Saturday morning all 8 of the kids were up bright and early, ready to go to the annual Young Hunters Day in our county!
Young Hunters Day is a free fun filled day (from 9:00 to 1:00), sponsored the local Hunters Association, for children ages 2-16. The children could participate in archery and shotgun shooting, fishing, pelt identification, and tomahawk throwing, with safety emphasized of course. Every child present could win one of the many raffle prizes and a yummy BBQ lunch was provided as well!
Here are a few pictures from the day:
~ Archery Shooting ~
~ The Hot Air Balloon ~
We waited too long, and it got too hot, to have a short ride in the Hot Air Balloon, plus the only person that was willing to go up with me was Branch and I wasn’t sure her mom would approve… We did get to watch them take it down though! And isn’t it the perfect colors for Pentecost weekend!! 😉
~ My Very Full Stroller ~
~ In the Grass ~

~ Pelt Identification ~
Every child’s name is entered into the Raffle. How it works is they begin with a Raffle for 3 Grand Prizes and then continue drawing names until every child has had the opportunity to choose a prize from a room filled with prizes!
I found it pretty funny that our little Twinkle Toes won one of the Grand Prizes, a Crosman Air Rifle
… It is almost bigger than she is!
Branch choose a small inflatable swimming pool; Blossom choose a combination gift including a magna doodle, bubbles, and a couple kites; Chiquita picked out a little charm bracelet kit; Captain choose a target to use with his beebee gun; Rascal choose a camouflaged backpack; Snuggles got so excited and pointed to the “BALLS!!!”; and it looks like I forgot to take a picture of Bud with his new set of water guns!
By the time it was over, we were all ready to go home and cool off! We picked up some more popsicles, as well as a couple take-n-bake pizza’s to simplify dinner, and headed home to fill up the swimming pool before the Treehouse kids had to go home. I am pretty sure we all slept well that night, at least I know I did! 😉
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
OH – She would have LOVED going up in that balloon!!! I had her in a cherry picker once… way way way up in the sky. She and I loved it! Pops didn't go up in the lift, but I took Branch once and Bud, too. Blossom was too small to try last year… SO MUCH FUN. The treekids are still talking about their fun time with their friends.
I just realized I called the Hot Air Balloon a "parachute" in my post?? I have no idea where that came from! lol!! Anyhow, I am glad the kids had a nice time. We will have to do it again sometime!! =)
Oh my gosh! That looks like to was so much FUN!!!