Another Hobbit Birthday Party!

by | Dec 21, 2020 | Birthday Parties, Hobbit, Precious Moments: 07 | 16 comments


“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hold, and that means comfort.”

We just celebrated a special little boy’s 9th birthday with a family party based on one of his very favorite books: The Hobbit! His birthday was the second of our two pre-Christmas birthdays. He was actually due on Christmas day, just like his older sister two years before, as well as the baby I miscarried a couple years later, but he arrived a little early. I never have hit my due date with any of our babies… Anyway, despite Christmas preparations and his sister’s birthday party a few days before (pictures hopefully coming soon), everything somehow fell into place at the last minute and he had such an amazing day! 
This isn’t the first time this theme has been used in our home. Looking back, I can’t believe how little everyone looks at our first Hobbit Birthday Party back in February of 2013… So much has changed in the past seven years – two more spunky little girls have joined our family and our move to a new home/state after living in our last home for over 18 years – and I can’t help but reflect on how many more changes the next seven years will bring. 
Following that first Hobbit Birthday, we also had A Long Expected Party (Lord of the Rings themed) back in 2013 as well, and then a Bilbo Baggins Birthday in 2018 which I still haven’t added to the blog. We reused the banner yet again in 2019 for a WWI Birthday too, incorporating a bit of Tolkien. Someday I sure hope to find the time to add the rest of our past birthday celebrations to the blog… In the meantime, in an effort to not fall even further behind, here are some of the pictures from our little guy’s “An Unexpected Party” Hobbit Birthday! 
While my teens created a tree and hung up the banner and silhouette I had printed out, I got started on baking and decorating a cake and a few other things for the party. 
The birthday boy was so excited when he woke up in the morning. He had a quick breakfast, headed off to church for daily Mass, then came home for “Second Breakfast” of scrambled eggs and donut Rings!
One of his birthday gifts was his own Sting Sword which was immediately taken into battle. 
“Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick.”

While the pot pies were baking we all headed outside for some target practice using one of his older sister’s bows(We’ve used the bow for a Chronicles of Narnia Birthday Party in the past too.. So fun!) 
I printed out an image of Smaug that I found online onto six pieces of card stock, pieced it together, and then Sean attached it to the front of the archery target. 
“There are no safe paths in this part of the world. 
Remember you are over the Edge of the Wild now, 
and in for all sorts of fun wherever you go.”

“My armor is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, 
my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, 
my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!”
“Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!”
“I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone.’  I should think so — in these parts! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner!”
These were some of my favorite pictures of the day. I love that our older children are all such good sports and will still willingly participate in family pictures with all their younger siblings! 
“But I don’t think I ought to leave my friends like this, after all we have gone through together.”
Next we headed back inside for the birthday feast! Our 13 year old helped me come up with the menu based on the food items requested at the “Unexpected Party” and incorporating some other book details.

“There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

“Is it nice, my preciousss? Is it juicy? Is it scrumptiously crunchable?”

“Gandalf, dwarves, and Mr. Baggins! We are met together in the house of our friend and fellow conspirator, this most excellent and audacious hobbit–may the hair on his toes never fall out! 
All praise to his wine and ale!”
I wanted to try and make something a little different than our original Hobbit Hole Cake so I did a google search and ended up using this cake as inspiration. The older boys pulled out some of their minifigures from their display case to use as decorations. It was pretty easy to pull together and the birthday boy had fun rearranging the mini-figures throughout the day! 
In addition to the Sting Sword, he also received a couple lego sets, the Playmobil Medieval Tailor Shop and Group of Outlaws, and a darling gift from his Godparents. 
“May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks.”


  1. Dawn

    You are an amazing mom with all of your creativity and love you put into birthdays in your home!!! I love the picture of your youngest one sleeping at the table amongst the noise of a big family! That has happened in our family as well… love it!!! Big families are such a precious gift from God and it is a blessing to see the older ones interacting with their younger siblings. My older ones are good at that as well, Deo Gratias!! God bless you and your beautiful family and wishing you a Blessed and Merry Christmas.

    2020-12-21 18:12:27

  2. Penelope

    I, too, love the photo with Baby asleep at the table! Such a wonderful looking party, Jessica. Thank you so much for sharing. I've read and enjoyed your blog for very many years bow — yes, aren't they all growing up!? Looking back, it all passes so swiftly!

    2020-12-21 18:41:47

  3. Noreen

    I'm so sorry to bother you with questions, but my daughter REALLY LOVES the skirt that Chiquita has on in the bow and arrow pictures.And I was wondering where you purchased it ? Thank you for such a lovely post, my teenage girls love your blog! Praying for you and your family. God Bless!!

    2020-12-21 21:20:28

  4. Jessica Gordon

    We ordered it from Old Navy last summer when it went on clearance! It's the Tie-Belt Utility Midi Skirt for Women.

    2020-12-21 21:36:50

  5. Joy

    Amazing photos. You have a beautiful family Jessica. They look so happy together all celebrating their sibling's birthday. God Bless y'all.

    2020-12-21 22:43:17

  6. Robin

    J.M.J. Wonderful party! You are truly blessed that your children have such great love for each other Jessica. But you can tell that you and your husband have given them a great example to follow:) May God bless you all with a Holy end of Advent and Christmas! p.s. I too have a question:) Where did you find those scarf/hats that everyone is wearing?

    2020-12-22 05:08:59

  7. Marilyn

    Jessica you are an amazing mom. You always make the birthday child feel so special. Love the pictures of all the children. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY ,HEALTHY ,BLESSED NEW YEAR. Marilyn

    2020-12-22 22:25:52

  8. Marion

    What a wonderful party for the birthday boy. HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY ANDREW Love all the decorations and the food looks delicious. A Merry Christmas and A Happy,Healthy New Year To All. Marion

    2020-12-22 23:34:45

  9. Joan

    Wishing him blessings and happiness throughout his birthday year. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW, Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Year. Joan

    2020-12-23 03:11:25

  10. Debbie

    Such a wonderful fun birthday celebration from the unique birthday cake to the awesome party decorations and thoughtful presents! Just love your beautiful children and so many of them are the best Mom helpers! Happy December Birthday to your little man! May your dear family enjoy a most Blessed Holy Christmas Celebration Jessica!

    2020-12-23 17:55:40

  11. Bernadette O

    Amazing party/decorations/food, as always! It's so nice to watch your family grow up! 🙂

    2020-12-29 22:09:01

  12. Therese

    It is always a pleasure and inspiration to visit your blog. Everything you do is artful and beautiful and it is a joy to see the love of your family members for one another. Happy New Year to all!

    2021-01-05 12:03:11

  13. Susan

    Jessica! What a wonderful idea for a party!!! I'm wondering where you purchased your dining table? 🤗

    2021-03-11 16:44:15

  14. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you! I ordered our dining table through a furniture store back in Oregon. It was actually a replacement for the first table we ordered which didn't work out for us. (You can see the first one here:… … the leg placement made it impossible to push in five chairs on each side, despite the length, and it arrived with some damage that they ended up not being able to repair. I was so glad they let us exchange it!) The one we settled on, pictured in this post, is made by Intercon Furniture and is from their "Hillside Village" collection… we made some modifications, opting for squared off legs for the base, X back chairs, and the Tobacco color for the top. It came with a bit of "distressing" so it doesn't show wear and tear nearly as much as the other, though after 7+ years of heavy use it definitely has more character now 😉 I've been really happy with it and was so glad our new home here in North Idaho has the space for the full table and all twelve chairs!

    2021-03-11 17:14:52


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