… I am totally addicted to chocolate candy molds

They are so easy to use and the results are so much fun!
The other day I did a trial run for Christmas,
using our new
Nativity Chocolate Candy Mold Set
This Christmas, I am hoping to decorate a birthday cake for Baby Jesus by placing a white chocolate nativity scene on top of a chocolate frosted cake and adding green accents, but this time I just used the chocolate melts that I already had in the cupboard.
I ordered my Nativity Chocolate Candy Mold Set
on the 1st and it arrived on the 9th. If you hurry, you should still be able to order the molds in time for Christmas. If not, it could always be made to celebrate the feast of Epiphany!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Oh, this came out great! The mold was a good price too! 🙂
Yes, even with shipping I figured it was well worth the $11 I spent. It can be used over and over and I think the sets of chocolates would make great Christmas gifts!
Also, if you look at some of the other links I posted at Catholic Cuisine, a few of the molds by CK products are only $2 each right now, and eligible for Free Shipping!
so what kind of chocolate do you buy to make candy?
really like the nativity! what a lovely gift that would be too 🙂
All I can say is yummmy! I am going to order this today! I think this would be fun to make for Christmas Eve.
I buy the Wilton Chocolate Melts, and I usually can get them for around $2 per bag or less. I was able to make this whole set with one bag of chocolate.
However, on the Catholic Cuisine Facebook Page a woman just mentioned that her friend suggested using the ghiradelli milk chocoloate chips. (yum!!!) She said that she tried and a whole bag will make the figures in the mold just not the stable.
That's awesome! You have the cutest cooking ideas. Next year …
Oh, those are precious! What a great idea!
I'm NOT believing this but I have the EXACT Nativity scene my mother painted YEARS ago when she was very into pottery and ceramics. I plan to post a picture soon so I will share a link. Now I'm going to order that chocolate mold set, I seriously am in awe that it is the exact one! Thank you for sharing this!
But are you going to eat the Baby Jesus?!? 🙂
That's exactly what we've been talking about on Facebook. 🙂 I am trying to remember what we did last year with our Nativity Cookies… Perhaps we'll give the baby Jesus to Rose (our Baby).