Holy Guardian Angels, who unceasingly behold the Face
of the heavenly Father, pray for us.
On Our 11th Anniversary
by Jessica | Oct 2, 2010 | Happy Anniversary | 15 comments
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Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Our Family

A Little About Me
Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.
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Wish you a happy anniversary, and many, many more.
Happy anniversary!
I hope you have a wonderful anniversary!
Happy Anniversary to both of you!! What a beautiful life 🙂
Okay, so I have to ask… how did you do the picture process? Did you take these professional photos before the wedding or after? I've heard of women that dress up twice – once for the wedding and once for the pictures. Getting ready twice seems like such a hassle, but if that's what must be done to get some good photos, I guess it's worth it! Love to get your input.
Happy Anniversary, Jessica. May you be blessed with happy years your whole life long!
Happy Anniversary!
Raising marriage to the the status of a sacrament, God invited us to be a sign and symbol of His love on Earth. You most certainly are and bless you for your holy example. What sincerity your hearts hold! Praise to His holy name for bringing you together!!! Happy Anniversary!
Blessings to you both on this very special day. Praying for your continued happiness. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, dear Jessica! God bless you and your husband!
happy anniversary!!!
Happy Anniversary! May God bless you with many more happy years together! <3
Anniversary Blessings to you both!!! My hubby and I celebrated our Wedding Anniversary on October 2 also; we were married 28 years ago on this beautiful feast day and it was a First Saturday as well! This is also our final year of homeschooling: having schooled all five children grades K-12, we count the experience of educating our chldren at home as one of the greatest graces and blessings of our marriage. Your blog has been a phenomenal inspiration and affirmation to me along this incredible homeschooling journey. God bless you for all you do for Catholic Homeschoolers and indeed, for the Church Herself!
Thank you everyone, and Happy Anniversary to you too Sheila!
Meg ~ We did all the family pictures right before the Wedding. The group photos in the Church right after, and then everyone headed over to the reception and the photographer snatched us away for about 30 minutes (at the most) to a room he had set up for these studio looking photos. In the mean time, apparently, our awesome DJ had passed out bubbles and had a path of guests that led us right to the dance floor for our first dance when we arrived – I posted a picture of that here in this post from 2008. Such great memories!!
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. God has blessed you so very much. Thanks for sharing your joy.