Little Flowers Girls’ Club ~ Fortitude

by | Jul 13, 2011 | Little Flowers, Little Flowers Wreath III | 9 comments

I didn’t intend to take nearly a week off of blogging, but the days weeks are just flying by!  Despite my lack of pre-planning, everything fell into place last Friday for our final Little Flowers Girls’ Club meeting for Wreath III.  Following the meeting we went out to dinner with friends, I spent Saturday packing books to mail, Sunday after Mass we had another family over for dinner, Monday we made a trip to the Post Office, Park and Library, and yesterday I had my monthly OB appointment in town where I was finally able to hear our little one’s heart beating on the fetal doppler – 140 precious beats per minute!  🙂   We have even more plans this evening, but I do have a few minutes this afternoon, while the little ones nap, to share a few pictures from our meeting:

~ Coloring Pages ~

Hyacinth Coloring Page (created using an image found online – if you’d like to use my document, send me an email and I will forward it to you)

~ Notebook Pages ~

For this month’s Virtue Notebook/Scrapbook Page, I used the memory verse for Fortitude,  an image of St. Julie Billiart, the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling (which also helps complete one of the assignments in the Member’s guide), some images of pink hyacinths, and an inspiring quote from St. Julie Billiart:

“We must have courage in the times we live in.  Great souls are needed, souls having the interests of God at Heart.”

Here is a picture of the sample page I created:

Here are the girls’ completed pages for “Fortitude”:

~ Lesson on Fortitude ~

Amy gave the lesson for this virtue, and apparently I missed some wonderful photo opportunities while I was inside setting up the craft.  I hear that she set up a fun obstacle course for the girls to complete outside.  Maybe she can tell us a little more about it in the comments! 🙂

~ Craft :: “Stand Firm in the Faith” Sandals ~

I have been wanting to decorate Flip Flops with my girls ever since seeing the idea included in Sunshine’s Hawaiian Birthday Party! When I saw that the memory verse for this virtue said “stand firm in the faith” I thought this would be the perfect time.

I had each girl bring a pair of flip flops to the meeting, and I picked up some Fabric Fusion, various Ribbon, and some embellishments for all the girls.  It was one of the more challenging and time consuming crafts, but thankfully I had three of the moms around to help.

The girls were all very happy with how their new sandals turned out! 

~ Wreath III Flower Cupcakes ~

Pink Hyacinth Cupcakes

When I was looking for ideas, Charlotte mentioned that Pink Popcorn came to mind.  I thought that was a perfect idea, but since I didn’t have all the ingredients I opted to make the pink hyacinths using some pink Smooth & Melty Petite Mints (I had purchased a few bags at 75% off in January from Hickory Farms and had one left) along with a little green frosting for the leaves.  I also sprayed the white base frosting with a little green, before adding the candies.  I thought they turned out cute, and they were very yummy despite the fact that my six year old pointed out that “the chocolate cake even looks like dirt!”

~ Group Photo ~ 

St. Julie Billiart help us stand strong with fortitude!
St. Therese, the Little Flower, pray for us!


  1. Lena

    Darling craft, cupcakes, handouts,….darling everything!

    When is open enrollment for next year? 🙂

    Pax Christi – Lena

  2. Anonymous

    As always it was so wonderful and the girls had so much fun. I think their favorite craft this year was the flip flops! I can't get them to take them off, lol.

  3. Kelly

    Love the flip-flops! What a great tie-in with the verse, too!

    As always your cupcakes are just adorable! I love the group pic of all the girls. Too cute! 🙂

  4. Heather

    Love the flip flop idea – thanks Charlotte and Jessica! I'm sure my daughter would love to make several pair!

    The cupcakes are gorgeous! I can't wait to get a group going. Thanks!

  5. Anonymous

    you are such a wonderful mother! Love how special you make everything!

  6. Special K

    Jessica- I love, love, love all your creative work! Thank you so much for sharing! I want to use your Fortitude scrap booking page for our Little Flowers meeting, but the link says the document is "not publicly available". Please help (I am teaching the lesson this Thursday-yes, 2 days…don't judge, this is early for me!)

  7. Jessica Gordon

    I recently had to change the settings on my notebook page downloads to private following a request from the author of the Little Flowers Girls' Club® program… I did speak with the publisher and have decided to work with them to add the pages to the actual program. It shouldn't be too long before my notebook pages are available to download directly from Behold Publications. In the meantime, I'm doing my best to email the pages directly to those who have been needing them, but struggling to keep up! 🙂 I didn't realize that so many clubs were using them! Please send me your email address (to jessica(dot)showerofroses(at)gmail(dot)com) and I will email you the page for Fortitude. God bless!

  8. Special K

    Thanks so much, Jessica! I just sent you an email. Thank you, thank you!


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