Outside my window… the sun is rising and everything is green and beautiful!
I am listening to… the sound of a tractor and a big truck delivering lumber. The rest of the house is quite at the moment (we had a busy weekend) but I am pretty sure my kiddos will be getting up very soon.
I am thinking… about how much we are going to miss my sisters when they leave for College this fall. Congratulations JoAnn and Mary on your Graduation from High School!
I am thankful… that Hubby was not in an accident this morning. He just called and apparently a woman ran a red light and nearly hit him on his way to work. Whew! Thank you to his Guardian Angel!!!
I am hoping and praying… that Hubby likes his new job transfer. He starts next Monday!!
From the kitchen… Fruit Smoothies, Salads and Chicken in the Crock Pot. I started a new “diet” last week eliminating: Coffee, Sugar, Dairy (I’m severely intolerant anyways), and Grains. I am eating as lots of Fruits, Vegetables, and lean proteins, Nuts and Seeds. I feel SO MUCH HEALTHIER and have more energy despite getting less sleep at night.
From the learning rooms… I was so excited to see “Mrs. K” (the tutor who worked with our boys) at a baby shower on Saturday. She is off for the summer and wants to come out next week for a visit! She also wants to take a look at the spelling program I’m now using for the boys. Our budget is very tight right now, as we try and remodel our home, but I am hoping that we can figure out a way to be able to have her come out 1-2 days each week over the summer and do a bit of review with the boys and perhaps work with Twinkle Toes as well. We’ll see.
Living the Liturgical Year at Home… the Year for Priests is ending and my boys are just finishing up their Lap Books. Hopefully I will have a chance to post them sometime this week. I’ve just had so little “extra” time for blogging.
I am creating… a hand painted St. Zita as we finish up “Z” week.
I am wearing… this cute sweater (in black, which is no longer available online) from Gap, since it’s still a bit chilly this morning. I purchased it on sale over Memorial Weekend and it is so comfy! I love that it nicely hides my postpartum (still!) tummy, without making me look pregnant!
I am reading… The Religious Potential of the Child: Experiencing Scripture and Liturgy with Young Children. I’ve been wanting to read this book for a long time and just received a copy from PaperBack Swap!
Our little Rose… will be 6 months old tomorrow! I was hoping to wait until she was at least 7 months old before introducing any foods, but, just like everything else, she seems to be ready a little earlier than I planned. She is SO active when she is awake that she is constantly hungry. She has also started nursing 3-4 times each night. I bought some rice cereal the other day and will probably let her have some this week.
Noticing that… the scale is dropping a little bit each morning. Yay! I have a long ways to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight but I feel like I am finally starting to make a little progress.
Towards personal care… I made it to the track early yesterday morning and am hoping that we can go once or twice this week. I love the Wii Fit and my walking
, but walking “for real” felt so much more effective for some reason.
Around the house… Today I am moving around a few pieces of furniture. I’ve decided that it is time to move Snuggles into the boys room and, in order to create a bit more drawer space, I’m switching around a couple dressers.
One of my favorite things… Basil Olive Oil by Annie’s Naturals. Oh, it is SO good drizzled on salad with some balsamic vinegar.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
On Thursday we are headed to Summer with the Saints, and on Friday we are hoping that we’ll be able to make it to Mass & Benediction. We don’t have that much planned this week but (adding in the construction) it will be plenty!
A Picture thought I am sharing:
Our friend Marc borrowed my camera at the birthday party we attended yesterday, and I’ve really enjoyed looking though all the pictures he took for me. Here is one of my favorites!
Fresh fruit, veggies, lean meat, fish, nuts, and seeds–is that the paleo diet you are talking about?? If so, I am adding a comment for any other readers out there that this approach to meal planning has been a huge success at our house. I lost all of my pregnancy weight and hubby looks lean and fabulous. It is so worth the discipline. I'll be checking Catholic cuisine for your fabulous new creations!!! God keep you healthy and feeling fantastic!
Happy 6 month birthday to Rose! Time flies, doesn't it? I'm sure she'll do well on the rice cereal, though it does make feeding while out-and-about more difficult. Good luck with the new diet!
How do you like All about Spelling? My oldest is a good speller, but he hates to "do" spelling. Thanks.
Marc was taking a lot of pictures… I am nervous, lol! Rose looks so precious in that outfit too. It is so hard to believe it has been six months, as I look down at my 18 month old (your Godson, lol) who is throwing the biggest fit of his life. I am trying to ignore him and see if he stops, lol.
Yes, though I have never read much about the Paleo diet, it is basically what I am doing. I think?! lol! My sister gave me a bunch of tips and then I did a bit of research online. I also spoke with a friend who IS having great sucess with the Paleo diet. I need to read the book! I am still cooking like "normal" for my family though.
Kelly ~ I LOVE spelling time! In fact, I signed up as an affiliate for them (the link in this post contains my link) but I just haven't had an opportunity to post about it yet. My boys are loving the program.
Amy ~ I DID notice a couple pictures of you. 😉 Thankfully I was able to avoid being in the pictures. lol!
We are just now trying AAS. I'm hoping it will help my dyslexic oldest child.