~ Treats from St. Nicholas ~
Every year our children are given new slippers on the feast of St. Nicholas. However, last year I purchased extra big sizes. The oldest four still fit in their slippers and Snuggles has plenty of hand-me-downs from his big brothers… I just couldn’t justify the extra expense this year. (Only Rose really could use a pair of slippers and there is always her birthday on the 15th, or Christmas.) So, before bed the children lined up their slippers and Rose’s boots to be filled with treats from St. Nicholas!

In addition to the picture books, the children also received St. Nicholas Chocolate Coins, Mini St. Nick Chocolates
(I bought one of the Lindt Santas the day after Thanksgiving to decorate as St. Nicholas for the whole family, but even on sale they were too expensive to buy EIGHT of them! So, I found the small Palmer chocolates so each child could have their own this year), and homemade St. Nicholas Holy Card’s with little notes to each child on the back.
You can find lots of Vintage Christmas and St. Nicholas Images which can be used for personal use here.
~ Candy Cane Cocoa ~
~ Decorating St. Nicholas Cupcakes ~
Silly girl! She is so fast… I guess she thought it was worth a try!
And don’t you just love her little pinky finger! 🙂
~ St. Nicholas Cookies & Picture Books ~
(this picture was taken on Dec 5th)
Speaking of books… I’ve added a few books on St. Nicholas that we haven’t read to our “wishlist” to keep in mind for next year. I would love to hear if any of you have read them:
~ Surprise Gifts! ~
We were surprised by three packages that arrived with the mail…
Humm! Three for the Holy Trinity!! 🙂
The first package was a sweetly wrapped gift from Lena!
Lena recently hosted a wonderful little giveaway for her beautiful hand-made Our Lady of Good Remedy Glass Tile Necklaces. I was so excited to the recipient of one of them!! When I opened the package I was pleasantly surprised with a gorgeous St. Therese necklace as well.
And just look at the precious picture on the back of the necklace!!!!
Thank you Lena!!
The second package was from author Anthony DeStefano containing his lovely new Christmas picture book, “Little Star
.” I will try and post a review of this book soon! 🙂 Thank you Mr. DeStefano!!
The third package arrived in the afternoon via UPS, and it was SUCH a surprise! I had been eyeing this beautiful little wooden nativity
on Amazon, especially since it is made by the same artist as our favorite Advent Calendar
! Thank you so very much Magdalena!
I truly have been so completely blessed by the friendships I have made through this little blog! It is impossible for me (though I do keep trying!) to keep up with all the comments and sweet emails/letters. Please know that even if I don’t always respond they mean so very much to me and always (especially the emails of encouragement!) seem to arrive at just the perfect time! So many of you have sent us little gifts and offered prayers for our family and we are truly thankful. You are all in our own family prayers!
Saint Nicholas,
you were a kind and generous man
and a special friend of children.
I pray that I may always show my gratitude
to people who are good to me.
May I return their kindness with love
and may I never hesitate
to share their care with others.
For the first time in many years, our Candy Cane Coffee Cake never did get made (I think I’ll add it to the menu for Christmas), but overall it was such a nice day!
Sancte Nicolae, Ora Pro Nobis!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
The Baker's Dozen is one of our very favorite books! I didn't even know they came out with a new addition. I see Christmas gifts for a few Godchildren 🙂
I love all of your sweet gifts, how lovely! I'm so glad your family had such a rich and wonderful feast day!
What a beautiful feast day celebration! Everything looks so wonderful. I think next year we're going to try and make your St. Nicholas purse cookies. Yum!
Thank you for sharing all that you do with us. May God bless you!
Oh how I love Advent and all of the traditions we can pass on to our children.
Lovely photos! Enjoyed seeing your post. I love how large your Advent candles are, mine are thin tapers and we go through a lot of them during the weeks of Advent and through the Epiphany.
Peace & Health,
What a special feast day celebration- I love the cupcakes. Thank you for sharing how your family celebrates this feast day.
Those smiles make the day, don't they? What blessings!
You always have such fun ideas, I love your blog! We have the Baker's Dozen and love it. We are reading it and making St. Nicholas cookies from the recipe in the back. Also I'm giving away two copies at my blog in Honor of St. Nicholas day 😉 Perhaps you might win one?