A Pink Cowgirl Party…

by | Aug 31, 2009 | Birthday Parties, Cake Decorating, Happy Birthday | 21 comments

… for Twinkle Toes’ 6th Birthday! 


  1. Joalyce

    Wow! You are an amazing mother…how you manage to get all the things done that you do, just amazes me….may God continue to bless your motherhood! BTW…that cake is just adorable!

  2. Kimberly Lottman

    Looks like she had an amazing day! She reminds me so much of a the daughter of a friend of mine, at least when that young lady was little. She is 16 now, but they could certainly pass for sisters!

  3. Shalon

    I have gotten so many good gift ideas for my kids from your blog. I went right over to Amazon and looked up Calico Critters – they are so cute and I've bookmarked them for Miriam for Christmas this year!!

  4. Jessica Gordon

    Shalon ~ The Calico Critters were given to her from one of her friends and she LOVES them!! I went ahead and added the links to the bottom left sidebar with a few other of the girls favorite toys! I am sure we will be adding more to this new collection! =)

  5. Sarah

    Cute party! I have a girl who really, really, really likes horses, so this would be a perfect theme for her next birthday.

  6. Jessica Gordon

    Sarah ~ It was a super easy party!! I ordered most of the decorations from Oriental Trading (the Pink Cowgirl Party Pack) and here is the Pink Pony Cake Recipe I used as a guide.

  7. Juli

    I showed this to my little girl and now she wants it for her birthday party. Thankfully that's not until January! I don't know that I could pull it off in less time than that.

  8. Christine

    oh my goodness Jessica how do you do it???????????????

    So pretty and I loved all the pink pink pink!

    Everything is perfect.

    What a wonderful party from an awesome mama for a precious girl.

  9. Kelly

    You did it! What a fantastic job you did! I can't believe you managed to pull it off what with hubby gone and all. Praying for his safety and a speedy return.

  10. Anonymous

    Love the horsey cake!! Fantastic party you "threw" together!!

  11. Erin

    What a pretty party!! I love the cake especially! My four year old has the same Calico Critters cat family. She loves them, and her grandparents are getting her a park of some sort for them for Christmas. I loved playing with the 80s equivalent of Calico Critters, Sylvanian Families, when I was a kid!

  12. Roxaline

    We just got our daughters (ages 2 & 5) the same dress from gymboree the other day. They wore them today and they looked adorable!

  13. suzel

    Happy birthday to your twinkle toes
    Your party is very pretty, all in pink and your cake is wonderfull, you're a very cute mother.
    God bless you all (particulary your husband, we heard at the french radio that the fire is terrible!!!!). I will pray for you.
    Kisses from France.

  14. Anonymous

    It looks like you all had a wonderful time!

  15. Anonymous

    I have never seen one individual who does so much and accomplishes so much and still has time to breathe! when do you plan all these things? Your wonderful busy thinking cap must be thinking all of the time, no kidding! You are such a cyclone of energy! Continued Blessings to you and your wonderful family Jessica! Please let the rest of us know what you take for vitamins so we can have some too! lol PJ

  16. Anonymous

    Awesome party! Love the cake!

  17. S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen

    Great idea using that hair ribbon for the mane on the cake!

  18. Jessica Gordon

    Jen ~ The mane is actually made out of Pink Bubble Tape! =) I wrapped it around a rod to curl it before placing it on the cake.

  19. The Wades

    Happy Birthday, Twinkle Toes! What a fun party. If you lived closer, we'd have you out to ride horses.

  20. Kris

    Happy Birthday! My daughter will turn 8 this year and still plays with all her Calico Critters. You would not believe the longevity of these little guys, since she has had them since her 3rd birthday!!

    Blessings to your daughter!

  21. Jamie Jo

    Happy Birthday sweet Twinkle Toes!!! Your cake and ideas are wonderful!!

    I need to get up our "Butterfly" party pictures for our new 5 year old!


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