On September 4, 2016, Mother Teresa will be canonized a saint!
I remember very clearly traveling to San Francisco in 1988 (when I was just 10 years old!) with my Grandmother to see Mother Teresa, at St. Anne’s Church, as she welcomed 11 new nuns into her order. I remember my grandmother telling me that, “one day this amazing little nun will be declared a Saint!” My grandmother passed away just a few short years after that trip. I am so thankful for those precious times we had together, and her amazing love for our Lord and His Saints that she shared with us grandchildren. – posted here on The Feast of Blessed Mother Teresa in 2008
Mother Teresa wasn’t always named Mother Teresa. She was born in 1910 into a regular family, like you or me, in modern day Macedonia in Southeast Europe. Her name was Anjezë, which is Agnus in English. When she was 18 years old, she felt called to be a nun, so she left home for Ireland and joined a religious order called the Sisters of Loreto. A nun will often choose a new name when she becomes a sister, and she took the name Sister Teresa, after St. Therese of Lisieux. She was sent to Calcutta, India, where she served as a teacher for many years.
Calcutta is very poor. Sister Teresa could look out of the window of the school where she taught and see many people on the streets who needed help. Some people did not have enough food to eat, others were sick and had no one to take care of them.
One day, when she was on a long train ride, Sister Teresa experienced a powerful moment of prayer. She heard Jesus asking her to leave the Sisters of Loreto to take care of the people who needed help on the streets of Calcutta. She had no idea how she would do it, but she knew she had to try. So she started out on her own.
At first, she cared for the people she met on the streets of Calcutta. She gave the hungry food, helped take care of the sick and spent time with people who had no one to talk to. Within a few months, she attracted followers.
Some of the students from the school where she taught came to help. These women were the first to join her new order of sisters, called the Missionaries of Charity. It was then that Sister Teresa became Mother Teresa, the founder of a new order.
There are now 4,500 sisters working in countries all over the world! The Missionaries of Charity spend many hours in prayer and service each day. Their prayer helps them remember that when they are caring for the poor, they are caring for Jesus who suffers. Jesus tells us that he is present in the poor in a special way. The sisters live very simply, without conveniences like washing machines, microwaves or—in many of their convents— even beds, because part of their mission is to live among the poor…
Mother Teresa died in 1997, but she still inspires us today. She reminds us to not be afraid to answer Jesus’ call, even when it means stepping outside of our comfort zones. And her story also reminds us to notice and reach out to people who are in need. – Source
On this special day, in the same charitable spirit exemplified by our beloved Mother Teresa, let us join in helping the needy. A trustworthy resource is your own pastor who knows of struggling families, the poor, and the hungry. He can direct you how best to apply your generosity.
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”
Here are some additional ways we will be celebrating her canonization on September 4th and her first feast day as a canonized saint on September 5th:
Beautiful Dolls

St. Mother Teresa from Naturally Catholic

Teresa of Calcutta Saint Block from Almond Rod Toys

Mother Teresa habit from The Little Habit…

… and Mother Teresa Costume from Our Coats of Many Colors
(You can also find DIY costume tutorials at Blossoming Joy and Catholic Icing.)

Remember this post (and this silly post too!) from last year? ♥
Inspiring Books from Our September Book Basket

(You can read my review on the first two books here. The giveaway ends on September 3rd!)
Mother Teresa: The Smile of Calcutta by Charlotte Grossetete
Mother Teresa of Calcutta by Francine Bay
Mother Teresa by Demi
Mother Teresa (Marvel Comic Book)
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta: Missionary of Charity
The Gospel on Five Fingers: Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Glory Stories: Volume IV) available from Holy Heroes
You can find our complete September Book Basket here.

Works of Love Are Works of Peace: Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the Missionaries of Charity
“Let us pray that this book will draw people to Jesus, help them realize how much God loves them, and help them to want to pray. Let it be for the glory of God and the good of His people. God bless you.” – Mother Teresa From the Introduction
This beautiful and moving photo-documentary gives the reader a glimpse inside the life and mission of Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity, the order she founded. In addition to all the inspiring photographs and quotes, you will also find all the prayers of the M.C. Prayer Book, the official prayer book of the Order, included as well.

Ignatius Press has offered to give away a copy of this beautiful and inspiring book to one of my visitors here at Shower of Roses.
Enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter box here.
(Giveaway has ended – Congratulations, Janalin!)
Mother Teresa Coloring Pages
Free Online Resources:
- Blessed Teresa from Waltzing Matilda
- Saint Mother Teresa from Holy Heroes
- St. Teresa of Calcutta Quote Coloring Page from Life, Love, & Sacred Art
- Mother Teresa Quote Coloring Pages and More from Look to Him & Be Radiant

Coloring Books to Purchase:
- Mother Teresa from Fenestra Fidei
- Miracle of Life Coloring Book from Culture of Life Studies

“Do something beautiful for God.
Do it with your life. Do it every day.
Do it in your own way. But do it!”
Canonization Cupcakes

I created these cupcake wrappers and toppers to hand out during one of my workshops at the 2016 Rocky Mountain Catholic Home Educators Conference earlier this summer!

You can download my FREE PRINTABLE documents here:
Mother Teresa Cupcake Wrappers
Last weekend my girls tested a recipe for the upcoming canonization: Chai Cupcakes topped with a simple Vanilla Buttercream Frosting and sprinkled with additional Chai Spice mixture. Mmmmmmmm! You can find the recipe over at Catholic Cuisine.

“Not all of us can do great things.
But we can do small things with great love.”
Fun Treats and Delicious Recipes

The following recipes can be found over at Catholic Cuisine or linked below:
- Bible Cookies (“Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness.”)
- Heart and Hand Cookie Cutter (“Give your hands to serve and your hearts to love.”)
- Heart Fruit Platter or Lemon Heart Cake with Berries (“Love is a fruit in season at all times and within reach of every hand.”)
- Poor Man’s Stew (“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”)
- Indian Chai Tea (My favorite has always been Oregon Chai, but I might try an AIP Chai recipe this week.)
- Naan – Indian Flat Bread (serve with Chicken Tikka Masala)
“There is a terrible hunger for love.
We all experience that in our lives – the pain, the loneliness.
We must have the courage to recognize it.
The poor you may have right in your own family.
Find them. Love them.”
Gift Ideas

There are so many great gift ideas to honor Mother Teresa. Here are a few:
- Mother Teresa Quote from Printable Prayers
- Mother Teresa Apron and Dish Towel
- Mother Teresa from Shining Light Dolls (update: and this new one too!)
- Mother Teresa Apron from Catholic Cuisine
- Mother Teresa from Tiny Saints
- St. Teresa of Calcutta Backpack Clip from SaongJai
Watch the Canonization
The Live Streaming and Archived Videos can be found on the Vatican YouTube Channel (English):
We (the older kids and I) are hoping to be able to stay awake and watch the canonizations live using the EWTN app and AirPlay. (You can view the EWTN schedule here.) We’ll see… It’s going to be in the middle of the night for us out here on the West Coast – 1:30-3:30 am!
Lord Jesus, merciful face of the Father, you came to give us the Good News of the Father’s mercy and tenderness.
We thank you for the gift of our dearest Mother, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, who will be canonized in this Jubilee Year of Mercy. You chose her to be your presence, your love and compassion to the brokenhearted, the unwanted, the abandoned and the dying. She responded wholeheartedly to your cry, “I Thirst,” by the holiness of her life and humble works of love to the poorest of the poor.
We pray, through her intercession, for the grace to experience your merciful love and share it in our own families, communities and with all our suffering brothers and sisters. Help us to give our “hearts to love and hands to serve,” after the example of Mother Teresa. Lord Jesus, bless every member of our family, our parish, our diocese, our country, especially those most in need, that we all may be transformed by your merciful love.

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not yet begun.
We have only today. Let us begin.”
St. Teresa of Calcutta, ora pro nobis!