Getting Ready for National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week

by | Apr 22, 2015 | NPLTW, Pro-Life | 13 comments

American Life League’s National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week is coming up next week (April 28 – May 4, 2015) and they are getting ready with 5-Days of Giveaways! Our four oldest children had so much fun completing a couple of the tasks this afternoon starting with getting soaked by a hose!

Chiquita (who just turned 10 on Monday and had her braces taken off yesterday!!) wasn’t about to let her older siblings spray her with the hose, but she sure looked cute wearing a pro-life t-shirt (that is way too big on her!) while riding a tire swing.

There are still opportunities to win t-shirts during the 5-Days of Give-A-Ways over on the National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week Facebook Page and you can register for the Photo Contest on their website.

If you don’t have any luck winning a t-shirt during the 5-Days of Give-A-Ways, you can also order official 2015 National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week T-shirts from American Life League.

If you have any favorite pro-life t-shirts, or favorite stores for purchasing pro-life t-shirts, I’d love to hear about them in the comment box! 


  1. Megan @ The Ipps

    Thank you for sharing! We may have forgo the spraying with a hose here in Alaska right now. It was snowing the other day.

    2015-04-22 23:36:30

  2. Jessica Gordon

    We haven't had any snow all winter and then the week before last the mountain tops around our home were covered in snow! Now, this week, it's back in the 70s and 80s! The weather has been all over the place… I hope it warms up for you soon! 🙂

    2015-04-22 23:41:26

  3. Beth

    Yes-we won't be using the hose in Ohio today either–we had hail and snow flurries!

    2015-04-22 23:42:48

  4. Jessica Gordon

    Brrrr! Sounds way too cold up there for the end of April!

    2015-04-23 00:32:07

  5. Valerie

    Stand True Ministries has a good prolife store with T-shirts. I especially like their shirt with the G.K. Chesterton quote on it. Also Hope Outfitters has some great prolife shirts too!

    2015-04-23 02:33:22

  6. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you, Valerie! That is a great shirt! I love the quote!

    2015-04-23 02:58:37

  7. @NPLTW

    Megan, we've got more Alaska-friendly photo tasks coming.

    2015-04-23 13:23:04

  8. @NPLTW

    Beth, we've got many more photo contest tasks coming that don't require getting soaked 🙂

    2015-04-23 13:25:27

  9. @NPLTW

    And all these great pro-life t-shirts can be worn for the photo contest, too, provided the Life Defender badge is downloaded, printed, and attached to the tee.

    2015-04-23 13:24:41

  10. Karen

    What size shirt did you get for your sons? My boys are the same age, and I can't decide if I should get a medium or a large. Thanks!

    2015-04-23 16:47:40

  11. Jessica Gordon

    Our 14 year old is wearing the large and the 13 year old is wearing the medium. They haven't been washed yet so I'm not sure if they will shrink at all or not. I need to order a couple of the small size for the girls, the medium and large that we have are huge on them! 🙂

    2015-04-23 17:04:50

  12. Tara

    Jessica, I remember a while ago you included some info on a prolife educational resource you we going to begin with your kids. I can't recall what it was called but i do remember it included using Horton hears a Hoo and the book Angel in the Waters….. could you refresh my memory of what the resource was? Thanks!

    2015-04-24 11:54:23

  13. Jessica Gordon

    Hi Tara, It's the Life Is Precious Unit Study from American Life League! I'm using it now with our three youngest starting with the lessons to go along with Angel in the Waters. We have been enjoying it so far!

    2015-04-24 17:33:17


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