My dear Child: The Saints are your Special Friends in Heaven.

They are happy with God.

They are most willing and most anxious to help you, and God is so good, He will hear their prayers for you.

You must have your special friends in heaven before God, and you must often pray to them.

You will wish to pray to your Patron Saint, to St. Anthony, to St. Aloysius, to St. Stanislaus, to St. Ann, to the Little Flower.

DEAR St. Therese, thou wert always good and obedient and always did the Will of God. Now thou art a great saint in heaven with God.
Thy loving and tender heart rejoices to send down roses upon earth. O give me the sweet flower of a great love for Jesus! Pray for me that I may have all the graces I need.
Excerpt from Jesus, Make Me Worthy – A reprint of the original can be found here
Saints for Girls: A First Book for Little Catholic Girls
Such an adorable post.❤
2019-05-16 18:04:59
How absolutely precious she is. Aw she's growing up fast. God Bless Y'all!
2019-05-16 18:25:35
Grace is adorable. Beautiful post. Marion
2019-05-16 20:09:31
She is so precious. Liked the post. Joan
2019-05-16 20:10:15
This post is extra nice. She is a cutie. Marilyn
2019-05-16 20:11:17
Love it. :). Just shared it with my girls.
2019-05-16 22:57:55
How precious!
2019-05-17 01:47:44
Oh my such a little angel. Grace's hair is getting long-love her curls. Adorable outfit. Praying you are feeling well Jessica.
2019-05-17 04:20:59
This post makes me think of my grandchildren and how diligent their parents are in bringing goodness and light into their young lives.
2019-05-18 22:50:55
So sweet!! I LOVE her leggings too!! Where did you get those?
2019-06-05 15:43:17
Thank you! They are from Baby My Love http://tidd.ly/4482ad24
2019-06-13 23:41:26
Before summer slips by I wanted to catch up on your blog posts. Your little Miss is just darling with the cutest expressions. She is going to be a wonderful big sister to your new little one. Praying for you and your baby and good health for each of you.
2019-08-12 19:15:43