Last Sunday evening, October 31st, our parish hosted it’s Annual All Saints & Octoberfest Party. The schedule was similar to last year’s complete with singing the Litany of the Saints in the church, delicious food, saintly games including the All Saints Guessing Jars we made to bring, Saint-O-Lantern and Saint Costume contests, silent auction/fundraisers, and bonfire.
You can find our Saint-O-Lantern’s from this year here and Saint Costumes here. It was a very cold and windy evening, and we desperately need a larger hall with how fast our parish community is growing, but it was a successful and fun celebration. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
.: Silent Auction & Fundraisers for Church Building Fund :.
.: All Saints Guessing Jars & Games :.
.: Brats, Pretzels, Popcorn & Hand-Held Apple Pies :.
.: Saint Costume Contest :.
.: Saint-O-Lantern Contest :.
All Ye Holy Men and Women, Saints of God,
Intercede for Us!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
How exciting that your parish is so large you need a new hall!!
My favourite picture is inside the Church with the Knights kneeling at the back. Kneeling knights is something rather special
It was so beautiful with Father kneeling in front of the altar, with young men kneeling at the communion rail on both of sides of him all chanting the litany, and the crusader knights kneeling at the doors of the church ♥
Those crusader knights made their own armor out of fencing material!
Our current church will eventually be our hall, once our actual church is built! The current buildings are "phase 1" of the building project. Phase 2 will start soon, but first plans need to be revised to increase the size of the church again!
You can see pictures and details here:
So beautiful to see a growing and thriving parish! May God continue to pour out his blessings to the community and to your family.
Hopscotch to Heaven! Love it! I'm not comfortable being around a bunch of kids but I would be okay for something like this event. Maybe.
What a beautiful post. The pictures of the children are so inspiring.
Y'all's Church community is amazing. Love the participation. Beautiful example for those young ones.
What a beautiful ST.Joan Of Arc party. A wonderful thing for all young and old to participate in.
I feel blessed just looking at this great gathering of Christians! What a special, glorious parish you belong to. I know you didn't always have this, so I am very happy your family now gets to grow in this holy (and fun filled!) parish. How I wish we were similarly situated. That being said, seeing these joyful faces celebrating the saints brings great joy! Thanks so much for sharing, you just made our day!
How nice to see this saints party. The children did such a wonderful job with their costumes. The carved pumpkins are lovely and so professional. God Bless.
how fun! The Saint O Lanterns are always so impressive…it does look cold!
What a wonderful party! You were so generous to donate all of those jars and candy- a labor of love! What a challenge it must have been to choose a winning pumpkin- so many creative entries! Where did you get your baby's pink flowered crown? It's adorable on her sweet head!
I noticed the Patris Roasting Co. coffee in the auction. I googled but can't find a website…Let us know if there is a way to purchase online! I'd love to support a Catholic coffee company 🙂
It's brand new! They are only selling in Idaho right now but hoping to be online soon. I will be sure to share when that happens!
Thank you Sherri!
The pink crown was from a craft kit I had purchased for one of my girls birthdays back in 2013: https://www.showerofrosesblog.com/2013/12/a-perfectly-pink-princess-birthday-on.html I believe I had purchased it from Barnes and Noble at the time.