On Saint Valentine’s Day {and Baby Update}

by | Feb 24, 2017 | Baby News, St. Valentine's Day | 28 comments

May the Pure Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Ours & Enlighten the World this St. Valentine’s Day
I started this post last week and it’s taken me a whole week to get back to finishing it. Anyway…

My girls were the creative ones this year, with their Little Way Valentines and Nutter Butter Heart Cookie Valentines! Here’s a picture of my simple contribution to this year’s St. Valentine’s Day celebration with friends. I love our collection of bundt pans. (This particular heart pan is currently 48% off!) They made cake decorating so easy when I’m low on time. I had hoped to add lots of red berries, like I did for our daughter’s When Calls the Heart birthday cake, but was never able to get to the store so I simply topped it with a holy card.

Meanwhile our little ones colored a couple St. Valentine coloring pages. Someone couldn’t find anything red to wear so he decided that green was the next best option, after all St. Patrick’s day is coming up soon! 😉

He asked me to take a picture of his coloring page to show his Godmother, the illustrator.  St. Valentine got to wear green this year too! 

While our kids were at the party I had another ultrasound followed by another appointment with my doctor to check on the baby.  Despite the never-ending nausea our little girl is healthy and well! 

Feb 4th: As of this weekend we’ve made it to 20 weeks! I still get sick and am nauseous on a daily basis (though not anywhere near as bad as the first trimester – those St. Nicholas Day letters/prayers from the kids did the trick!) and I have to be very careful to keep cramping to a minimum, especially with my history of pre-term labor, but it will all be worth it. Halfway there and so excited to meet our new baby girl this summer! Thank you all for the prayers. They are appreciated more than you know! #hyperemesisgravidarum #lowlyingplacenta #20weekspregnant

Feb 14th: I’m so very grateful for all the extra prayers, they are making such a difference! I was blessed with another little peek at our baby girl today… She is doing well and my placenta has also moved up a few centimeters over the last two weeks to just above the low-lying/problem area! My next appointment isn’t for a month! Deo gratias! #21andahalfweekspregnant

As of tomorrow, Feb 25th, our baby girl will be 23 weeks!

Here are a couple pictures taken last week, as I was helping the girls with their hair before they headed out the door to a hockey game with their dad and brothers. The first thing our little guy does in the morning and the last thing he does before bed is say good morning and goodnight to his baby sister. He talks to her all day long too, trying to feel her move, telling her little things about our day, or asking her what she is doing. Before leaving he ran back to give her a hug and tell her something… Then he came back to give her a kiss goodbye. I can hardly wait until he gets to hold her for the first time! #bigbrotherbabysister #unexpectedblessings #countingthedaystojune24
Still enjoying the beautiful St. Valentine’s Day roses from my husband. 

“The good God does not need years to accomplish His work of love in a soul; one ray from His heart can, in an instant, make His flower bloom for eternity…” ~ St. Therese


  1. Rosalie

    Continued Prayers for precious "New Bundle of Joy" and you to feel better with the nausea…

    2017-02-24 18:36:21

  2. Elizabeth Carreon

    You look GORGEOUS!!! God bless this precious babe within your womb and momma too 😊.

    2017-02-24 19:08:09

  3. jbc2789

    So happy that things are going well with your pregnancy! I was very nauseous with mine the whole time, so I can sympathize. Your littlest is so cute-sounds like he is looking forward to his baby sister! I'm keeping you and your baby girl in my prayers.

    2017-02-24 19:28:18

  4. Guest

    Continued prayers!

    2017-02-24 22:10:08

  5. Grace

    Aww Jessica, truly so happy for you! 🙂 I've been following your blog since Snuggles was a baby. Thank you for sharing the journey. Lots of love and prayers. +

    2017-02-24 22:45:57

  6. Jennifer

    Such beauty all around.

    2017-02-24 23:52:08

  7. Erin

    Excited to get a baby update, and thrilled to hear the placenta has moved up above the problem area! 🙂 xxx

    2017-02-25 01:53:57

  8. Krista

    Oh, those ultrasound images!!! ❤️ I remember with my daughter being able to see her (although we chose NOT to find out the baby's sex) grow from about 6 weeks until almost birth because of my high-risk pregnancy! While the pregnancy was very risky w/ two previous miscarriages, the trade-off was getting to see her grow before her brith & to have those images forever! God bless you and your little girl over the next 4 months!!! I can't image going through all the nausea – I was lucky w/that – very little & no getting sick. I hope you start to feel better with that REAL SOON!!! A blessed Lent coming up for the entire family! Can't believe it's just about that time again!!!

    2017-02-25 05:21:04

  9. Marilyn

    Glad you and your family had a nice St.Valentine's Day. The crafts and the goodies your children made are nice and look delicious. I love the photos of baby girl. Marilyn

    2017-02-25 21:46:50

  10. Marion

    Thank you on the update of your baby girl. I love the way you celebrate all the holidays. Looking forward to your St.Patrick's Day and Easter celebrations. Hope you will have no morning sickness soon. Marion

    2017-02-25 21:50:18

  11. Christine M.

    Prayers will continue. It is so wonderful to see the other kids excited about the little blessings from God. Our newest addition is so loved by all of his siblings. They seem a bit in awe of this tiny, beautiful gift from God. :). God bless!

    2017-02-26 01:09:48

  12. Claire

    Just wanted to let you know, I went to Mass today (in UK) and went to pray at Our Lady statue after Mass as usual. Each week there are new flowers today. Usually a big mix of various types of flowers in oasis foam. But to my surprise the flowers I saw today were just like your Valentine roses, white and peachy coloured roses in a vase. I immediately thought of you and said a prayer for you. God bless

    2017-02-26 15:42:19

  13. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you, Elizabeth! God bless you too!

    2017-02-26 18:55:05

  14. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you! I've always been nauseous throughout my whole pregnancies too, but the first trimester of this one took it to a whole new level! I'm grateful that it's back to my usual "severe morning sickness" now and at least get some breaks from it unlike those first few months. I'm definitely looking forward to being able to eat more variety again once she arrives! 🙂

    2017-02-26 18:58:37

  15. Jessica Gordon

    I started blogging when I was pregnant with Snuggles. In fact, I actually have the same due date with this baby as I did with Snuggles too! Hard to believe that was 10 years ago this spring!

    2017-02-26 19:01:11

  16. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you, Jennifer!

    2017-02-26 19:01:21

  17. Jessica Gordon

    Oooh, me too!! I was so nervous. It usually isn't too worrisome at my this stage, and had time to move up, but with my prior history of it turning into a partial placenta abruption, and all the cramping I have/had been having, I was so scared. When they told me that it moved up I was so incredibly relieved. Thank you again for the prayers!

    2017-02-26 19:03:47

  18. Jessica Gordon

    I'm really loving that about this pregnancy too! I've gotten to see (and be reassured) that all is going well frequently this time around. I think I've had seven ultrasounds so far…. I'm losing track! Having lost babies in the past I know the risks and that nothing is guaranteed, but I'm so hopeful that we will get to keep this little one with us! I hope you have a blessed Lent too! I'm not ready for it to begin, even though it's starting later this year!

    2017-02-26 19:07:40

  19. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you, Marion! My parents 40th wedding anniversary actually falls on Easter Sunday this year so I need to plan something special for that! 🙂

    2017-02-26 19:08:38

  20. Jessica Gordon

    Praying every day for your little one, Christine, and for your family! God bless you all!

    2017-02-26 19:08:59

  21. Jessica Gordon

    Ooohhh! Thank you! I think this was the first time my husband has given me roses in this color. Not a color I would have picked our for myself but I ended up really loving them. So pretty! I really appreciate the extra prayers! Thank you!!

    2017-02-26 19:11:07

  22. Sherri Jackson

    I am thinking of you and praying for you! We will be welcoming a new grandson soon, March 11. He is our daughter's first and a wedding night baby. New life is so precious and miraculous! We will continue to keep you, your sweet new girl, and your lovely family in our prayers.

    2017-02-28 23:09:27

  23. Amanda

    You are beautiful pregnant! God bless your family and your gestation! With Care, Amanda, from Brazil.

    2017-03-02 13:24:18

  24. Meagan Daoust

    You look amazing, AMAZING!

    2017-03-04 15:59:42

  25. Sonja Campbell

    Thank God everything is going well, and both of you are healthy! Offering up our prayers and sacrifices for a continued healthy pregnancy and delivery for mother and child. God bless you and your precious family.

    2017-03-10 00:58:53


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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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