This past Saturday we decided to hike Lower Table Rock, one of two prominent volcanic cliff-edged mesas in the valley. My three oldest had hiked it before with their Dad and Father Lange, but it was the first time for me and the three youngest. (When I was growing up, I always opted out of this hike due to all the poison oak along the trail…) The morning started out nice, but by the time we arrived at the trailhead it was raining. We had a few umbrellas, so we decided to hike despite the rain.
Hiking Table Rock
Snuggles wasn’t sure what to think.
That “mountain” is a LONG WAYS away!
Our little aspiring botanists really enjoyed identifying the flowers found along the trail, recognizing quite a few from our own back yard!
Rose stayed nice and warm, snuggled in my ERGObaby Sport Carrier
At least for the some of the hike.
~ Climbing Table Rock ~
As soon as Snuggles was tired of walking, he hitched a ride with his Daddy…
… who ended up carrying BOTH babies the last stretch of the trail. It had gotten quite steep, compared to the rest of the trail, but I somehow managed to make it to the top on my own! 😉
~ On Top of Table Rock ~
After crossing some of the wet, muddy, and rugged terrain found on top, we were rewarded with a beautiful view of the valley, despite the rain clouds!
Can you see the person just in front of the trees on the right? We opted to skip walking the additional mile across the top of the plateau to the other viewpoint. The babies were sleeping/sleepy and the rest of us were ready for some dry socks and shoes. . .
… except for my Hubby, who is used to this sort of thing…
… and Rascal who was thrilled that he wore his rain boots!
As for the girls and I, all of our shoes, including my “comfortable” black boots, were soaked through, making the hike back that much more challenging! 🙂
~ Headed Back ~
It ended up being such a fun day. To celebrate our successful hike, we took the kids out for pizza, at an amazing new pizza parlor, before heading home for baths, showers, and a very good night’s sleep!
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Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
That backpack is as big as Snuggles! Looks like it was a great hike.
Wow. How long was the hike? I don't think we would of made. Oh we would of started out good but then the "how much longer," "my feet/legs are tired," "I'm hungry/thirsty" would have started. Great Job! Oh and did you run into any poison ivy?
Courage, have you ever seen such a courageous family? What a hike! I am exhausted just from looking at those pictures of the trip….congrats to each and everyone of you for your persistence and determination…….neat way to learn virtues for sure.
It doesn't look like there were any park benches along the way…not my kind of "hike." 😉 Glad you had fun.
Wow, that looks like fun!!
Even in the rain!
Beautiful photos and views!
Sara ~ Oh, I know!! Snuggles choose that backpack himself, as a raffle prize last year, and was very excited to have one of his own like the big kids. He was determined to carry it at least part of the way.
Roxaline ~ I think we hiked almost 4 miles. From the trailhead to the top is about 1.6 miles, plus the distance we walked to the first viewpoint which is about .3 miles… then back! We did pack a lunch, snacks, and water to take a long. As for the poison oak… YES! It was EVERYWHERE and, being Spring, it was growing like crazy. My husband was pointing it out to me, and I would start itching just thinking about it! 😉 We all stayed on the trail and so far none of the kids have come down with it. I have a rash on my arm, but I have had it for a few weeks already and think I either caught it from doing Laundry or it is something else…
Anonymous ~ Thank you! It was definitely a great lesson in perseverance! 🙂
Barbara ~ There were a couple benches, but they were all wet from the rain! 😉
Jamie ~ Thanks! It really was fun. I almost didn't go since I hadn't slept much the night before, but I was so glad that I did!
How fun! I love hikes with the kids. They always seem to do better than me with the longs ones :).
The pictures are great too. Your girls are troopers for the hike back in wet shoes….awesome.
Glad you liked the pizza parlor! I told you it was good, lol.
You know, I didn't know what to think when you told us you hiked up there in the rain, lol. But it was probably the PERFECT time to go! You would have had the place to yourselves!
We have been wanting to that again soon, even though each time we go something bad happens… maybe next time? I loved Snuggles face in that first picture too, he really did look discouraged and he hadn't even begun!
LOVE seeing your hubby wearing the Ergo. It's always a happy day when my hubby wears one of our kids. 🙂
Dear Jessica,
I stumbled upon your blog when looking for ideas for lent in our little family of four, with my husband just confirmed into the Church on January 2nd. I am so grateful for all your tips and stories of your family life – very encouraging! Thank you so much and a blessed Holy Week to all of you!