Bud was quick to claim his cupcake, just as soon as I turned my back for two seconds! 🙂
.: Twelve Drummers Drumming:. 
Twelve Drummers Drumming = 12 Points of the Apostles Creed
Chicken Drumellas from Trader Joe’s
.: Eleven Pipers Piping :.

Eleven Pipers Piping = 11 Faithful Apostles
Pretzel Rod Pipes
.: Ten Lords A-Leeping :.

Ten Lords A-Leeping = 10 Commandments
Pepperidge Milano Cookies with without the Roman Numerals written with black sparkle gel.
.: Nine Ladies Dancing :.

Nine Ladies Dancing = 9 Fruits of the Spirit
I wasn’t up for a trip to the grocery store for fresh fruit, so I pulled out 9 different fruit flavored Polish candies from the large bag we were given from Father K’s Polish mother when she visited!
.: Eight Maids A-Milking :.
Eight Maid A-Milking = 8 Beatitudes
Eggnog leftover from New Year’s Eve
.: Seven Swans A-Swimming :.

Seven Swans A-Swimming = 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
A nice big salad to go along with all the treats. . .
The only connection this salad has is that I made sure it had seven ingredients 🙂
.: Six Geese A-Laying :.

Six Geese A-Laying = 6 Days of Creation
Deviled Eggs made another yummy and healthy addition to the party and tied in nicely.
.: Five Golden Rings :.

Five Golden Rings = 5 Books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Snack-O’s from Trader Joe’s this year, instead of Onion Rings.
.: Four Calling Birds :.
Four Calling Birds = 4 Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
.: Three French Hens:.

Three French Hens = 3 Gifts of the Magi and/or 3 Virtues, Faith, Hope & Love
(along with the beautiful puzzle nativity Bud received from his Godparents for Christmas!)
.: Two Turtle Doves :.

Two Turtledoves = 2 Testaments (Old and New)
.: A Partridge in a Pear Tree :.

Partridge in a Pear Tree = 1 Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, on the Cross
This year instead of
baking a pie, I served a Pear Tarte from Trader Jo’s.

And after dinner. . .

Gifts from afar to open on Epiphany! (Thank you Grandpa and Grandma G!)

“And entering into the house, they found the child with Mary His mother and falling down they adored Him; and opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts; gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”
Matthew 2:11
Happy Epiphany!
I was so surprised to see polish candies at your table 🙂 These candies are produced in Krakow – gorgeous old city which has great meaning in history of Poland. You can see the photos of this city here: http://www.krakow4u.pl/eng_index.php?parametr=inne/krakowska_galeria/eng_krakowska_galeria_zw
Greetings from Poland to you! Maria.
You're amazing, haven't managed to pull off anything much this Christmastide
Inspiring! Full of wonder at your creative faith and motherhood. What a great idea. Blessed Epiphany to you all. Julie
Wonderful, and all while not feeling well – what a devoted Mom. Prayers for you to feel better very soon!
Beautiful. Praying that you're feeling better soon!
Other than HAVING A BABY!!! 🙂
I have never tried eggnog plain or in anything baked. What does it taste like? I hope he likes his puzzle. It's not very challenging but it was so pretty!
I was going to say the same thing 🙂 Congratulations once again, Erin!
We all have enjoyed trying the Polish candies! Father's mother also gave our family a lovely Polish Christmas ornament with a stand that we have had displayed over Christmas. Thank you for sharing the link to the beautiful pictures of Krakow!
Thank you, especially for the prayers! 🙂
Thank you, Julie! I really enjoy finding creative ways to teach our children about our faith. 🙂
I'm so glad to hear this post is helpful! I actually went back and forth on whether to include all the pictures, since most of the items were just placed on plates straight from the store. 🙂 Yes, there are definitely many ways to simplify celebrations, and I've never had my children complain that a special treat was from the store instead of homemade! 😉
Yes, he loves the puzzle! (and so do I!!!) It's beautiful! Thank you so much!
Eggnog is a very thick, creamy, and sweet (kind of like melted ice cream). I think most people either love it or hate it. I love it, however I do try to stay away from it due to my daily intolerances. Still I usually can't resist Eggnog Caramel Lattes during the Christmas season (which probably had something to do with my cold/cough getting so bad!). . . Our oldest two love it and a few others will drink a little, but the rest (Snuggles, Twinkle Toes, Rose) won't touch it. Our favorite is the Old Fashion Egg Nog from Umpqua. This year they also had a Pumpkin flavored Egg Nog that was really yummy too!
Thank you, Sleen. I've been praying for you too!
Feel better sweet woman!!! Fantastic party. Love the symbolism.
You continually amaze me! Adopt. Me. Please! LOL Have a very blessed and happy 2014, and remember to take good care of yourself. God bless! Bernadette 🙂
Oh, how I love Trader Joe's!! Looks like lots of fun! One of my kids got the Church Windows card game in her stocking this year, and we have all really enjoyed playing it!
What a delightful recap! I have a book question for you. 🙂 I was going through a scrapbook that was given to me to get holy cards and pictures to use for a Little a Flowers craft. I found a beautiful picture of the Blessed Mother cut out from a children's book. On the back is the end of a story about an Native American boy named Tall Grass who learned to use his bow wisely, he decided not to kill a mother rabbit with a nest of babies.
I'm now completely fascinated and an Internet search didn't yield anything. Have you heard of it by chance? There was also a picture of the Holy Family with the story of a saint on the back (couldn't quite tell who) you're the only one I thought of who might know!
You really are incredible. I came down with an awful cold on the first, didn't get to go to Mass on the solemnity of the Mother of God, and still was not well enough on the Epiphany. I can't imagine pulling together such a feast. What a wonderful servant of God you are!
Jessica, I wanted to thank you again. We did the party and did some modifications as you did. We used the Turtles for the Turtledoves; I did baked Apple Rings for the five golden rings — my kids loved using the Pampered Chef Peeler Corer Slicer! (say that three times fast). For the 4 colley birds and drummers we did Chicken Wings and Drummettes — I found an extremely yummy honey based wings sauce that we had not tried (in fact, I never do wings because it takes so much energy to eat…too little meat!), but I may have to do it again because the kids loved it. We had a lovely time and the kids were absolutely charmed by the whole experience. I hope I can pull it off again. We actually did it on Jan 5 (as Twelfth night — being from the N.O. area that made sense for us) and we celebrated Epiphany yesterday with a little procession of the wise men and the blessing of the doorways. Just great fun. My husband is always amazed at the ideas you come up with and that I "steal". Hugs — Hope you are feeling better.
Hope you feel better soon! Thanks for sharing your lovely celebration! I love the ornament tree and the hand painted wooden ornaments! Those are definitely going on my wish list for next year!! Hope you got your card 🙂 Many blessings to you and your family for the next year. Love, Lori
A Beautiful Celebration by you and your family on this special day~~Thank you for the linky to all the items you used…specially the Playmobile set and gifts of the Magi…God Bless you all…your Blog continues to give me and many others pure delight and inspiration…
We did! Thank you! Can you believe that I am still working on mailing our cards? I mailed out half right before Christmas and then got sick shortly after and was working on addressing the rest yesterday. . . Better late than never, right?! 🙂
Thanks for sharing all the links! We actually gave our children the St. Peter's Basilica Puzzle last Easter and one of our daughter's was given the Neuschwanstein Castle 3D Puzzle for Christmas! We actually haven't assembled either of them yet and are going to have to do so soon!
Thank you for the prayers for our family! We will offer a prayer for you today. God bless!
I'm sorry, Lenetta, but that doesn't sound familiar to me. . . I'd love to hear if you end up finding it!
I hope the New Year brings good health and many blessings to you and your family. Get well soon!
Valerie, NZ
I love all the posts about your family celebrations. Everything is always so thoughtfully planned and turns out so beautifully! But I must admit, I really appreciate this post most of all. Although I try, I usually can't pull off a celebration meal filled with homemade symbolic treats. As much as I strive to pare down things during the holidays, there are obligations and commitments I can't drop. So I'm always looking for easy ways to add some liturgical symbolism to our meals, especially with store-bought foodstuffs. This blog post especially gives us many wonderful examples on adapting some of the things one might already have in her pantry. Thank you so much for sharing these ideas with us! Blessings, Cheryl B.
Hi Jessica!
Where did you purchase your Twelve Days of Christmas tree w/ ornaments?
I purchased both the ornaments and stand second-hand at a conference curriculum sale about 7 years ago. They were made by Kirkland/Costco. It looks like there is a set available on ebay right now here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/KIRKLAND-Costco-12-Days-Of-Christmas-Ornaments-/311186026183?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item487421eec7