It’s time for the 8th Annual Curriculum Sale Blog Hop!
You can find all the details, browse books for sale on other blogs, or add a link to your own post here.
If you are interested in purchasing any of the items in this post, please leave a comment listing the books you would like, along with your email address. (The email address box is part of the comment form here at Shower of Roses and it won’t be displayed publicly.) I will send you a private email with your total, including shipping, along with my Paypal address to send payment.
Once invoices are paid, I will ship your books via media mail which usually takes 7-14 days. In the past I’ve always charged a flat rate shipping however this year minimum shipping is $5.00, after that shipping will be by actual weight/cost.
Please only request items that you intend to purchase and are able to submit payment for promptly. Comments are moderated, but I will do my best to approve/publish them as quickly as possible and update the post with “sales pending.” If multiple visitors request the same book it will be sold to the first request. I’m also open to reasonable offers on any of the books listed and will probably drop the prices on anything that is left at the end of the sale. Thank you!
Note: Most links are affiliate links.
Saxon Math K Home Study Kit including Teacher’s Edition and Meeting Book, Asking $50.00 REDUCED $30.00 (sold)
Saxon Math Two Home Study Kit including Teachers Edition, Two Workbooks and Meeting Book, Asking $70.00
Saxon Calculus, ISBN 156577146X, Asking $50.00 REDUCED $30.00
Saxon Physics, ISBN 1565770056, Asking $30.00 REDUCED $20.00
Saxon Algebra 2 Teacher’s Edition, Second Edition ISBN 0939798638, Asking $20.00 REDUCED $10.00
Prentice Hall Physical Science, wear to cover, some creases to pages, Asking $10.00
Prentice Hall Chemistry, wear to cover, some creases to pages, Asking $15.00 each (2 – 1 available)
Prentice Hall Biology, wear to cover, some creases to pages, Asking $20.00 each (2 – 1 available)Prentice Hall Biology Reading and Study Workbook A, some wear to cover, first chapter pages have been used, Asking $5.00 each (2 available) (sold)
Kolbe Academy Biology Answer Key, like new, Asking $16.00
Kolbe Academy Chemistry Answer Key, like new, Asking $16.00 (sold)Kolbe Academy Lab Report Writing Guide, like new, Asking $6.00 (sold)
Welcome to Felicity’s World 1774, Asking $10.00 (sold)Welcome to Molly’s World 1944, Asking $10.00 (sold)
Meet Marie-Grace, wear to cover and pages, Asking $1.50 (sold)
Lanie, wear and dog eared pages, Asking $1.50 REDUCED $1.00
Saige, Asking $3.00 REDUCED $1.00
The Curse of Ravenscourt, Asking $3.00 REDUCED $2.00
Lea and Camila, Asking $3.00 REDUCED $1.00
Beforever Kit, Asking $3.00 REDUCED $1.00
Whistler in the Dark, Asking $3.00 (sold)The Strange Case of Baby H, Asking $3.00 (sold)
The Illuminated Rosary Paperback Set, The Joyful Mysteries, The Sorrowful Mysteries, The Glorious Mysteries, and The Luminous Mysteries, very good condition, Asking $40.00 (sold)
Treasure and Tradition, advanced reading copy/paperback, $10 each ( 2 available) (sold)
Faith and Life Series 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, well loved but still useable, Asking $28.00 for set (sold)
OLVS Grade 4 Lesson Plans, Asking $8.00 (sold)
A Gift from St. Nicholas, hardcover, Asking $2.00 (sold)Mortimer’s Christmas (The top corner of many of the inside pages is torn off…) $1.00 (sold)Nicholas (DVD), New/duplicate, Asking $6.00 (sold)
Latina Christiana I Set (Teacher Manual, Student Book, CD and DVDs), missing flashcards, first seven lessons completed in student book, Asking $25.00 (sold)
To Know The Savior, Asking $20.00 REDUCED $10.00Hope and a Whole Lotta Prayer, Asking $3.00 REDUCED $2.00 (sale pending)Captivating, Asking $4.00 REDUCED $2.00 (sold)The Rosary: Keeping Company with Jesus and Mary, Asking $4.00 (sold)In the Realm of Mist and Mercy, plus Lesson Plans, Asking $12.00 (sold)Mary, Mother of the Apostles, Asking $8.00 (sold)Why Children Matter, Asking $3.00 (sold)
Spring Meditations, Asking $5.00 REDUCED $3.0077 Ways to Pray with Your Kids, Asking $8.00 REDUCED $4.00 (sold)On the Other Side of Fear: How I Found Peace, inscription inside cover, Asking $5.00 (sale pending)Style, Sex & Substance: 10 Catholic Women Consider the Things that Really Matter, Asking $5.00 (sold)
The Second Vatican Council, Asking $20.00 REDUCED $10.00Reclaim Regret, Asking $8.00 REDUCED $4.00 (sold)
Turning Grief Inside Out, Asking $4.00 REDUCED $2.00
The Telmaj, Asking $6.00 REDUCED $3.00
The Menagerie of Marsepink, duplicate copy, Asking $3.00 REDUCED $1.00
We Sing and Blend, Asking $4.00 REDUCED $3.00
La Biblia Ilustrada, like new, Asking $ 6.00 REDUCED $3.00 (sold)
Emma, Asking $1.50 REDUCED $0.50 (sold)
The Firebird, Asking $2.00 (sold)Thunder Cake, like new, hardcover, Asking $6.00 (sold)Sunlights, Skyscrapers, and Soda Pop: The Wherever-You-Look-Science-Book, $6.00 (sold)A Penny for a Hundred, new/duplicate, Asking $5.00 (sold)Sunshine and Showers: A Flower Fairies Handbook, Asking $3.00 (sold)
Child of God Prayer Books, Asking $4.00 each REDUCED $2.00 each (2 available) (sold)Shorter Christian Prayer, Large Type Edition, Asking $5.00 REDUCED $2.00(sold)Oliver Twist, Asking $3.00 REDUCED $1.00(sale pending)Saint Augustine’s Prayer Book, leather bound, new (Anglican), Asking $10.00 REDUCED $5.00 (sold)
The Way of the Cross for Children (9 6 available)
The Feasts of Jesus(sold)My First Catholic Picture Dictionary (2 available) (sold)
Book of Saints Part 1 (sold)Book of Saints Part 4 (sold)
The Holy See Pope Francis Coloring & Activity Book, Asking $4.00 (sold)
Mission Christian: August/September 2016, Asking $4.00 each (2 available)
Rosary Meditations for Children, Asking $6.00 (2 available) (sold)Hug Me Jesus CD, Asking $10.00 (sold)Holy Heroes The Joyful Mysteries, new, Asking $10.00 (sold)Adoration: Favorite Eucharistic Hymns Sung by the Daughters of St. Paul, new, Asking $8.00 (sold)Encountering the Poor, $2.00 (sold)True Worship, $2.00 (sold)My Secret Friend, DVD, new, $8.00 (sold)
New additions this afternoon – August 16th:
Queen of Hearts by Mary Engelbreit, Asking $3.00 (sold) (sold)
Love and Kisses, Asking $3.00 (sold)
Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa, Asking $2.00 (sold)
Pinkalicious: Merry Pinkmas!, Asking $2.00 (sold)
Fancy Nancy’s Elegant Easter, Asking $2.00 (sold)
Crafts for St. Patrick’s Day, Asking $5.00
John Mary Vianney: The Holy Cure of Ars, like new/duplicate, Asking $10.00 (sold)
Mary Holds My Hand: A Child’s Book of Rosary Meditations, like new, $10.00 (sold)The Little Flower: A Parable of Saint Therese of Lisieux, like new/duplicate, $7.00 (sold)
New additions for this evening – August 16th: The following are all mostly duplicates of books we own… I looked through all of them and they should be in very good to like new condition. I didn’t see any coloring in them but might have missed if there is a page colored… Some shelf wear to covers.
Design Your Own Coat of Arms, Asking $3.00 (2 available) (sold)Life In Celtic Times, Asking $3.00 (2 available) (sold) (sold)
Life In Old Japan, Asking $3.00
Cathedral Stained Glass Coloring Book, Asking $5.00 (sold) (sold)
Hidden Fur, Asking $5.00 (sold)
The Triumph of Jesus Coloring Book, Asking $3.00
The Story of Easter Sticker Book, Asking $5.00 (2 available) (sold)
Easter Coloring Book, Asking $1.00 (2 available) (sold)The Sacraments Coloring Book, Asking $1.00 (2 available) (sold)Coloring Book about Our Father, Asking $1.00 (sold)Coloring Book about Lent, Asking $1.00 (sold)The Mass Coloring Book, Asking $1.00 (sold)The Commandments Coloring Book, Asking $1.00 (sold)
Coloring Book about the Rosary, Asking $1.00 (2 available) (sold)Catholic Dictionary Coloring Book, Asking $1.00 (2 available) (sold)
St. Christopher Catholic Story Coloring Book, Asking $3.00 (2 available) (sold)
St. Pius X Catholic Story Coloring Book, Asking $3.00 (2 available) (sold)St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Story Coloring Book, Asking $3.00 (sold)The Rosary Catholic Story Coloring Book, Asking $3.00 (sold)
Our Lady of La Salette Catholic Story Coloring Book, Asking $3.00 (sold)St. Francis Cabrini Catholic Story Coloring Book, Asking $3.00 (sold)St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Story Coloring Book, Asking $3.00 (sold)Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Story Coloring Book, Asking $3.00 (sold)
El Rosario, Asking $1.00 (sold) (sold)
Navidad, Asking $1.00 (sold)
Saints of the Americas, Asking $4.00 (sold)
The Saints Vol 1, Asking $1.00 (sold)
The Saints Vol 2, Asking $1.00 (sold)
The Mass, Asking $1.00
Most Beautiful Story Our Lady of Fatima Coloring Book, Asking $5.00 (3 available)(sold)(sold)
Eucharistic Adoration Coloring Book, Asking $4.00 (2 available)(sold)
Pope Pius XII, inscription inside cover, Asking $4.00 (sold)
Mary Our Mother, Asking $2.00(sold)
My Rosary, Asking $1.00 (sold)
The Ten Commandments, Asking $1.00
Science with Light & Mirrors, like new, $4.00 (sold)Science with Plants, like new, $4.00 (sold)Science with Water, like new, $4.00 (sold)Science with Air, like new, $4.00 (sold)Science with Your Body, like new, $4.00 (sold)Science with Magnets, like new, $4.00 (sold)
St. Francis of Assisi (comic book style), Asking $3.00 (sold)Pioneer Days: Discover the Past with Fun Projects, Games, Activities, and Recipes, $4.00 (sold)
The Life of Jesus for Children, Asking $1.00 (sold)The Lives of the Saints for Girls, Asking $1.00(sold)A Midsummer Night’s Dream retold by Bruce Coville, Asking $5.00 (sold)Phoebe the Spy, Asking $2.00 (sold)
Midwifery and Herbs, Asking $8.00
Cooking with the Sisters… decided to keep this one after all.
Cooking by the Cross, Asking $10.00
Year-Round Celebrations (flip over for Christmas Cookbook), Asking $3.00
Smoothies and Summer Drinks, Asking $1.00 (sold)
Is the Fetus Human?, Asking $3.00
An Armenian Family Reunion (The Neumann Press, OOP) Asking $10.00
Holy Heroes The Joyful Mysteries CD, Asking $6.00 (sold)
Brother Francis presents The Saints Coloring and Activity Book, Asking $2.00 each (4 available)
The Complete Book of Basic Brushstrokes for Decorative Painters, Asking $3.00
Exercises in Spanish Grammar (Homeschool Connections Class), $15.00
Kolbe Academy Physical Science Answer Key, $18.00
Our Quest for Happiness Answer Key, Asking $5.00 (sold)Make It Equal The Math Game Book, Asking $3.00 (sold)
Ecumenism or New Reformation?, Asking $3.00
Escape from Scepticism, Asking $4.00
With Their Whole Strength, Asking $1.00
The Origin and Early History of Man, Asking $3.00
Communism as I Know It, $2.00
Is it a Saint’s Name?, Asking $10.00 (sold)
These are all duplicates of books we own…
The Seven Capital Sins, Asking $2.00 (2 available) (sold)
The Wonders of the Holy Name, Asking $2.00 (2 1 available)Catechism of Mental Prayer, Asking $2.00 (sold)
My Latin Mass Prayer Book, Asking $2.00Confession Its a Fruitful Practice, Asking $2.00 (sold)Devotion to the Sorrowful Mother, Asking $2.00 (sold)
Kolbe Academy Study Guides – All in like new condition:
Human Generis Study Guide, Asking $4.00
Out of the Silent Planet Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $6.00Pride & Prejudice Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $6.00 (sold)Romeo & Juliet Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $6.00 (sold)
Oliver Twist Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $6.00
The Merchant of Venice Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $6.00The Screwtape Letters Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, $6.00 (sold)Animal Farm Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $6.00 (sold)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $6.00
Wuthering Heights Study Guide Set Teacher Book and Student Book, Asking $6.00
Connecting with History Volume Two Daily Lesson Plans, like new, Asking $10.00 (sold)
Connecting with History Volume Three Daily Lesson Plans, new, Asking $15.00 (sold)
Famous Figures of Medieval Times, Asking $8.00 (sold)
The Homeschool Notebook, Asking $12.00 (sold)