Prayers after his First Confession |
Great Uncle Tom, lots of new friends, and “Uncle Father!” |
After First Communion: Thanksgiving
The Body of our Lord, Jesus Christ, preserve my soul unto life everlasting! I possess Him Who gives eternal life. With firm and confident Faith, I believe, O Jesus, that Thou hast words of eternal life. Thy Flesh is meat indeed. I have received Thy sacred Body. Thou art truly present in my soul, my Lord and my God; Thou art most intimately united with me. Oh, how can I sufficiently adore Thee! Thou art my Lord and my God – I, Thy unworthy creature; Thou, my Father and Savior, hast taken pity on me: Thou lovest me, it is Thy delight to be with me. How can I, my Jesus, thank Thee for this grace! Magnify the Lord, my soul, for He hath done wonderful things to thee! Sweet, merciful Jesus, vouchsafe to look kindly upon my poor and pitiful gratitude.
I thank Thee, O Jesus!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
He's grown up so fast!
2015-07-25 00:55:02
Congratulations! He looks so grown up.
2015-07-25 01:20:53
Congratulations! Looks like such a beautiful day!
2015-07-25 01:22:57
OH and Jess! You look amazing!!!
2015-07-25 01:23:18
Those are the sweetest pictures! What a special day – for the entire family. Hope you can move here and join this beautiful parish!
2015-07-25 02:08:02
Wow! So very beautiful! Congratulations!
2015-07-25 02:17:11
Hi Jessica,
The photo of Fr. Dennis Gordon presenting Our Blessed Lord, your son serving, and the babe kneeling just awaiting his saviour for the first time TOOK MY BREATH AWAY! (No bias here… (o; ) What a beautiful day! I look forward to making these holy cards!
In Her Heart,
2015-07-25 02:26:51
Congratulations! What a blessing to be able to receive his First Holy Communion from his holy "Uncle Father"! God bless all of you!
2015-07-25 02:32:44
Congratulations!!! So happy for you all!
2015-07-25 04:51:27
Congratulations! I wish we would have known. We SO would have been there!
2015-07-25 05:42:18
Oh Congratulations!! Wonderful:)
2015-07-25 11:19:22
So wonderful you got to be with "Uncle Father" for Snuggles' big day and YOU. LOOK. FABULOUS, JESSICA!!!! I can see the difference! Way to go!!!
2015-07-25 11:57:00
What a beautiful day! Congratulations, Snuggles!
2015-07-25 13:20:43
Congratulations, Jessica! What a special day! (You look fabulous, by the way!) God bless! 🙂
2015-07-25 14:58:46
He looks so handsome! I think he was only 2 when I began following your blog. May God bless him abundantly! Jessica, you look just beautiful! +JMJ+
2015-07-25 17:50:37
Congratulations! What a beautiful day and he does look so handsome!
2015-07-26 00:59:11
It was so nice to meet you, Molly! We would sure love to move there someday… Please remember us in your prayers! P.S. I'm just now making the connection between your family and the shrine pictured above. It is so beautiful!
2015-07-26 05:53:59
Thank you, Carrie! Yes, we will have to add this to my ever growing list of Personalized Holy Cards to order! 🙂
2015-07-26 05:55:42
I am assuming that the big trip included this very reason! What a wonderful reason to travel! And even best that his Uncle gave him Jesus for the first time! Blessings to you and your family 🙂
Psst…your diet is working 😉
2015-07-27 12:27:53
God be praised!!
2015-07-27 15:44:44
Thank you, Jessica, for according us the privilege of seeing these so-touching photos. God bless 'Snuggles' as he continues his pilgrimage.
2015-07-27 18:25:36
You look amazing!!! Beautiful pictures!
2015-07-28 04:45:06
Such a beautiful day. Receiving Holy Communion from Uncle Father and his brothers serving mass. What an incredible moment.
2015-08-01 23:53:33