… here are a few words and links, in answer to some of the questions I received this morning, on my Wordless Wednesday Post. (Thanks for all the comments and emails! It was cute, wasn’t it?!)
Yesterday morning Snuggles amazingly slept in till 9:10, and around 8:30 I heard singing (my 4 oldest) coming from the girls bedroom:
Natum videte regem angelorum
Venite adoremus, Venite adoremus, Venite adoremus, Dominum
I went back to peek in on what was happinging and found them “playing Mass” with their little Wooden Saints. They let me grab my camera and take a few pictures. =)
Anyhow, the girls received the castle last Christmas and they still LOVE it!! I think it is my favorite toy of theirs as well! 😉 I know that Toy’s R Us carries it, but I purchased ours from Amazon, since they had the best price. Here’s the link: Melissa & Doug Deluxe Wooden Folding Princess Castle
On her birthday, Chiquita received the Furniture to go with the Castle which has been a great addition and I highly recommend adding it to the set.
Melissa & Doug also makes a Medieval Castle which would be more appropriate for boys.
The Crucifix, Candlesticks, and Monstrance were a gift from one of my brother-in-law’s, and I have no idea where they came from… Sorry about that.
Also, I updated my Alphabet of Saints post to add pictures of St. Kateri, St. Lucy, St. Martin, and St. Sharbel. I haven’t been able to find a craft store around here that sells the “Wooden Folk” so I have been purchasing mine from A Child’s Dream Come True. (They are Item #3197, and currently $3.50 for a set of 10.) I still have quite a few more I’d like to paint, and I too am a little bit more motivated after seeing my children playing so sweetly with them. Plus I still have a few gifts to make, don’t I!?!
Speaking of gifts, I also have plans to paint this little dollhouse to go along with the Castle, and to give to Chiquita this Christmas. As you all know I have Christmas on my mind! 😉 I am trying to figure out whether it is possible to turn it into a Carmelite Convent.
What do you think?? Any suggestions?
nothing says convent like a single car garage 😉
Well, you know, we did dash through a single car garage attached to the Carmelite Convent in Nebraska as we were trying to get back into the chapel for "captain's" First Holy Communion! 😉
I don't have any suggestions, but I'd love to see pictures once it is completed.
Thanks for the link to the Castle. It would make a great birthday gift for my daughter this year. 😀
I think you should absolutely make it into a convent. Nuns have to drive cars too… lol.
If it were me I'd find some way to glue straw on the roof to make it look more 'rustic'. I've always loved those old King Arthur type movies that show quaint, rustic, medieval monasteries and convents. Maybe glue some rough shingle-like material on the outside walls as well. It would be fun coming up with a way to put stained glass in the windows. Maybe watch Therese to get some ideas?
Oh, that would be so sweet! I know exactly who you are thinking of! 🙂 Definitely make some rosebushes to go along with it! I don't know how, though, since I am not very crafty. Arched windows of some sort?
Thanks for all the links, now I have Christmas on my mind too!!!
Thanks for the inspiration on the saints and the castle! On your little convent – you could paint it cream with brown vertical or diagonal slats. I am looking at a photo of buildings from Lisieux – I know they are possibly the convent, but not 100% sure (no notes). =( There was a stone wall around the grounds too.
Thanks for all the GREAT ideas!! It should be interesting. =) I'll be sure to post pictures — maybe after Christmas! 😉
If it's to be a convent in the times before cars, I would use the garage for the dining hall.
Thanks for the links for the resources.