Earlier this month, when we had to decide between traveling to the boys’ or girls’ regional tournament which were both taking place May 7th and 8th over 200 miles apart from each other, we decide to go to the girls’ since it was our freshman daughter’s first year playing.
I joked with the boys that they would just have to make it to state so I could see them play this year! I hadn’t been able to watch them play in over a year and apparently they have improved so much. I missed last year’s regional tournament since it was at the end of my pregnancy and I couldn’t travel or barely even walk. This year the baby hasn’t exactly been the easiest or quiet enough to take out on the course. I was so grateful for the pictures and updates from one of their coaches. Well…

Our 15 year old shot a two-day total of 85-92–177 to finish 8th place overall and lead the Chieftains in the Regional Championship! He was once again named Athlete of the Week in the local paper.
Congratulations to all. way to go John. Marion,Marilyn and Joan
2018-05-30 19:23:29