in Rascal’s heart’s desire…May God bless your precious boy and may every Holy Communion hereafter, be just as meaningful as his first!
I am so pleased that things have worked out with a new priest!! You should have called… I would have come toting a cake or something – anything!!
God Bless that little Rascal!
Wonderful news! What a blessing that priest was able to make this happen now for Rascal, when his heart was prepared. Each child is different.
Have a great week, Jessica!
Oh, I love it, Jessica! My youngest son made his First Communion last year, and this reminds me of that day (and my oldest’s special day as well). I remember feeling the pride and joy you feel now. Wonderful!
What a sweet story with such a wonderful ending! Congratulations to your little Rascal! 😉
What a beautiful little boy you have! I’m glad he could receive his heart’s desire at last.
Thank you all!!
Amy & Erica ~ I'm sorry!! I only called my family and his Godparents since it was so last minute. We would have loved to have you both there though!
how great that you were able to do this and get everyone together. My youngest, made his first communion at the age of 5. Our family is active with Our Lady of the Cenacle Monastery here. One Saturday my husband was helping the small community move into new housing. As they prepared they celbrated thier first mass, father gave my youngest his first communion. He stated that my son just looked so angelic and knew what to do. After the mass, father sat down and talked to my son and it was determined that the sacrement was valid as my son understood the signifance of the sacrement. The bishop concurred. Welcom to the table of the Lord Rascal.