~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life. ~
I think it looks so pretty outside when it has been snowing, especially when the deer are visiting!
It has been snowing on and off all week!
Our little birthday boy was very happy and excited to show me he could stand up on his own yesterday morning. He has been getting lots of extra hugs and kisses from him momma lately, especially when he says “giggle, giggle, giggle, giggle” (his version, we think, of “tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle)… It is just too cute!
We ended up ordering a Wheely Bug for him on Tuesday and since it arrived on Wednesday afternoon, we gave it to him for his birthday. (And we are getting him that cute little chair for Christmas!) It is funny looking but he LOVES riding his little “bull!” I was amazed at how quickly he figured it out, and he has been scooting all over the house today – and when he isn’t his big sister has been enjoying it as well! I’m almost tempted to get her the ladybug, since I still haven’t started that handmade gift I was going to make her… So much for finishing all my shopping before Advent this year!


I made a couple birthday banners on Tuesday afternoon, for the birthday boy, but before I could start making his cake Tuesday night I had a bad allergic reaction to something. I went to see my doctor this morning and left with a referral to see a specialist and three prescriptions (Zyrtec, prednisone – to have on hand in case of another reaction, and antibiotics for a sinus infection). No… I haven’t been feeling my best this week.
I did manage to bake and decorate a cake on Wednesday after
breakfast, but was going to keep the rest of the party simple. However, my oldest two boys decided to step in and take over creating some of the treats we had planned including penguins out of olives, Oreo Snowmen, and these cute
Snow Globe Sandwiches!
I’ll be back with some more pictures from our Winter ONEderland,
just as soon as my head clears up a little!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
My kiddies are 9 & 5 and they still ride on a ladybird/bug their grandmother bought when the eldest was about 2. We'd never have paid that much money but, based on how much play it is seen and for how many years, it is excellent value! Happy Christmas x
Yes, I thought that the MSRP was way too much, but the sale price of $36 was very reasonable.
Those snowglobe sandwiches are adorable! And your sons are so kind, to go ahead and make some of the goodies for you. You are obviously doing a great job of raising responsible kids! (Just had to say that; as moms, we don't often get kudos for the hard work we do…)
Oh my goodness, the snowglobe is a PANIC!!! I'm all over that!
I thought I was all done shopping right after Thanksgiving this year. However, last night as I was wrapping I realized I was a few presents short! Thankfully, they were for the littlest so I was able to go out this morning (before stores get crazy busy!) and shop with all the kids in tow.
That was when I realized I was short too… It's a good thing I wrapped gifts early! Hopefully next year I will be better about planning for the birthdays and Christmas! December birthdays are tough! Glad you were able to get out and finish up!
Thank you Cheryl! It is hard work, but so worth it! 🙂
He's such a cutie! I can't get over how mobile he is for just turning one! My daughter didn't start crawling until she was 15 months and walking independently at 20 months – but then again, she was just over 3lbs at birth and has always been delayed some with development… I guess I had her "little" for a bit longer than most folks! 🙂
He's looking a lot like "Slugger", I mean "Snuggles" on some of his pictures!
Hope you feel better soon for Christmas!
Found you via LMLD. I love the penguin sandwich in a cup. So cute!
What a funny idea for a snow globe! And you caught those deer so well — I never can get such a good photo!