Amazon Prime ~ Free Trial!

by | Jan 7, 2010 | Books | 11 comments

Do you have Amazon Prime?? I’ve wanted to upgrade to Amazon Prime (Free 2-day shipping from Amazon) for a long time, but have not been able to spend the $79.00 it costs per year… I had a month long trial back in 2006 and just loved it. SO, I was very excited when they offered another free month long trial back in November. It came in totally handy for those last Christmas gifts I was purchasing.

Anyhow, my trial expired just before Christmas and I was already missing it when another offer arrived in my inbox!! Amazon is currently offering a FREE THREE MONTH TRIAL of Amazon Prime to anyone who places an order containing a Textbook!

That’s not that hard to do, for all of us home educators, right!?! I went ahead and ordered one of the books off my wishlist and now have Amazon Prime once again, at least until April!

Here’s the link to the promotion.

* And, speaking of Amazon, a huge THANK YOU to all of you who purchased from Amazon after using my links this past month! I now have a nice little bit of commission to add to my MacBook Fund (I can dream can’t I?!) or, on the more practical side, to buy diapers with… (◕‿◕✿)


  1. Sara

    I love my Amazon Prime which is set to expire next month and we can't afford to do it again. But we will probably save up for it and then pay for it the next time we need to do a big order!

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Sara ~ I wonder how long they will be running this promotion since it is available to everyone, even those that have already had Amazon Prime. Perhaps you'll still be able to get it then and have it for a few extra months!

  3. Jessica Gordon

    I just looked at the details of the promotion, and they are offering it until February 5, 2010.

  4. Sarah

    I had Amazon Prime in Dec., and it was GREAT for Christmas shopping. Since I don't homeschool, I wonder what constitutes a textbook, because I really enjoyed having it (but really can't afford the fee at this time).

  5. Jessica Gordon

    Sarah ~ You'd have to search around through the books to see, but I can tell you what I ordered… It is called The Old World and America and is put out by Tan. Since I plan to have my boys read it in the future (it is a History book) I figured it was totally worth ordering to get the free shipping for the next 3 months.

  6. Erin

    Got all excited by this as I was all set to order for the year, then I realised it probably isn't free shipping to Australia:( I don't think it is:(

    Thanks fr giving me a morning thrill though;) lol

  7. Jessica Gordon

    lol! Wouldn't that have been wonderful Erin!! Yes, it is just for those of us in the continental US. 🙁

  8. Pamela

    I just signed up for Amazon Prime. I already used it what a great deal:)

  9. Jessica Gordon

    Oh and on the plus side Erin, at least you won't have the UPS man telling your husband that it "looks like someone has been going crazy at Amazon!" 😉

  10. Kristine

    *Thank you* for sharing this! I've been missing Amazon Prime since Christmas too, so happily took advantage of this offer!

  11. Anonymous

    Keep posting stuff like this i really like it


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