On Easter Morning {Our 2014 Easter Baskets!}

by | May 28, 2014 | Baskets of Books for Easter, Easter, Easter Baskets, Saints n' Stitches | 15 comments

I have already shared Pictures from Easter Sunday and Our Annual Easter Sunday Egg Hunt. Before I move on to the pictures from the Chiquita’s birthday I have Easter Baskets to share, following morning Mass on Easter Sunday.  You can find my past post where I listed the various books and gifts I purchased for this Easter here, but I will include the links in this post as well. (Note: As you already know, all Amazon links are affiliate links.)

It is always so much fun to watch the littlest ones with their baskets! The first thing Bud pulled out of his basket was the Hollow Chocolate Egg with a White Chocolate Chick inside from See’s. He immediately unwrapped his candy and took a bite. We all watched and waited to see him discover the chick inside. So cute!  We saved his chocolate cross and lamb for later.

After he finished his egg he sat back down to see what else there was to discover inside that basket of his.  Bud read through (at least once) each and every new book he found in his Easter basket.  

Bud immediately fell in love with his handmade St. Andrew Pillow Doll from his godmother
And then went right back to reading his new books! 

In addition to a pink chocolate Hello Kitty bunny, Hollow Egg, and Chocolate Lamb, Rose received the following books in her basket: Saints for Girls: A First Book for Little Catholic Girls, All Creatures Great and Small, Quiet Time With Cassatt, Sharing with Renoir and Painting with Picaso, Sense and Sensibility: A BabyLit Opposites Primer, My First Pictures of Mary, and Easter Bunny’s Amazing Day.

She also was given a beautiful St. Therese Pillow Doll… 
… along with a pink headband with little roses and a darling apron covered with cupcakes from Sew Sweet by Shannon

Snuggles reactions to all his books were so cute. I just love how excited he was to discover books about St. George, St. Michael, Blessed Miguel Pro, and the Holy Father! His older brothers couldn’t wait to get their hands on his new illustrated version of The Hobbit too and plan to start reading it to him soon. His books included: Heroes of God: Saints for Boys, Jorge from Argentina, The Hobbit: Illustrated Edition, Saint George and the Dragon , Saint for Boys: Sticker Book, A Little Book About Confession for Children. I also included The Saint who Fought the Dragon: The Story of St. George.

He also found a See’s Hollow Egg, a Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg, Chocolate Lamb, St. Michael Pillow Saint, Paper Chalk, a set of 12 Soft Pastels, and buried at the bottom a little lego set

Yes, Mom is sneaky like that!  I took all the legos out of the boxes and used them as filler for the bottom of the boy’s baskets this year.  As soon as Snuggles discovered his the big boys checked the bottom of their baskets and sure enough they found lego sets too! 😉


Chiquita received the following books in her Easter Basket: Book of Saints for Catholic Children: 96 Illustrated StoriesHeroines of God: Saints for GirlsA Story of St. ClareThe Queen and the Cross: The Story of Saint HelenSaints for Girls: Sticker Book and Saint Bernadette: The Miracle of Lourdes.

Chiquita also received a Saints ‘N Stiches Kit of her Patron Saint, a green headband and Purple Tote from Sew Sweet by Shannon, a Cake Batter Filled Easter Egg (it was her birthday after all), a Chocolate See’s Egg, a Chocolate Lamb, 12 Soft PastelsLyra Aquacolor CrayonPentel Oil Pastels, Passion Fruit EOS Lip Balm in a Purple “Egg”, and a new jump rope!

I usually fill a “Family Easter Basket” with gifts representing the various Easter Symbols.  This year the basket was filled with extra gifts for the Birthday Girl:

Twinkle Toes’ Easter Basket was filled with Saints & HeroesSaint Joan of Arc: Quest for PeaceSisters of the Last StrawStout Hearts & Whizzing Biscuits: A Patria Story (Volume 1) and (Volume 2), and The Story of Saint John Paul II, A Boy Who Became Pope.

She also received a Saints ‘N Stiches Kit of her Patron Saint, a blue headband and Pink Tote from Sew Sweet by Shannon (she LOVES this tote!), a Chocolate Easter Egg wrapped in pink foil, a Chocolate See’s Egg, a Chocolate Lamb, 12 Soft PastelsLyra Aquacolor Crayon, Sakura Oil PastelsPaper ChalkStrawberry Sorbet EOS Lip Balm in a Pink “Egg”, and a new pink jump rope

Ranger loved the personalized St. Joseph Prayer Pillowcase he found in his Easter Basket, along with his Twix Egg, Chocolate Hollow Chick Egg, and Chocolate Lamb.  He has also already built the Metal Earth Parthenon.  His new craft supplies (to go along with our upcoming Meet the Masters lessons) included Lyra Aquacolor CrayonsPaper Chalk24 Soft Pastels and Oil Pastels from Pentel.  He also loved the lego set he found buried in the bottom of his basket. 

Captain also recieved a personalized Prayer Pillowcase, with St. Patrick pictured. He also has a love of Peeps (which I just do not understand) and was thrilled to discover a Hollow Milk Chocolate Egg with a PEEP inside.  His basket also included the See’s Chocolate Egg, Chocolate Lamb, Art Supplies (Lyra Aquacolor CrayonsPaper Chalk24 Soft Pastels, and Oil Pastels from Pentel), the Metal Earth Brandenburg Gate, and a lego set (my boys have been enjoying the Great Vehicles legos lately, ever since our trip to the hospital). 


  1. Melanie

    So Chiquita's birthday was on Easter? How fun! I have a son with a birthday at the end of April, and maybe someday he will have his on Easter,,,but not anytime soon by the looks of it!

    2014-05-28 20:33:50

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Yes! This was the first time it has ever fallen on Easter. It will one more time – on her 20th birthday, which will also be her GOLDEN birthday-she'll turn 20 on the 20th that year!

    2014-05-28 20:36:54

  3. Guest

    HAPPY belated birthday and what a joyous Easter celebration. Picture perfect!!

    2014-05-29 04:10:28

  4. Debbie

    I so enjoyed your three recent posts (Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Sunday and Easter Baskets) this evening Jessica…the Easter Egg Hunt looked like so much fun for your children and all of the men in your dear family. My goodness it must take a lot of time to fill all of those eggs with treats! Your children are just beautiful in their Easter outfits-such pretty colors and the children's outfits all blend so nicely together. And each child has such a special Easter basket filled with unique items for each one. That takes a very special mother to look for gifts unique to each child. Your photos are such a treasure Jessica. You do a wonderful job with capturing your very special family moments. And how WONDERFUL that God is blessing you and your husband with another baby. I will keep you and your baby in my prayers. Our daughter gave birth to our second grandson 7 weeks ago and he is as precious as can be. I so love being a Grandma. Babies and springtime just seem to be such perfect special blessings. Happy Easter Season to you. Sincerely, Debbie

    2014-05-29 04:15:47

  5. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you, Debbie! Congratulations on your new grandson! 🙂

    2014-05-29 14:30:27

  6. Rachel

    Your boys look so smart in their tank tops (wool waistcoats?) the girls of course look beautiful too but I was struck by how lovely the boys look. They look comfortable too which is important! Nothing worse than a young lad looking like he is standing stiff in his best clothes, Thank you for sharing your wonderful Easter traditions. It is very helpful for those less creative/less experienced to see the many ways we can bring the spiritual world into our homes in material ways. Many congratulations on the news of your next arrival. Praying good health for you all.

    2014-05-29 17:57:39

  7. saiorse

    Beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing the books you select – when I have time I have to piece through – I have ordered several in the past for my 4. My boys share your boys' taste in books, games and toys – perplexus was a Christmas hit! :-). I also have to ask – where do you find your girls' lovely hats? I love an Easter hat on a little girl and I had a time finding a nice one this year for my daughter. I had to beg an etsy seller to make a little hat for my 1 year old this year. My husband thought I was gone a little nutty but I wanted a hat for her. I am thinking of next year already! 🙂

    2014-05-29 18:48:24

  8. Kimberlee

    What wonderful baskets! Thank you, as always, for the book recommendations. I was not aware of Mother Mary Loyola's Confirmation book, nor of William Canton. I've just 'added to cart' :-). ( I'll just stick on a note that says 'Talks for After Confirmation' and gift it to Mary Rose Edmund. 😉 )

    2014-05-30 14:35:12

  9. Kimberlee

    Oh my goodness! I had never seen all these St. Augustine Academy Press Loyola reprints – Such Treasures! Thank you again!! God bless!

    2014-05-30 14:53:56

  10. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you, Rachel, for the kind comment and the prayers! We've been doing some home improvement projects and so I was thankful that the boys' sweater vests from last year still fit well enough to wear again this Easter. 🙂

    2014-05-30 15:01:48

  11. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you, Saiorse! I'm so glad your boys have enjoyed the Perplexus! The girls' hats are actually the same hats they wore last Easter. I originally purchased them from Gymboree. I'm not sure what Gymboree carried this year, but they usually have hats for Christmas and Easter, thought they tend to sell out fairly quickly. I hope that helps.

    2014-05-30 15:04:50

  12. Rosalie

    Beautiful Beautiful Pictures..thank you for sharing and God Bless..any chance you could let me know where to obtain the beautiful Blessed Mother and Child Statue in your first Picture? I tried looking for it online but alas no luck..thank you Ro [email protected]

    2014-05-31 16:40:42

  13. Rosalie

    Delighted!! Thank you so much for kindness in answering so quickly…Your Family Blog brings much Joy to my Family Ro JMJ

    2014-05-31 16:54:00


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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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