More Treasures for Lent and Easter {and a Giveaway!}
Back in November I shared a product review for Jesse Tree Treasures O Antiphons and Jesse Tree Ornaments. Now, with Lent beginning a week from Wednesday, I was asked to review their lovely Holy Week and Easter Ornaments, along with their new Stations of the...

{this moment}
{this moment} - A single photo, capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. To see more visit Soule Mama.

{pretty, happy, funny, real}
~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life. ~{pretty} The girls asked to display their recent lap books and dolls to show the tutor when she came over this week. So pretty!{happy}I haven't had the followup appointment with our pediatrician yet - it is...

1774 – Felicity :: An American Girl Lap Book and Unit Study
Resources:Felicity Boxed Set with GameFelicity: An American Girl Audio CDWelcome to Felicity's World, 1774Felicity and Elizabeth Dolls and Mini DollsFelicity Play Scenes & Paper DollsFelicity Just For FunFelicity's Craft Book: A Look at Crafts from the Past with...

A World War II Military Birthday Party
This year Rascal choose a "World War II Military" theme for his birthday. I didn't have the time or energy to pull together a party like last year's Lego Party and had to keep it somewhat simple, but that didn't stop the kids from having a blast! ~...

Grenade Cake Pops
As I mentioned last night, we have a birthday to celebrate today, and the birthday boy ended up asking for a World War II themed party. Originally he though he wanted a "Deca Sports" theme (10 sports for his 10th birthday) and I started a Board for Sports Themed...

A Point du Hoc Birthday Cake
Rascal asked for a World War II / D-Day / Military themed birthday cake this year. Since he wanted the final cake to be a surprise, I did some searching through various cakes online and ended up using this Army Camo Cake (link broken) for inspiration....

My Daybook :: February 6, 2012
Outside my window... It has been sunny lately, but still very cold. I am so ready for spring summer! I am thankful... that we finally found out the date that the boys' Hockey season ends, and it is the day before Hubby leaves for a three week training session in...

{pretty, happy, funny, real} ~ Celebrating Candlemas
~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life. ~{pretty}.: Our 2012 Candlemas Luncheon Menu :.Pure HeartsCandlemas CupcakesTurtledove SandwichesHoly Simeon's Arms (Pretzels)Anna the Prophetess Black OlivesPiercing Swords with Cheese CubesPure White...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.