A Wanna-Be Yarn Along
I have always wanted to learn how to knit and crochet. My mother-in-law tried to teach me to knit many, many years ago, but I just didn’t seem to have the patience and gave up trying. However, lately, after seeing so many darling things you can make, I have been wanting to try once more .
Last Thursday afternoon my friend Amy came over and attempted to teach me how to crochet (we will move on to knitting next someday) while our children played outside. (It has been surprisingly beautiful here lately!)
Thankfully Amy is quite patient and, by the time she left, I was sort of able to make a Single Chain. When I showed my dear sweet husband the tiny little not quite square I had made he said, “You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!” He was teasing, I think?! 😉
Can you tell where I started? 🙂
My girls like it and think that it is a “perfect” blanket for their fairies!
Amy left me with some yarn and one of her books (Kid’s Crochet
– Good idea, let’s start with something very easy!) with a “project” for me to try and make. As you can see, it isn’t going very well… and here I thought painting required patience! {sigh}
Why do I keep decreasing? What am I doing wrong?
I think it is time for another lesson. . .
Here is a close up… Just look at all those mistakes!
Anyhow, as for the other books in the picture, Amy my Godson has has been spoiling me. Crochet Designs for Kids: 20 Projects to Make for Girls & Boys
was a Birthday gift, and Grace Before Meals: Recipes and Inspiration for Family Meals and Family Life
(which has been on my “wish list” forever!! Yay!) was a Christmas gift! I have really been enjoying looking through them this past week.
Perhaps someday I will be improve enough to make all sorts of really neat things for my family and Yarn Along with Ginny at Small Things. In the meantime I’ll just keep practicing!
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Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Practice, practice, practice. 😉
"Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9
Thank you Barbara! 🙂
Having only learned to do this myself in the last several months, I have found that the key for me is to count EVERY SINGLE ROW to make sure you have the correct number of stitches. If it's wrong, rip it out and start the row over.
It's hard to figure out where that last stitch of the row goes, but it looks like you're missing that last stitch on each row.
I can't wait for you to feel like you "got" it! It is absolutely addictive. I'm so looking forward to my trip to EWTN with my ladies next week because it means I get two eight-hour car rides to crochet!
Hurray for you! I need someone to teach me to crochet…
By the way, when I first began to knit, I frequently would forget to just slip the first stitch, and I would knit it; consequently, my knitting kept getting wider and wider, just the opposite of your crochet!
Jessica, good for you for wanting to try something new! =) Do not be discouraged. Just keep practicing and be patient with yourself. If it will make you feel better, you can take a look at my first attempt at knitting (http://morethanenough7.blogspot.com/2009/01/knitting-101.html). Hang in there! And how wonderful to have a friend like Amy who lives close and can keep helping you along!
It looks great for the first day! I would agree with another comment – looks like you are missing the ending stitch on each row, an easy thing to do!
Congratulations on trying something new – not easy, I know.
Now if I could paint as well as you….
God Bless
In my very limited experience, it looks like your yarn may be too tight, too? I think it looks like the stitches are smaller (and tighter) towards the top compared to the bottom. For what it's worth, I have always preferred crocheting from a ball of yarn that I give an occasional jerk so I have plenty of slack to work with. That's helped me, anyway. :>)
I just recently picked up my crochet hook after years of not touching it so I could make wrist warmers for my 3YO's mittens. I basically made a circle, joined it, and then went around and around until I thought it was long enough. I basted one on each mitten, and now she doesn't get snow in her sleeve when playing outside. And I had fun doing it!
Not bad at all for your first time. I left my first crocheting class with a string because I couldn't make a chain and my teacher couldn't teach left-handers.
I have been crocheting since 2001 and I still count stitches, especially if the row looks off. That is what I love about crocheting. If you make a mistake you just pull the string and fix it. And with time your tension will be consistent. Make some scarves and dishcloths and in no time you'll be able to tackle any pattern. One year I made string crocheted cross bookmarks. It is so much fun and relaxing. I had my first winter baby last year and made her a ton of hats. Don't give up and maybe your daughters might just pick up a hook with you.
I think it looks great for a first! Two of the (decreasing) pieces and you have a skirt or a cloak for a doll 🙂 You should have seen my first baby cap I knitted – had a lot of handmade charm!
It really does look great for a first attempt. Like others have written before, it seems you missed the last stitch or maybe the first stitch of each row. Try counting the stitches of each row as you crochtet and you will see where the stitch "disappears". Also your crochteting seems to get tighter,try not to pull too fast on your yarn.
Keep going!!!
You are decreasing because at the end of each row you need to do one single chain stitch before turning around and starting a new row. the single chain stitch counts as the first single croche stitch for the next row.
So, undo your work back to where it still looks the same width as the beginning. When you get to the end do a single CHAIN stitch (like the chain at the beginning) and then turn around and start single crochet ctitching,.
you will ALWAYS need to do a single CHAIN stitch at the end of rows if you don't want them to get small.
Also, count your stitched for each row until you fel comfortable that you are not decreasing.
Excuse all my mispellings. Typing with one hand while nursing baby. 😉
Thank you so much, to all of you! I so appreciate the advice and encouragement! 🙂
I am creating the single chain stitch before turning around, and I am pretty sure I am getting the last stitch, but I think my mistake might be that I am missing the first stitch in each row after I turn back to go the other way. Hopefully I will have some time again soon to see if I can figure it out.
If not, I will see Amy at First Friday Mass tomorrow and can ask her to supervise a few rows! 😉
I've had years of experience with crocheting and I still have that decreasing problem! Keep trying and you'll get it. It does look good for a first try.
LOL! Patience, I have? Your stitches look great! And I know exactly what you are doing, so no worries. I will show you real quick and you will soon be leaving me in the dust! Aimee is exactly right, you are just missing that last stitch. It doesn't look like the other because it was your chain.
And I love the idea for a cape! Maybe for someone's American Girl doll!
Great job! Go you!! That book just looks adorable!
I'm just excited that you're crocheting! Hooray for you! I taught myself (with a little help from a sister in-law) a few years ago and I'm still not very good. But it's addictive and fun. 🙂 Now I'm trying to teach myself how to knit. It's a s l o w process, lol!
I'm sorry that I'm seeing this post so late. I feel SO behind in the blogging world. Sickness derailed me and I'm having a heck of a time getting back in the swing of things.
Hi Jessica,
Did you or do you know of someone that crochets saints' dolls? I thought one of your girls had received a St. Therese crocheted doll. I'm looking for patterns online and had one on my pinterest board, but the etsy shop is closed =( I hope you can help me, or someone you know!
Yes, my friend Amy made the doll for us and she does sell her patterns! Here is the link.
thank you so much!!! I was thinking about you and learning to crochet 😉 I've only been crocheting for 2 years and LOVE it! My daughters learned right along with me (ages 9, 7). We found this great channel: "bobwilson123" She's a gal from Australia and has AWESOME tutorials, and VERY clear. Good luck, it's a TON of fun, especially when I can do it with my girls 😉
I finally found her! thank you so much!!!
can't wait to see your first project =)