My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love Thee. Amen.
The Rosary is a special prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary that recalls events in the Life of Christ and of His Blessed Mother. The use of a string of Rosary beads helps to pray the Apostles Creed, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and Glory Be to the Father. On each large bead we say an Our Father and on each small bead a Hail Mary. The Our Father and ten Hail Mary’s is followed by the Glory Be and together referred to as a decade of the Rosary. While reciting these prayers, we think of Our Blessed Lord and look at Him through Our Blessed Mother’s eyes to understand Him with our heart. We should try our best to pray Our Lady’s Rosary, bringing our mind back to the mysteries if our mind wanders or we get distracted. Families that pray the rosary together daily are especially blessed by God.
In 1571, Pope St. Pius V urged all of Christendom to implore Our Lady by means of the rosary in defense against an advancing Moslem Turkish force that threatened the Mediterranean and the West. The outnumbered Christian fleet prevailed at the Battle of Lepanto and, attributing this victory to the praying of the Rosary, the Feast of the Holy Rosary was established the following year on October 7. Such importance is the value of the rosary in the life of the Christian that in 1858 Our Lady appeared 18 times to St. Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France each time holding a Rosary in her hands and imploring us to meditate on its mysteries, to help her save souls. Then in 1917, the Blessed Virgin appeared again to three shepherd children at Fatima, Portugal asking for penance and prayer, and for the Rosary to be said daily and devoutly for the peace of the world. At the last apparition on October 13, 1917 she said that she wanted to be called Our Lady of the Rosary while warning the faithful to amend their lives, ask pardon for their sins, and that “they must say the Rosary.”
Supplies For Each Rosary:
- Pre knotted string
- 53 Hail Mary beads
- 6 Our Father beads
- Crucifix
- Copper rose center bead (or other bead of choice)
- Small beads for on either size of the Our Father beads
- Small bead to connect the crucifix
1. Take the pre-knotted string and start by threading a small bead, an Our Father bead, then another small bead, followed by 3 Hail Mary beads, then once again with a small bead, Our Father bead, and another small bead.
2. Add the rose center bead followed by 10 Hail Mary beads. Then a small bead, Our Father bead, small bead, and 10 Hail Mary beads again. Repeat this pattern until you have all 5 decades on the string.
3. Now take the string end and feed it back through the copper rose center bead. Pull until tight. Split the string and tie a few knots around the center string.
4. Add the small clear bead and crucifix to the other end of the string and feed the string end through the small bead. Tie off like the center.
5. After you have tied all the knots trim the strings to about ¼-½”.
6. Have an adult take a lighter and melt the trimmed ends.
7. As Our Lady of Fatima instructed Sister Lucia, “Continue to pray the Rosary every day.”

{It’s taken a few years to get around to sharing the pictures from this craft/service project, but on the feast of the Immaculate Conception in December of 2014, we spent the afternoon (and late into the night!) assembling thirty-five rosaries (five each – the older boys and I helped the younger ones finish theirs) to send to children at an orphanage in Nigeria for Christmas that year. This project was coordinated by my friend Aleesa and her business donated all the supplies. Aleesa’s pastor was from Nigeria, going back for Christmas, and had requested 70 rosaries to give to all the children.}
Jessica – Where do you get your Rosary supplies?
2017-10-21 00:51:59
Love seeing the pictures of all the rosary makers 😍
2017-10-21 21:48:05
I actually haven't purchased Rosary supplies before. This project was coordinated by my friend Aleesa and her business donated all the supplies.
2017-10-21 22:06:07
Thank you again for organizing this project! It was such a great thing to do leading up to Christmas.
2017-10-21 22:07:25
Has your family seen Fatima the Musical? It was written by a young man that I know who is entering the seminary next year. It is truly an amazing production that your family can watch all together. Here is a link to the Fatima the Musical website that has the official full video of the production.
2017-10-27 16:01:16
2017-10-27 20:22:22