Back on Leap Day 2012 and then again on Leap Day 2016 the kids each made a Leap Day Time Capsule!
Apparently I was so much more organized back in 2016… I was just searching through my computer files for the 2016 Leap Day Time Capsules documents I had created for my children four years ago, and surprisingly I had actually created the images and documents for 2020 back then too. Yay!

The real challenge is going to be trying to figure out where those 2016 Time Capsule booklets ended up following our big move… I have an idea or two (please St. Anthony, help me find them!) and I am going to go look in a few minutes. First I wanted to pop online and share my documents with you all in case any of you would like to make 2020 Leap Day Time Capsules with your children too.

I’m excited to share this free printable and just uploaded the pdfs to Dropbox! Click the links below to access the download and enjoy. Feel free to spread the word and share this resource with others. Here are the links:
Thank you so much for having this time capsule printable again. My five children especially the oldest, who is sixteen, could not wait to open them! What a fun walk down memory lane. God bless you and your family.
2020-03-01 02:50:59
Thank you for these fun time capsules! We love to do this each year and see how the kids change and grow!!
2020-03-07 19:16:51
I am wondering if you’ve made the 2024 version of this yet?
I haven’t yet but will soon. Thank you for the reminder! 🙂
Following up to see if you’ve posted the one for 2024 and maybe I just can’t see it?
Here you go! https://showerofrosesblog.com/2024/leap-day-time-capsule-free-printable/
I love this! Do you have a 2024 version?
I finally had a chance to share the updated version for 2024 🙂
Could you create this printable for the year 2028 since we will have a leap year Feb 29 2024
Here’s the link: https://showerofrosesblog.com/2024/leap-day-time-capsule-free-printable/