It’s time for the 5th Annual Curriculum Sale Blog Hop! You can find all the details, browse books for sale on other blogs, or add a link to your own post here.
I didn’t have enough time to sort through all our bookshelves over the weekend, but I do have a few boxes of books to sell this summer and I pulled a few more off the shelves after we got home from golf camp this afternoon.
If you are interested in purchasing any of the items in this post, please leave a comment listing the books you would like, along with your email address. (The email address box is part of the comment form here at Shower of Roses and it won’t be displayed publicly.) I will send you a private email with your total, including shipping, along with my Paypal address.
To keep it as simple as possible, I have decided to once again charge a flat rate to help cover the cost of packaging, postage, and any Paypal fees. This year it will be $5 for 1-3 items and $7.00 for 4+ items.
Please only request items that you intend to purchase and are able to submit payment for promptly. I’ve disabled comment moderation for a few days so that the comments/requests will show up immediately. I will also update the post as quickly as possible with “sales pending.”
Note: Most links are affiliate links.

Saxon Math 7/6: Homeschool Edition, good/very good condition, purchased new and used by one child, Asking $20.00 (sold)
Saxon Math 7/6 ISBN 1565775074, $10.00 (Previous school textbooks, with wear to covers, fourth edition and nearly identical to the Saxon 7/6: Homeschool Edition. A couple years ago my two oldest boys used 7/6 together with tutors, one the hardcover and one using the softcover pictured above. My 7th grader is currently using another copy of this book.)
Asking $10 each (2 1 available)
Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Workbook (Syllabus and Seminar Workbook Only – I happened to have an extra copy after participating in a local seminar. This coordinates with this DVD set.), like new, $15.00 REDUCED to $7.50 (sold)
Connecting With History: Volume 2 Spiral Bound Syllabus (Original Edition), very good condition, Asking $20.00 (sold)
Fix It! : Grammar and Editing Made Easy with Classics (2007 Edition), very good condition, Asking $15.00 (sold)
The Universe in my Hands Book with Dividers, Asking $10.00 (sold)
Science and Living in God’s World Grade 2 Teacher’s Manual and Answer Key, $1.00 Science and Living in God’s World Grade 4 Text and Workbook Answer Key, $1.00 (sold)Science and Living in God’s World Grade 5 Test Booklet, $1.00 (sold)
Explode the Code, Book 1, pages 1-3 completed, $5.00
Explode the Code, Book 1 1/2, new, sticker on cover, $6.00
Explode the Code, Book 2 1/2, new, $6.00
Word Tracking: High Frequency Words, Like New, Asking $10.00
Getty-Dubay Instruction Manual – Like New, Asking $3.00
These have all been read once and are in like new/very good condition:
Something Other Than God, Asking $10.00 (sold)
My Sisters the Saints: A Spiritual Memoir, Asking $7.00 (sold)
Catholic Philosopher Chick Makes Her Debut, Asking $10.00
Secular Saints, hardcover, wear/fading to dust cover, otherwise in great condition, $10.00
A Short Life of Christ, 1952, $4.00
The Story of the Sacred Heart, paper pamphlet type, you can see a picture of the inside here, duplicate copy, this has wear to cover including writing, Asking $3.00 Garment of Grace, like new, $2.00 REDUCED to $1.00 (sold)
Lucia Speaks on the Message of Fatima, $2.00 (sold)
Baltimore Catechism No. 1, some discoloration, a few crayon marks on inside front cover, $2.00
Ordinary Lives Extraordinary Mission, some shelf wear, $2.00
Sleeping Beauty, like new, $7.00 REDUCED to $3.50
Linnea in Monet’s Garden, duplicate copy, wear to cover, $3.00 (sold)
Peter and Lotta’s Christmas, like new, $10.00 (sold)
Baby’s Very First Black and White Library (box set of small Board Books, new), $3.00 REDUCED to $1.50(sold)
These are all duplicates of books on my boys’ bookshelves:Ranger’s Apprentice, Book One: The Ruins of Gorlan, paperback, wear to cover, $4.00 (sold)Ranger’s Apprentice, Book Eight: The Kings of Clonmel, paperback, minor wear to cover, $4.00 (sold)Brotherband, Scorpion Mountain, hard cover, like new with minor wear to corner of dust cover, $10.00 (sold)Sir Givret the Short, paperback, like new, $4.00 (sold)
Beyond the Desert Gate, paperback, new in shrink wrap, duplicate copy, $7.00 (sold)Nacar the White Deer, paperback, new in shrink wrap, duplicate copy, $6.00 (sold)Willow Wind Farm: Betsy’s Story, paperback, new, duplicate copy, $6.00 REDUCED to $3.00 (pending)My Heart Lies South, Paperback, good condition/shelf wear, $6.00 (sold)The Saints Show Us Christ, paperback, shelf wear, $2.00 REDUCED to $1.00 (sold)
The Last Things, paperback, $2.00
A Man for All Seasons: A Play in Two Acts, $2.00
All of these books are in good to very good condition, with some shelf wear:
The Call of the Wild and the Cruise of the Dazzler, $2.00 (sold)
Dollfuss: An Austrian Patriot, $3.00
Whirlwind: The Air War Against Japan, $2.00
Rascal, $3.00
The Skippack School, $4.00 Within the Palace Gates, $6.00 (sold)Cyrus the Persian, $6.00 (sold)
Brian’s Winter, $2.00
On the Wings of Heroes, $2.00
Walk the World’s Rim, $5.00
Meet Molly, HC 0808579894, ex-library book, $2.00 (sold)Changes for Molly, HC 083352366X, ex-library book, $2.00 (sold)Molly Learns a Lesson, HC 0808579924, ex-library book, $2.00 (sold)
Three Little Pigs, Usborne First Stories, some cover wear, $1.00 REDUCED to $0.50 (pending)
Phonics Practice Reader, $1.00
Yankee Doodle Sing Along, $2.00 Toddler Songs, $3.00 REDUCED to $1.50 (sold)Preschool Songs, $3.00 REDUCED to $1.50 (sold)
Silly Songs, $3.00 Lullabies, $3.00 REDUCED to $1.50 (sold)
Zippety Zoo (Level 4), $2.00A Den, a Tree, a Nest Is Best (Level 3), $2.00Slither, Slide, Hop, and Run (Level 2) , $2.00or $5.00 for all three (sold)
Stations of the Cross Coloring Book, Asking $1.00 each,
Hi Jessica,
Is Saxon Math 76 Homeschhol edition 4th Edition and is Saxon Maths 87 Homeschool Edition the 3rd edition?
If they are those editions I would like to purchase both.
Also the Miracle of Marcelino DVD
Rosary coloring book
Stations Coloring book
Brotherband scorpion mountain.
Thank you,
2015-06-16 00:35:15
Yes, the 7/6 is the 4th Edition and the 8/7 is the 3rd edition. I will pull them aside for you along with the other items I still have as well. I'll send you an email after I update the post. Thanks! 🙂
2015-06-16 00:38:47
Hi Jessica- I would love the Saxon Math Intermediate 3 Homeschool Kit: Textbook, Solutions Manual, and Homeschool Testing Book (does not include Power Up Workbook), if still available. Thank you!
2015-06-16 00:40:51
You got it! I'm pulling it aside now. I'll send you an email soon. Thank you!
2015-06-16 00:45:01
Hi, I'll take the Zita books, the Narnia books, and the Stations of the Cross coloring books if they are still available.
2015-06-16 01:17:25
I just pulled them all aside for you and sent you an email. Thanks!
2015-06-16 01:30:58
I would like all 3 Molly books and Fix It! please!
2015-06-16 01:33:38
Great! I have them pulled aside for you and will send you an email soon. Thank you!
2015-06-16 01:41:28
I would love the 7/6 Saxon Math and Explode the Code 1. Thank you!
2015-06-16 01:36:31
Hi Christine. I have the Explode the Code 1 for you. Would you like both of the hard cover 7/6 Saxon Math books, or just one?
2015-06-16 01:41:08
Hi Jessica, I know I already ordered stuff, but I didn't realize I needed the saxon 7/8 book! 🙂 Do you have a copy still?
2015-06-20 00:06:00
Which book are you needing, Beth? I sold my Saxon 8/7, but I still have one of the Saxon 7/6 hard covers.
2015-06-20 01:13:21
Hi Jessica, I'm looking for the 7/6 and hardcover is fine.
2015-06-20 01:18:41
Perfect! I won't be able to update the post until I get home later tonight, but it's yours! I've already mailed out your other books, but I should be able to send the Saxon 7/6 on Monday. If you could send $15 to the same PayPal address as before that would be great! Thank you!
2015-06-20 01:45:21
Hi? Can I order Ranger's Apprentice Book 8 and My Heart Lies South, please? Thanks so much, and God bless!
2015-06-16 01:52:11
I'm pulling them aside for you now, Lori Ann, and will send you an email. God bless you too!
2015-06-16 01:56:15
Catholic Geography Bee Coordinator/Parent Book and Participant/Student Book Within the Palace Gates, $6.00
The Call of the Wild and the Cruise of the Dazzler, $2.00
Cyrus the Persian, $6.00
Beyond the Desert Gate, paperback, new in shrink wrap, duplicate copy, $7.00 Nacar the White Deer, paperback, new in shrink wrap, duplicate copy, $6.00 PLEASE!
2015-06-16 02:25:48
They are yours! I'll send you an email soon. Thank you, Linda!
2015-06-16 02:40:35
Hi Jessica! I'd like the Catholic geography bee set and the linnea book. Also what's the condition of the universe in my hands? Thank you!
2015-06-16 03:48:56
Hi Stacie, I have a sale pending on the Catholic Geography Set, but if for some reason that falls through you are next in line. I do have the Linnea Book if you are still interested.
The Universe In My Hands is in very good condition, with some shelf wear to the cover. It also has a couple little removed page tabs sticking out of it, which you can see in the picture, but I can remove those. Let me know if you'd like me to pull that one aside for you too. Thanks!
2015-06-16 03:53:53
Please set the linnea book and the universe in my hands aside for me but I'd like to wait in case the geography bee is available (i can go ahead and pay for the others just wait to mail it). And add Peter and lottas Christmas to my pile please.
2015-06-16 04:05:16
Sounds good. I'll got The Universe in my Hands, Linnea in Monet's Garden, and Peter and Lotta's Christmas pulled aside for you. Don't worry about sending payment until we know for sure on the geography bee. I'll let you know when that sale is either finalized or falls through and you can send payment then. Thank you!
2015-06-16 04:19:02
Hi Jessica! I would like Get Set For the Code B, and Go for the Code C as well as Skippack School!
Thank you!
2015-06-17 03:43:38
I've just set those aside for you, Laura, and will send you an email now. Thanks!
2015-06-17 03:59:18
Hello Again! I actually just realized that I already own Skippack school so I'll cancel that! Thank you!
2015-06-17 03:58:58
No problem! Would you still like the other two?
2015-06-17 04:17:39
Hi Jessica, is the catholic homeschool companion still available?
2015-06-18 13:58:30
Hi Marissa! Yes, I do still have that available! It's yours if you'd like! Let me know and I can update the status on it and send you a direct email when I get back home later this afternoon. Thanks!
2015-06-18 19:35:35
Hi Jessica, yes I would like the book as well as all three books in the zippety zoo pic and two of the rosary coloring books. Thank you!
2015-06-19 04:35:10
I have them all pulled aside for you, Marissa! I'll send you an email later this evening when we are home again. It's the last day of golf camp for my kiddos and we are out watching their tournament today! 🙂
2015-06-19 17:34:32
Hi Jessica, I've been checking my inbox and haven't seen anything yet. I didn't want to keep you hanging with payment.
2015-06-19 23:04:13
Sorry, Marissa! We've had a full day and we are still not home! I just sent you an email. Thank you for your patience! 🙂
2015-06-20 01:10:21
Hi Jessica, We'd like the Connecting with history volume 2, if it is still available. Any chance you have the syllabus that goes with it?
2015-06-20 10:29:15
Sure! Do you mean the new lesson plans? The CWH Vol 2 syllabus is what I'm selling (original edition) since I have the newer version as well. I do have the lesson plans, but I'm keeping those to use again in the future. I'll pull it aside for you and send you an email with the total and my paypal address this evening. Thanks!
2015-06-20 23:35:34
What grades are the Institute for Excellence in Writing (Teaching Structure and Style) for? I am looking for early grade instruction – 2nd, 3rd or so. Thank you. Dianne
2015-06-22 16:56:30
Hi Dianne, Teaching Structure and Style is intended for grades 3-12. The Syllabus and Seminar Workbooks I am selling are actually for the parent, not the student, and go along with the ten-hour seminar teaching the parent HOW to teach the student. You would need access to that DVD set (buy it used or borrow it from a friend, etc) to be able to use this syllabus. I recently upgraded my set of DVDs to the new second edition which is why I no longer need the teacher workbooks listed in this post. I'm still trying to decide whether I will use Student Writing Intensive A or one of the themed-based writing programs for Level A (grades 3-5) for my rising 3rd grader.
2015-06-22 17:37:07
Thank you, Jessica.
I will hold off on buying since I have a 2nd grader and may need the entire set, including DVDs, to have all I need for 3rd grade.
Thank you for clarifying the materials you are selling. All the best to you as you prepare this summer.
2015-06-22 19:11:01
Jessica, I am interested in Sleeping Beauty. Since it is 50% I just want to make sure that it is $3.50. I also would like Willow Wind Farm for $3.00. Thanks! Heather 🙂
2015-06-25 21:43:17
Yes, that is correct. 🙂 I'll pull them aside for you and send you an email in just a little bit.
2015-06-25 21:47:03
Science and Living in God's World Grade 4 Text and Workbook Answer Key, $1.00 Science and Living in God's World Grade 5 Test Booklet, $1.00 The Childhood of Jesus Coloring Book, new, $2.00 Coloring Book About the Rosary, Asking $1.00 each-3
2015-06-25 22:21:50
I just updated them to pending and will send you an email soon. Thanks!
2015-06-25 22:30:04
Hi Jessica,
I would like:
Teaching writing: Structure and style
Garment of Grace
The Saints show us Christ
Toddler songs CD
Preschool songs CD
Boy Heroes
The Black Stallion
Coloring book about the rosary (2)
2015-06-25 22:42:42
I'm pulling them aside for you now, Marcela! Which of the two Teaching Writing: Structure and Style seminar workbooks would you like? The one that is new, or the one with a little writing? One is marked down to $7.50 and the other is $5.00. Let me know! Thanks! 🙂
2015-06-25 22:53:39
If the following are still available, I would be interested in purchasing: Baby's Very First Black and White Library (box set of small Board Books, new), Three Little Pigs, Usborne First Stories, some cover wear, $1.00 REDUCED to $0.50 Lullabies, $3.00 REDUCED to $1.50
2015-06-28 01:22:59
Thank you to everyone who has purchased books from our family! All orders that have been paid for have been shipped. At this time I'm no longer able to accept any more orders and am closing comments on this post. If you have any questions please send me an email. Thanks and God bless!
2015-06-30 01:03:01