
by | Nov 24, 2014 | Precious Moments: 03 | 24 comments


I mentioned the other day that we ordered glasses (including an extra pair at a discount) for our 11 year old daughter this past Wednesday. We were told that they would take about 7-10 days, but on Friday they called to say the glasses had already arrived. Sean took her to pick them up after Hockey yesterday morning. She is still getting used to wearing them but I think she looks adorable… and so grown up! 


  1. Grace

    They look great on her and I agree she looks very grown up. She seems like such a sweet girl. My little girl loves to try on glasses in the store and thinks it'd be 'cool' to wear them. She may get her wish because my husband has very poor vision and she might inherit it.

    2014-11-24 03:57:19

  2. Genevieve

    Very pretty! I like how natural both pair look on her! Was she shocked at how different everything looked? Great choices!

    2014-11-24 05:15:22

  3. Christine

    She looks really pretty in her glasses. 🙂

    2014-11-24 05:38:34

  4. Sarah

    Like Genevieve said, they look so natural on her! She looks beautiful. I don't know if I've ever seen glasses make someone look even prettier, but these do. I mean it in a totally good way. It's not that you weren't pretty before, Twinkle Toes, but you look really pretty in glasses! Both pair are really nice. Love the photos! 🙂

    2014-11-24 10:44:25

  5. Michelle Bourque

    Beautiful. She looks so grown up. Wow, changes for you (braces) and her (glasses) and yet the beauty of the soul shines right through. Praying for you all as we begin the season of Advent.

    2014-11-24 11:41:29

  6. Casey

    She looks so grown up with glasses – and you look so much younger with braces! What a lovely young lady, Jessica.

    2014-11-24 12:22:48

  7. Heather Vitry

    She looks like quite the young lady with those glasses on. I love seeing how your children have grown up on your website. She went from a little girl to a beautiful young lady.

    2014-11-24 13:30:02

  8. tracybuasmith

    She looks so beautiful with her new glasses! She is wearing them proudly as she should! And she does look so grown!

    2014-11-24 13:59:07

  9. Kathy@9Peas

    She looks beautiful, great choice of frames!

    2014-11-24 14:11:02

  10. Sunshine

    You daughter looks so beautiful in her new glasses!

    2014-11-24 14:57:13

  11. krisvog

    Very pretty! She looks great in glasses. God bless!

    2014-11-24 15:19:17

  12. Momma Young

    She looks beautiful!! Our oldest daughter (around the same age) got glasses this year as well!

    2014-11-24 17:12:14

  13. Heather

    She is adorable!

    2014-11-24 18:29:53

  14. Debbie McL

    Your daughter looks just beautiful in her new glasses. I really like the frames. The frames are always such a difficult decision. Her smile is captivating. She reminds me of the sweet American Girl "Molly"! Another big step for your oldest daughter as she grows towards womanhood. She is a just lovely…

    2014-11-24 19:21:26

  15. kimberlee

    You look so lovely in your new glasses!

    2014-11-24 20:19:05

  16. M.E.

    So agree with you, Jessica! Your daughter looks lovely in her new glasses – very classy looking young lady & so grown-up, too! Wishing your family a very Happy Thanksgiving.

    2014-11-24 21:19:50

  17. Julie

    Both pairs look great. You are a smart girl to choose to embrace this change. It will make a huge difference to how you learn and enjoy things. Love that smile!

    2014-11-25 09:40:32

  18. Mom2Seven

    Adorable, indeed! I love glasses and thanks to a wonderful online site, I can buy prescription glasses for a ridiculously low price (most under $50 including lenses). I have at least 12 (maybe more) pairs to coordinate with any outfit or even my mood for the day! She is just beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving, Jessica, Sean, and family! +JMJ+

    2014-11-25 19:53:28

  19. Lori

    Love them! She looks beautiful!

    2014-11-26 13:49:01

  20. Sarah

    She looks beautiful! God bless!

    2014-11-27 18:44:21

  21. kari

    Aww the glasses look so pretty on her. Beautiful young lady!

    2014-11-28 03:45:46

  22. nancycarabiobelanger

    Such a pretty young lady, Jessica! The glasses look just lovely on her!

    2014-11-28 12:20:44

  23. Eliana

    Glasses look cute on her! From a fellow glasses-wearer, welcome to the club!

    2014-11-28 21:27:06

  24. ericag2

    She looks adorable. My son wears glasses also. He actually really likes them.

    2014-11-30 03:30:00


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